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Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 26-09-2015

And this is related to EB how?

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 26-09-2015

... as you said Aloy, he could do the country a biģger favour Wink

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 27-09-2015


he can fix it


That would be right!


Yes I totally agree with you both!!! :notworthy:  :notworthy:  :notworthy:



EB is a fixer!!!! :Hug:



The last 10 years are replete with examples!!!!

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 30-09-2015

oooo lookie > looks like they've fixed themselves...

7-Eleven chairman Russ Withers and chief executive Warren Wilmot resign >

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 01-10-2015

Hmmmmmmmmmmm don't see that real often with corrupt Union officials (resignation)

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 02-10-2015

Bollocks MY! Huh


A helicopter ride compares to what?


The trough you speak of is just not in the same league - at all.



Some data to provide a little context:


The Rudd / Gillard priority was MAD mutually assured destruction - as the record will show. :Hug:




"Disgraced former MP Craig Thomson misspent more than $300,000 from HSU"

Read more: 

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"Former Health Services Union boss Michael Williamson has been sentenced to seven-and-a-half years in jail for fraud.

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">The New South Wales District Court was packed as sentencing Judge David Frearson described Williamson as "brazen and arrogant".

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">The judge said Williamson was in a position of power when he defrauded the union of nearly $1 million."

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);"> 

<p style="font-size:1.25em;color:rgb(17,17,17);font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;background-color:rgb(249,249,249);">

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 03-10-2015

One profiteers from helicopter rides????


This is profiteering - exposed by a Royal Commission that EB wants closed down!!:


HSU trio ‘stole $2.4m from union members’

  • OCTOBER 3, 2015 12:00AM

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 05-10-2015


Quarterly Essay review: David Marr's verdict on the timid Bill Shorten


But for all his talents as a tactician, Shorten's disadvantage has always been that he stands for too little, that he's a bit of a wet blanket. Marr thinks it's a tad more complicated.

<p style="font-size:12.16px;font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;color:rgb(0,0,0);">"It isn't true he stands for nothing. There's a list of decent, Labor policies he's always backed: jobs, prosperity, education and health. What's counted against him is he stands for nothing brave." 

Read more: 

Follow us: @smh on Twitter | sydneymorningherald on Facebook




Hey, don't listen to me listen to left wing commentators!!

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 05-10-2015

I would have thought taxing super was pretty brave. Even the Govt is considering it.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 05-10-2015

Brave is a carefully chosen word PZ!!!!

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 05-10-2015

A fair description in the given context...


supporting the Govt on boat turn backs was brave given he had to drag the party on... board so to speak :p

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 06-10-2015

So here's the IR choice Australia has to make in 12 months time.


Vote Liberal and you'll end up with Turnbull and his screaming heebeejeebee Michaelia Cash cutting your Sunday rate to a Saturday rate which means Sunday workers will end up loosing money.




Vote Labor and you'll end up with Electricity Bill not cutting your Sunday rate to a Saturday rate which means Sunday workers will not end up loosing money.



I'll take the option of not loosing money thank you very much Smile

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 06-10-2015

Heh Heh this is only being included in a wider discussion not a policy at all.


The other important point is that not only would EB (notionally) protect Sunday rates but also reducing the number of jobs available by doing so.


Let's not forget those without jobs PZ, they are people too.


Salaried folks also work on sundays - I did - and I received the same salary when my shift didn't include a sunday as when it did.


At the end of the day penalty rates are merely one way of remunerating - it's the cash you receive that matters not the methodology of calculating it.


I'm sure you can agree with that! 

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 06-10-2015

I can agree that receiving the same renumeration without working Sunday is a nice gig if you can get it.
However that's not quite the same thing as reducing pay for Sunday workers.
Reducing pay for Sunday workers = taking home less money for doing the same work. It's despicable.
Where's the evidence that Sunday rates reduce the number of jobs available?
There's plenty of jobs out there for people prepared to get off their butt and get their hands dirty.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has indicated changes to penalty rates are likely, but said any adjustments would need the support of workers >

Like... hello? What worker would support their own pay cut? I think Turnbull needs to study this field a bit more thoroughly. His comments in that article seem a bit out of touch with wage earners.

