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Rental Problems, It Sucks
Hey everyone just wanted to share my experience of renting an apartment in Melbourne and see what everyone thinks.

Our 12 month lease is coming to an end thank god, we moved into our current place and everything seemed fine. We were paying more than the average price because it was clean and had modern fittings. 2 weeks into the lease we had some rain, first we noticed water in the light shade on the living room ceiling, so we turned off the fuse box and contacted the agent, the next day water was leaking out of the fire alarm causing it to malfunction. An electrition came out and ?fixed the fire alarm but everytime it rained we had to flip the fuse box to off and live without a fire alarm or lighting.

We complained alot, sent loads of emails and time on the phone. Next rains came sometime in the summer, we had a leak in the spare room, this leak was also in the light fitting, so again no lighting and we feared a fire. Next a crack developed in the ceiling of the spare room, then it grew huge and whenever it rained we had a bucket under the crack, so not lighting and a bucket in the spare room. Then water started travelling along the ceiling, water was coming down the inside of the walls in the living room, each time we used all of our towels to stop the water moving. The first time it happened i thought someone had broke in and decided to take a bath and overspill water everywhere.

We complained to the landlords and letting agent and told them about the damage, this was done as soon as it happened, the landlords left it and it got much much worse.

Well long story short, its been over 11 months since we complained, it took them 8 months to sort out the source of the leak, and now we have got to the end of our 12 month lease it seems that they are going to do a cosmetic tidy up in the last few weeks of our tenancy. I think this really stinks, firstly they have the money and will to do it now we are leaving, why couldnt they have done it 8 months ago. Also what happens to the next people moving in? There is still water coming in the bathroom and a bit of putty and paint will not make the walls safe and not damp. I took a picture off the wall a couple days ago and there was a dinner plate patch of damp on the wall.

Is this common here, does this happen all the time? What should we do? Atleast we have managed to find a great new place to live and are more wiser since this last 12 months, but doesnt stop us feeling bitter.
It is a bit late now but I would have suggested that you speak to the "owner" of the property rather than the agent. The agent obviously could not care less about the structural integrity of the house but I think the owner would be pretty furious with the agent because the house is deteriorating due to water damage. It is the "owner" who will suffer because of the damage, not the agent.

Otherwise, you can also try and complain to the Tenants Union or Consumer Affairs. They would have helped you out I think.

Next time I am sure things will go better.

Cheers, Glen
not much you can do about it now

personally, i would have refused to pay the rent until the problem was fixed

but seeing your moving out, it doesnt really matter now
As a landlord of an investment property just outside of Parramatta, one thing that really gets to me is tenants who usually don't pay their rent on time and then they complaint about the property. Usually its something minor like a leak in the ceiling caused by them going up on the roof to have partys and beer. I know that in a handful of cases maybe the landlord has done the wrong thing, but keep in mind that tenants can fully inspect the property before renting it, AND, they are then fully conscientious about the state the property is in before entering into the lease.

If I entered into a contract with someone to buy 1500 apples for $1500, and they then gave me 1000 apples but didn't want to refund the extra $500, that would be a breach of contract - but these tenants seem to think they can withhold their rent payments and basically do exactly that!

Its ridiculous and for some reason the landlords are always the ones who for some reason are considered the bad guys.
Hi Dragon Fly,

Well these days I would have thought tenants would be on very good behaviour because of being scared to find another (more expensive place). I know in Melbourne the vacancy rates are very low at the moment.

I haven't heard of many tenants that hang out on the roof! I think you have a very bad bunch!!! Can you get rid of them? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bee:' />

Cheers, Glen
25 years of renting and sick of it!

Due to my job and only having one wage and my wife a part time one, I have never been able to buy. With 3 kids and a wife money has always been tight. But I believe in the old fashioned principles of my kids being raised with at least one parent at home most of the time, and today's society now punishes you for that. Forcing many to both work, and letting their kids be raised by day care centers.

