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No Mea Culpa here. The ulterior motive behind this thread was political even before it was posted....


And, true to form - it became political in just the second and third post onwards.


But then a viewpoint gets posted contrary to the thread starters' political dispositions and suddenly the universe stinks.


It's been that way for a decade or more, so don't worry about Aloy calling you or me a troll.


It says more about him than anyone else .


Quote:This thread taken over by a troll and a troll feeder AAAAAAAAAAAAAh


Twas ever thus - amazing how the true colours emerge over time :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

Oh yeah ? And you really think your manner is polite ? Or even relevant ?


The very obvious timing of your presence in here tellingly says that you've crapped your sheets over some political issue and you taken out your frustrations by flying in here, posting garbage hoping to incite conflict and then flying out again.

The very true colours of trolling.


It's a bit sad to see you drop to this level but oh well.... if that's your moody I expect we'll see you here again in about two or three weeks depending on how long it takes for you to string a few hate words together after the election results are out :dance:  :dance:  :dance:  :dance:

It's never polite or relevant to call other posters a "troll"


So in my view it wasn't one of his best.


Can't wait to see what he does after the QLD and US elections though...


Probably see a few stars and hashes I reckon.


Bring it orrrrnnnn :LMAO:<strong><em>

Well you got one incumbent right Smile

If it's a tight result the ASX will be volatile as hell throughout Wednesday (our time)


I'll be watching ASX:GEAR on the day - up and down like a brides' nightie Smile

If I get it right Smile

Play more Golf Smile

Yo good man brother Pietro


The dead folks didn't vote for me but yo did - you know yo did - I know yo did - it's a beautiful thing


Keep the faith - we're gonna seal this deal


Stay beautiful y'all !






Quote:Hi PZ.

I must say you look like the guy who wants to be President of USA.

It's gonna be great Pietro.


When I have my head on both sides of every coin your wealth will instantly double !


Yo just gotta pick heads Smile




Here's the fake good news for ya'll Sidilly Siders... if no democrat votes were counted I've would've won by 100% !



Yooo !


Can't afford to abandon the northerners !


They da lurvly folks that voted for my little Aussie mate SCO MO and CO last year !


If it weren't for them Ya'll would've had that Electricity Bill Short Guy Whatshisname.


We can't have Mr Short blow up my plans for deregulation, ENRON II and another GFC !!!


PS... Si hiyall to my Big Northerner Mate Clive Palmer and please donate to his fake news fund about death taxes!


Yo Know it Makes Sense :officechair:

Ohh yeah that good ole Tassie down under !


Reminds me of something I wanted to grab when I was your age young Pietro... LOL


Ya reckon they'd sell it to me ? I just wanna take down all that cheap Greenie power and change it to a coal burning capitooole !


You'd like that, you know you would - I know you would.


Money for nothin' and Tassie for free !!! 



Quote:Ah Mr. D. Duck!

No worries!

First go to London see the man who owns London Bridge, buy it and Tassie as a good deal.

I'm thinking of going underground instead... fight the evil at its source :laugh:

Yeppers the dark net Smile

And I'll be the impetus of the final battle of Armageddon, after all... that's what my pres is all about right ?

Yeah but... y'know it's gonna be hard to just walk away from all this.... POWERRRR


And then I gotta shake the other guy's hand !


Why should I shake his hand ? His hand already shakes itself !


How could a guy rool the universe with a shaky hand ?


And why did they even count his votes ? His votes were FAKE !


If they didn't count the fake votes I would'vve won 100% of the vote !


I gotta do something... anything. I won this blasted election - I won it big.. REAL big.!

Awww man I ain't too sure that lil gel thought Gropin' Joe's hand was OK !


I put my whole team onto it. That is bad ! REAL bad !


We should run the election again !

Playing petty interstate politics with a non crisis Covid situation misses all the important points - We are doing very very well, on world standards we should be rejoicing!


Feds need to ditch the no longer necessary or valuable"National Cabinet "   it's merely a vehicle for highly underperforming Premiers to gain cheap Social Media political advantage which leads to quite ridiculous electoral margins.

LOL - Two opposing paragraphs !


Which one is right ?


The one criticising "playing petty interstate politics" or the one criticising "highly underperforming Premiers" ???


Hello ? :officechair:

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