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Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 30-10-2015

Labor launches inquiry into mega-branch-stacking scam
<p style="font-size:12.16px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">Labor has suspended its internal elections and will launch an investigation into one of the biggest-ever branch-stacking scams to hit the Victorian Labor Party.

<p style="font-size:12.16px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">The move by Labor's powerful administrative committee on Thursday night comes after Fairfax Media revealed the massive rorting earlier this month.

<p style="font-size:12.16px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">On October 11, Fairfax Media reported that anonymous gift cards were used to pay the dues of hundreds of ALP members at the core of Bill Shorten's Labor Right powerbase.

<p style="font-size:12.16px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">The scam has been run for years and is linked closely to the plumbers' union and suburban factional warlords close to Mr Shorten and federal frontbencher Stephen Conroy.

Read more: 



Future looks like it's assured by hook or by crook!

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Oh dear, and no political witch hunt or Royal Commission in sight.


No Tony Abbott to blame either.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 10-11-2015

Newspoll: 53-47 to Coalition



UPDATE: Primary votes are Coalition 46% (up one), Labor 34% (down one) and Greens 10% (down one). Malcolm Turnbull’s personal ratings finally appear to be levelling off, with his approval down two to 56% and disapproval up one to 24%. Bill Shorten is up one on approval to 27% and down one on disapproval to 57%, while Turnbull’s lead as preferred prime minister is 61-18, which is little changed on the 63-17 result last time.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 10-11-2015

How's the Royal Commision thingy going? Bill Shorten ready for the handcuffs yet?

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 10-11-2015

Oh well I reckon the court of public opinion is going to mean more than a criminal charge - moral and ethical failures are not necessarily criminal to a constitutionally based court.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 11-11-2015

It's a much cheaper approach as well Smile

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 11-11-2015

Effective too judging by the polls.

Interestingly some of Mr Shortens fellow Union leaders are making him look almost angelic given he recent NUW revelations.

A family run union?

Sounds a bit familiar doesn't it?

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 11-11-2015

Will be interesting to see what happens with that. Theft of $68k might put someone behind bars but then again if someone broke into my house and stole $68k of stuff they'd get a slap on the wrist (unless I catch them first Wink )

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 11-11-2015

I guess that's the point here really.


A company director breaking the law and the law for directors specifically goes to gaol.


I think the role of senior Union Officers is every bit at important and should have similar regulation.

At the end of the day Unions should be for the benefit of the membership not for the aggrandisment and nest feathering of officers.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 12-11-2015

It's a cruel thing to behold, the opposition hapless casting around fo some issue that will gain them traction.

We had "Turnbull is rich"

Then we had "TURC is crook"

After that it was "GST policy is unfair"

Now we have recycling of the Republican debate.

All poor choices really , highlighted by the jump from one to another and public disinterest.

We all know that Turnbull is rich and don't care.

We have seen that the crooks at the TURC are not those conducting it.

There is no present GST policy except that it can be talked about

Republicanism as an issue is a non starter because Turnbull was a republican champion when Bill was a schoolboy.

It's a cruel thing and one imagines that political euthanasia is called for.

Mercy is a good thing.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 13-11-2015

I gotta keep that one for later!!!!

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 16-11-2015

Never afternoon?

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 16-11-2015

If all parties fight internally it explains the hilarious choices we are offered at elections.


What happened to "Team" Australia? Big Grin

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 17-11-2015


Seems, that in the big picture, being sent off is good for the team!!!!!!!!!!!!


"The latest monthly Fairfax/Ipsos poll is a chilling result for Labor, recording a 56-44 lead for the Coalition from primary votes of Coalition 48% (up three), Labor 29% (down one) and Greens 13% (down one)."



Seems that just as Mr Abbott was the ALP's best friend, Mr Shorten is now the Coalitions best friend - unfortunately for the ALP the new Rudd leadership laws make  EB safe from being sent off for anything.

Of course he could show some regard for the party and fall on his own sword but I just don't see him as that kind of guy. 

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 17-11-2015

Maybe Abbott should've done the same thing Smile

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 17-11-2015

That's fair enough but the fact is the party could replace him - and did.

Abbott was not protected by the Rudd rules.


Events appear to indicate that the Liberals made the right move.

The ALP cannot make such a move.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 17-11-2015

Funny thing is people agreed with the Rudd rules as it democratised the party a bit more.

But now people don't appear to be happy with the result. LOL

I think they should leave it as is. If EB is capable of bringing down two three PM's what chance is there of a stable ALP leadership if he's deposed?

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 17-11-2015

I don't disagree with the point at all.


I guess what we see now is an unintended consequence - a demonstrably failed leader who cannot be replaced unless he agrees and initiates it.


Stable leadership reflects a stable party - you cannot claim that status for the ALP at present - it needs party reform that gives power to the membership - all of them - not just in the hands of a few union heavies.


The very election of EB over Albanese illustrates this admirably.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 19-11-2015

[Image: bludgertrack-2015-11-19.png]



Ooooooh thats a stark couple of graphs.


The Bludger Track is a weighted aggregation of all the major polls and thus slower in moving but more sure in it's evaluation - as is often said it's not the particular result, it's the trend of results over time that matters.


PS anyone heard anything about the PUP lately?

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 24-11-2015

"Steady as she goes from Newspoll, although Bill Shorten’s position on preferred prime minister continues to deteriorate."


"The latest result from Newspoll, featured in tomorrow’s Australian, records the Coalition’s two-party preferred lead unchanged at 53-47. On the primary vote, the Coalition is steady at 46%, Labor is down one to 33%, and the Greens are up one to 11%. Malcolm Turnbull’s ratings eclipse last fortnight’s personal best with a four-point increase in approval to 60% and a two-point drop in disapproval to 22%. Bill Shorten is respectively down one to 26% and steady at 57%, but he has fallen further behind on preferred prime minister, from 61-18 to 64-15."





The bell continues to toll and the tumbrils are being serviced.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 24-11-2015

I suspect it'll fall even further given their proposal to hike the cigarette tax.