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Who's The Hackers Now?
Well what do you know?

The Age and a couple of it's reporters are being investigated by Vic police for hacking ALP information.

Will green Brown now be outraged?

Will he brandish a copy of the Age and demand new laws to silence these bad newspapermen?

Will the Age be now called in front of the current witch hunt for wayward editors.

Will green Brown now stop the wood fire that burns continually in his Tasmanian home?
Given that we are looking at alleged breaches of Commonwealth's Cybercrime Act and the Victorian Crimes Act, wouldn't it simply be a matter for Victoria Police's E-Crime Squad? I'm afraid I can't understand what Bob Brown has to do with it....
Given that there is a Police inquiry underway (with the possibility of criminal charges being laid) and there could well be a Parliamentary inquiry also, I don't see that being silent at this point is such a bad thing.

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