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Full Version: All Our Sympathy And Best Wishes
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Your failure to understand the post you criticise is not my issue-  :Talking:


Interstate politics are Interstate politics.  :officechair:


National politics are federal matters not interstate matters. :Talking:  


Hope this helps. Tongueeace:


There is no opposition between the two sentences - like - think - Apples are apples - not oranges!! :laugh:

No failure from Trump on reading your fake news Laddie !!


You were playing with chalk and cheese - not apples with that post.



Suffice to say we all know why you've sprung up here again...


Good ole OZ conservatives flushed down under the swanny again.


You always get the best in the west and there was nothing ridiculous about it.


And the result is your Libs over there have gone extremely green... in more ways than one Smile

Wah Wah Wah mello -- Certainly you haven't changed - so easy to flush out with the new KAFE Identity.


The over used tactic of calling yourself _"we"  - all know - a tried and failed attempt to equate your sorry outlook with other forum members.


No change there  either.


Oh well I guess it's identified the issue bemoaned by other posters - the dying of a forum - all down to bully boy posts emanating from light trolls.




Time to depart - my work is done CU in another coupla years

There's your flaw right there ole TiggyF  :Talking:



Posting in a forum is what everyone ( ie WE ) call a hobby but you call it work.


and your line of work is to play stooge for the Coalition... hence the very political nature of your posts.


and if someone disagrees with it you call it trolling... standard "Born To Rule" mentality right there.


That's one reason why they lost in WA.... because Clive Palmer was a Country Member Smile



Couple of years ? Yeah sure... we should be up to 2 trillion in debt by then


CU Next Term Smile

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