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Turncoat Ted
Ted Ballieu had promised before the election to cut carbon pollution by twenty per cent and now we see complete back tracking. Over two hundred people at a Hawthorn townhall meeting felt the same as I do. Is he simply going to play into the hands of the hard right?

So far we have seen a lack lustre Government.

The previous Gov was accused of doing too much, spending too much but at least things were done.
Yes Peter I know several Liberals who are very angry with this Government. Its very hard to be loyal to any party, including right wing Gillard who seems to have forgotten her left wing back ground.

Malcom Turnbull is looking better and better.
Actually I have moved and in Balwyn. What about a tram along Doncaster Rd to shopping town. To be fair Robert, my local member (lib) has been trying for years.
I spoke to Robert Clark, member for this area and has pushed for years for a tram service. With an aging population its going to become important but its always held back...funny Box Hill is over serviced.
I don't really know but I am convinced that if one is in a safe seat, be it ALP or coalition then we don't get things done like they do in the marginals. Its just a theory.
Its hard to be loyal to any party any more. I cant speak for the Coalition except perhaps to say it has become a conservative party rather than Sir Robert's vision. As for the ALP at the moment I am no longer sure if they stand for the things I used to vote for. Like most people I am over the petty fighting and point scoring. Its all about staying in power. Men and women of vision do not last long.

Changing the topic somewhat I am very surprised that pensioners no longer get taxi concessions unless the situation is extreme. I have a friend who has just become blind and they say he is still capable of using public transport. Poor old soul is so depressed and terrified.
Now for a positive on the new state Gov...there are rumours they are going to tackle the issue of pit bulls. I am an animal lover but frankly I would use pit bulls are fertiliser.

I want them OUT!
[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1314675197' post='35007']

Hello Peter.

That is a terrible situation for your friend.

I presume you mean legally blind.

If he cannot get concession for taxi who can?

How in heaven's name can he negotiant public transport?

I think his best bet would be buses.


His friends including me are trying to help him out but they make the red tape so difficult. Poor man is so scared. AS always a fine Australian never been on the dole. paid taxes...well you know the rest.

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