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Tent City.
Well the aboriginal community should get down on their knees and thank Captain Cook for his job of discovering Aus and helping the settlement.

Do they think no one would have found Aus by now?

If he did not then it would have been the French or Dutch or Spanish …

Any one of that lot would have been heaps worse an outcome for the indigenous.

What about all the twits talking about "Invasion Day"?

Don't they know that every country in the world is now occupied by the last set of invaders or slayers of invaders.

Oh well I suppose that is racist?

It must be cos I'm a white honkie.
"Don't they know that every country in the world is now occupied by the last set of invaders or slayers of invaders." True, but that doesn't make what happened to the natives here any less wrong. There's a documentary series that can be watched for free on YouTube called 'The First Australians' that details what happened to them since the First Fleet until the present day. I couldn't believe the SCALE and the MANNER of the land grabs and genocide.

Captain Cook never discovered Australia either, it's a lie, just like the whole Christopher Columbus discovering America lie. Both countries were discovered earlier than what mainline history states. Australia was discovered before Captain Cook by the Dutch.

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