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Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 24-11-2015

Quote:"Fairfax Media has spoken to a dozen Liberal MPs about the so-called "resistance movement" and criticism of the government's national security stance in recent weeks. The MPs range from ministers to backbenchers and come from the conservative and moderate wings of the party.

The overwhelming view of those MPs is that, as one minister put it, Mr Abbott's supporters were "hanging on to the last vestiges of the Abbott days, when conservatives thought they could do or say whatever they liked".

That says it all and it's this born to rule mentality that stops me from voting for these sort of people.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 24-11-2015

Quote:Hi Motor H.

Born to rule!

Heaps better than born to stuff up the economy! And anythig else you may like to mention.

Naturally that's an opinion.

Sorry I cannot find anything on utube to back it up.
Good point Peter. Abbott stuffed up the economy real good didn't he?

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 25-11-2015

Why compare the "born to rule" mob to the "born to waste" mob when they are the same mob from the far right?


First they wasted the economy, then they wasted Abbott, then they wasted Hockey. It all fits.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 25-11-2015

There is no far right party in Australia.


As for me I guess I just can't believe that all those folks who think that EB would make a better PM (all 16% of them) are right and the other 84% are wrong.


But hey, maybe I'm mistaken here. 


As for those who regurgitate tired and threadbare class warfare rhetoric a la ALP 1959 - guess what it's as valid as those mindless "the ALP is the workers party" claims.


Such claims given the lie to by 6 years of incompetent financial management of the country now being paid for by the said workers.



Bah - what humbug - otherwise intelligent folks still embracing discredited political quackery.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 25-11-2015


EB says he never gives up!


That's the best news the present government could hear - they must be throwing their celebratory post election party for next year early.


Well: to my dear pro ALP colleagues I offer my condolences and sympathy - this guy who never gives up will lead his party to an electoral disaster from which it may never recover.


I think that's a bad thing. 

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 25-11-2015

So when times are tough a leader should just give up and walk away?


Cripes, if Turnbull had done that he wouldn't be where he is now.


It's a bit weak doncha think?



"There is no far right party in Australia"


But there is a far right "resistance movement" openly stating they will undermine the Govt.


Fine with me.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 25-11-2015

Yeah, there are  lunatic fringes on the left and the right - with little or no credibility - that's pretty normal and healthy as far as I'm concerned, freedom of speech is a good thing.


As for Bill, I think his pride comes at the price of losing support for the party.


In my opinion no one person, that includes Mr Abbott, should continue on at the expense of the greater good.


I believe that the Liberals understood that and acted, I believe that the ALP would, if they could, but they can't.



That puts the onus on William Shorten to do the right thing by the party and the country, something he says he is not prepared to do.


That, basically, puts the ALP in a no win situation.


We are looking at an extended Turnbull government for at least two more terms and maybe more, echoes of JWH.


That's not my wish it's my expectation, given the death wish attitude of the ALP.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 25-11-2015

Obvious question then is... who should replace Bill Shorten and why?


What does his replacement offer that he (and the Govt) doesn't?

Some good polling news for Bill Shorten: it's not about him >



He doesn't have to be popular, his job is to hold the Govt to account and clearly he's doing that as exemplified by Abbott's removal. I don't see a need for dumping Shorten when the polls are still 47-53 anyway.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 26-11-2015

That's fine PZ all coalition supporters are on your side - for reasons already produced.


Who could replace the hollow man? Well it appeared when the rank and file of the party voted Albanese won - he was their choice.


I agree with the unpopular bit - but point out that Abbott was unpopular when he got rid of Rudd then Gillard , and then Rudd again - so by your logic Abbott should still be an unpopular PM - but wait - you also think that the hollow man got points for getting rid of Abbott thereby almost guaranteeing the ALP to further electoral violence.



it's a bit hard to see any logic here at all!!!


It all begins to look as though Bill is happy to be a leader of the opposition but is deadly scared of the possibility of becoming the PM, hence his undoubtedly very cunning plan to frustrate any plan for the ALP to win any election any time soon.



As for the article from Essential Media reported by the ABC:


WE already know about the ABC-ALP bias but are you aware that Essential Media is an ALP think tank?


That said I hazard that you should put little faith in their "good news" it's just more of the same old spin.