It would be easier as a renter if landlords and estate agents didn't treat us with total contempt! its like we are second class citizens. I have never defaulted on rent ever, keep the house's I rent in super clean order, and even spend money on them by buying plants doing up gardens etc... is that ever appreciated by the land lord? No. we get constant rent increases that eat up 50% of your wage, and have agencies turn up at door steps unannounced wanting to show buyers though, even though you just signed a lease... now landlord wants to sell. Wanting to photograph all your stuff to go on the web for people to steal your stuff. Basically having invaders in your house all the time...arrgh

I am so over this treatment of no peace, no life, and constant disruption. Oh the dream of owning a house I can have peace and quite, where I can do up a garden and paint a wall. I am afraid it will never be, unless a lotto win comes my way. Its been 25 years of renting and moving, I long for the day of a home I dont have to move from, and can call my own, or at the very least dont have to move every few years and dont have invaders in my house all the time.

Obviously a Man is not allowed to raise his children in a quite peaceful environment anymore, but live like a gypsy with no privacy or respect.

I wish there was a way out <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bee:' />
Hi Normandy, I think there are lots of people in the same position these days. I was hoping everyone would just leave melbourne and then the prices should fall. We just need to encourage 50% of the population to move to swan hill <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bee:' /> (or mildura would also be fine)
I heard this nonsense on another forum I visit.

Quote:That is because they are the bad guys.

They are exploiting the renters to get richer, without contributing one iota to society.

Landlording produces zero new goods and zero new services.

Landlording is legal theft.

Landlording is only one step up from being a banker.

Yeah, so appearently the landlord gets to pay the mortgage and all those type bills but has no right to collect rent from those who would otherwise be freeloading guests? Does this make sense to anybody or am I living in the twilight zone?
Well the challenge to landlording i guess is also a challenge to the whole concept of the right to own property at all. I guess they probably feel they have the right to have a place to live without having to pay for it (i mean the land not the house). Actually I do wonder myself sometimes why, given the sheer size of australia, we all have to fight to own a little slice of a tiny slice (i.e. the cities) of the country.

I still think the solution to all these problems is to build more cities and encourage people to leave Melbourne, Sydney and the other major population centres. I think there should be plenty of opportunity to expand alice springs for example <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />
[quote name='glen' post='8862' date='Sep 5 2008, 11:50 PM']Hi Normandy, I think there are lots of people in the same position these days. I was hoping everyone would just leave melbourne and then the prices should fall. We just need to encourage 50% of the population to move to swan hill <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' /> (or mildura would also be fine)[/quote]

I would love to move to a regional area if I could get a good income that could sustain my family, and that if there were actually places to rent, regional areas are actually harder to find places than metro right now.

I have no problem paying my rent, as I have faithfully done for 25 years without fail. Looked after every place as if was my very own. I just would like some respect , privacy and peace and most of all stability. Is that too much to ask?
Sounds fair enough to me <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/115.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':ph34r:' />
[quote name='glen' post='8894' date='Sep 6 2008, 12:43 PM']Well the challenge to landlording i guess is also a challenge to the whole concept of the right to own property at all. I guess they probably feel they have the right to have a place to live without having to pay for it (i mean the land not the house). Actually I do wonder myself sometimes why, given the sheer size of australia, we all have to fight to own a little slice of a tiny slice (i.e. the cities) of the country.

I still think the solution to all these problems is to build more cities and encourage people to leave Melbourne, Sydney and the other major population centres. I think there should be plenty of opportunity to expand alice springs for example <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />[/quote]

The price of "your own home" is 25% dwelling 25% infrastructure (water, electricity, road, sewer) and 50% land. The land should be no more than the cost of the title deed paperwork. It is Government that releases land for housing. They will not release more because the market value of all other houses drop considerably.

If land was released to anyone who wanted to buy and build on it, at the price of hinterland farm land ($10k/ha), the mean house price would drop by about $100,000. A government that did that would be hung with piano wire. It is all political. The house owners stay comfortable, the richest become filthy landlords and become even richer faster, while poor renters eat ####.