Electricity Bill will be loving this gift.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 06-10-2015

So you are agreeing that you claim that the choice between Turnbull and EB as you claimed is all a furphy?

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 06-10-2015

No. Are you admitting to not reading the link? It's all there.

Alternatively, for those that don't trust the ABC, try this one >

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 07-10-2015

C'mon PZ your post setting out the difference that you claim exists between a future Turnbull government and a mythical EB government did not include:


"Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has indicated changes to penalty rates are likely, but said any adjustments would need the support of workers > <a class="bbc_url" href='' title="External link"></a>"


Since you now include it:


 "you are agreeing that you claim that the choice between Turnbull and EB as you claimed is all a furphy"



Next! :Talking:  :Talking: 

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 07-10-2015

Of course I didn't include it. How could I? The link didn't exist when I made my original claim.


The only way it could've been included is using time travel or nefarious editing Smile

Malcolm Turnbull publicly announced his opposition to Sunday rates more than a week ago.

Bill Shorten publicly announced his support for Sunday rates more than a week ago.

Both leaders publicly announced they would take their convictions to the next election.

They have made their positions very clear, something I appreciate BTW. So how can my claim be a furphy?

Apart from Brendon Nelson every Liberal leader since Hewson have opposed penalty rates. It's part of the inbuilt programming that's burnt into a 555 chip that's etched into their skulls when they sign up for their membership. Probably explains the hair loss [Image: Talking%20Ear%20Off.gif]


Are you claiming the Turnbull Govt has no intention of changing penalty rates?

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - POWERZONE - 07-10-2015

Couldn't care less about Danny's public holiday. It's harmless enough. There's no such thing as a "whole day off at double pay". You don't get double pay if you don't work. You only get double pay if you work under that given award.

As this thread is about EB I'll remain very concerned because it's his party appointed job to defend worker's rights against a right wing Govt.


So far he's been successful for 2 years as evidenced by toppling a Liberal PM but that doesn't mean the fight is over.


Quite the opposite. Shorten using the private school vs public school analogy isn't really good enough.

The focus needs to be about putting food on the table and giving up your day off in the process.


Workers in general are supportive of penalty rates (every poll I've seen has vast majority support) so it's up to EB to translate this into an election winning argument to keep them in place or at least cause the Govt to back down like they've backed down on many other policies.


Defending penalty rates does not require political bravery >

Supporters of penalty rates should be encouraged by the fact that their stance is shared by most Australians and that employers have failed to make the economic case for this attack on incomes, writes Tim Lyons.


Since the regime change in Canberra, amongst the things that have stayed exactly the same are Coalition ministers supporting calls for cuts to weekend penalty rates, and Sunday rates in particular.

This has been part of a "call and response" game that has been playing out between employer groups and the Coalition over some years now.

The economic case, if you can call it that, for cuts to penalty rates is ridiculously overcooked.

Electricity Bill Has A Future! - Aloysius - 07-10-2015

Quote:Of course I didn't include it. How could I? The link didn't exist when I made my original claim.


The only way it could've been included is using time travel or nefarious editing Smile

Malcolm Turnbull publicly announced his opposition to Sunday rates more than a week ago.

Bill Shorten publicly announced his support for Sunday rates more than a week ago.

Both leaders publicly announced they would take their convictions to the next election.

They have made their positions very clear, something I appreciate BTW. So how can my claim be a furphy?

Apart from Brendon Nelson every Liberal leader since Hewson have opposed penalty rates. It's part of the inbuilt programming that's burnt into a 555 chip that's etched into their skulls when they sign up for their membership. Probably explains the hair loss [Image: Talking%20Ear%20Off.gif]


Are you claiming the Turnbull Govt has no intention of changing penalty rates?
"Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has indicated changes to penalty rates are likely, but said any adjustments would need the support of workers"


Says it all really