But then if you choose to put faith in their take - that's good - particularly if you don't want an ALP government - twice bitten - three times shy I reckon. :Hug:  :dance:  :officechair:

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 27-11-2015

Hmm, on the other forum I seem to remember copping all sorts of flack for saying that I take Newspoll more seriously then Essential when it comes to accuracy. Prior to that, I didn't even know about Essential Media so my answer to your question has to be... "no" LOL
Quote:That's fine PZ all coalition supporters are on your side - for reasons already produced.
Who could replace the hollow man? Well it appeared when the rank and file of the party voted Albanese won - he was their choice.
I agree with the unpopular bit - but point out that Abbott was unpopular when he got rid of Rudd then Gillard , and then Rudd again - so by your logic Abbott should still be an unpopular PM - but wait - you also think that the hollow man got points for getting rid of Abbott thereby almost guaranteeing the ALP to further electoral violence.
it's a bit hard to see any logic here at all!!!
Of course it is, because I made no such connection(s). What I'm saying is an opposition leader can hold any Govt to account without being popular and that's exactly what happened. The Abbott Govt failed to legislate its broken promises and after numerous backflips and dysfunction they changed their leader.

As for guaranteeing the ALP to further electoral "violence" (?) well that's entirely up to the Govt and how they perform.

Oppositions don't win elections, Govts lose them.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 27-11-2015

Agreed that governments lose elections.


But it would be quite ridiculous to imagine that an opposition has no influence on an election.


I guess the best course is to wait and see what actually happens next.



back on topic:

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"><b>"‘Public has given up listening’</b>

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">Liberal Minister Jamie Briggs said it was clear the public had “given up on listening to Bill Shorten”.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">“You shouldn’t take one poll as an indication but certainly when you see several in a row that indicates a trend … that they really have given up on listening to Bill Shorten because they’re sick of the negativity,” Mr Briggs, the Minister for Cities and the Built Environment, told Sky News.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">“They’re sick of ... him being against every idea, he’s trying to run not a very scary scare campaign in question time about the GST and all other tax issues.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">“This is a Leader of the Opposition who is now in a great big hole of his own digging.”"

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', sans-serif;font-size:19px;">Well I never heard of Mr Briggs before, but I sure agree with his reading of the situation that EB has placed himself in. I think his mates in the CFMEU are somewhat less than ecstatic about his latest buglebum promises re t emission targets!!!

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 04-12-2015


<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;">"Malcolm Turnbull’s formidable run of polling continues with the latest automated phone poll by ReachTEL for the Seven Network, which has the Coalition lead out to 55-45 – up from 53-47 at the previous poll on October 22, and 50-50 at a poll conducted the night after the leadership change on September 15. On the primary vote, the Coalition is up from 46.% to 48.8%, Labor is down from 33.0% to 31.1%, and the Greens are down from 11.3% to 11.2%.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;">Malcolm Turnbull leads 71.3-28.7 on ReachTEL’s all-or-nothing preferred prime minister measure, up from 68.9-31.1."

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;">

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;">"The latest fortnightly result from Roy Morgan is extremely similar to the other five it has conducted since Malcolm Turnbull deposed Tony Abbott, with the Coalition leading Labor on the primary vote by 46.5% to 28.5% (both up half a point), and the Greens on 14% (down half a point on last time). There is no change on either measure of two-party preferred, with the Coalition ahead 56-44 on respondent-allocated preferences and 55-45 on previous election preferences.

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:Merriweather, Georgia, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;">Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm a result like that in an election held today would see the Coalition picking up another 4 seats - from the ALP, giving a MHR of 94 to the Coalition, and 51 to the ALP.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 08-12-2015



More Newspoll pain for Shorten


Opposition leader Bill Shorten's popularity has sunk to a fresh low, the opposition leader's rating as preferred prime minister dropping to 14 per cent. - See more at:

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 09-12-2015

Tony Abbott isn't even listed there, so he must be at zero Smile

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 09-12-2015

I would say her Korea has gone south :Hug:

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 09-12-2015

Sorry to rain your parades dudes it being nearly Christmas and all , but this thread is one that discusses the future - no matter how bleak of Mr William Shorten.


Right now his career looks about as future friendly as any other loser you may care to raise.


And I got the pools to back that up!!

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 10-12-2015

Wah thank yew Mello, but I do not possess the requisite political skills - you can list them but it's tiresome. Not all of them are positive!


More importantly it would interfere with ones well earned retirement pursuits- travel, golf, gardening, and haranging ones dear forum colleagues.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 10-12-2015

"travel, golf, gardening" in that order explains the yips in my golfing abilities. I drive, I swing, I do the gardening Tongue

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 10-12-2015

Quote:"travel, golf, gardening" in that order explains the yips in my golfing abilities. I drive, I swing, I do the gardening Tongue



You swinger you - but only on week days?

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 11-12-2015

It's character building!!!!


As are most disappointments!

I came second in our local competition on Wednesday - dumb luck is a wonderful thing!