It is all an outrageous mess because of 50 years of political expediency.
To the OP,

I know this reply is late (just found this forum) but there are a range of things you can legally withhold rent for. I can't remember specifically (I'm sure dangerous leaks and electricity faults are on there) but if this happens to anyone else, you should contact Consumer affairs - Tennant's right division. Also there is the tennant's code of conduct which you should be able to find online that outlines your rights and the landlord/agent's rights and obligations.

Every renter should read this.

For instance, a real estate agent can be fined for not providing written notice of an inspection or if they are showing the house to new potential renters (with your lease coming to an end). I found this out when a real estate agent called me and complained that I left dishes on the sink when she took people through and I had no idea they were coming let alone gone through the place while I was at work.

They have to give you a time frame and written warning. It also has to be delivered by registered mail so that you sign for it. That's to stop them from saying "Aw yeah, but I put something in the mail".

Everyone should read about their rights as a renter and as a landlord.

Also, the Tenants Union of Victoria should be able to give anyone advise if they need it.

thanks for the info buggy! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />
[quote name='glen' post='8862' date='Sep 6 2008, 12:50 AM']Hi Normandy, I think there are lots of people in the same position these days. I was hoping everyone would just leave Melbourne and then the prices should fall. We just need to encourage 50% of the population to move to swan hill <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> (or mildura would also be fine)[/quote]

Thing is I would like to be out of the city too and join them if I could find a job in nice area of country Victoria <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

long time no reply to this old thread.

I thought I would just resurrect this old thread to further vent my frustrations at my current LEASED house. Having just signed a lease 7 months ago, to have the owner then decide to sell within a week of signing a 12 month lease was a pain to say the least, the last 6 months have been a major pain with open house inspections, many private inspections etc, with 5 months left on the lease we have so had enough of this constant invasion of our privacy.

The house still hasn't sold (over priced) and we now have weekly open houses, to which I have finally cracked and said to the agent "NO MORE" as we have no peace and quite or enjoyable living for the past 6 months, let along the next 5 months of this, as the tenancy act states you are entitled to a peaceful and enjoyable living of the premises, and open houses should be able to be refused on that basis alone!

Apparently lots of owners of late, get current tenants to sign 12 month leases only then to sell it a few weeks after the lease is signed, so that the owner can then take as long as possible to hold out for a good price with constant rent coming in, with no regard to the tenants peace and quite being disturbed on a weekly basis. Because most tenants on open ended leases, leave very quickly if their peace is being disturbed all the time with open house's and inspections, the owners now wait for a fixed term lease to be signed using that time to sell it with guaranteed rent to come in.

I so wish there was old housing commission was in existence that let you have 10 year leases so that you had a guaranteed house to live in peace! Instead of the extra money for 1st home owners grant, lets build some quality housing commission houses, that perhaps we could even get low interest loans and pay off so we can actually own a house, and not wonder where I am going to live when I retire. Perhaps I dream too much, like finding a nice landlord or winning lotto, all too much a pipe dream? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/angry.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' />
i had no idea that they could do open house inspections etc while you are living there. Have you tried complaining to consumer affairs or to the tenants union?
[quote name='glen' post='12579' date='Jan 9 2009, 08:29 PM']i had no idea that they could do open house inspections etc while you are living there. Have you tried complaining to consumer affairs or to the tenants union?[/quote]

Apparently you have to allow fair and reasonable access! So no real grounds to refuse! But there is such a thing of too much, 7 months of this is too much!!
yeah i agree it does not sound very reasonable. i guess maybe you could start charging them by the hour. that might be a fair compromise. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' />
[quote name='glen' post='12587' date='Jan 9 2009, 09:32 PM']yeah i agree it does not sound very reasonable. i guess maybe you could start charging them by the hour. that might be a fair compromise. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' />[/quote]trying that now , owner has not been receptive, I will be seeking it via vcat! I just hope a nice landlord buys this house, so I don't have any more if this !
good luck in vcat!!!! i hope it all works out. let us know what happens!

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