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Murray River
I was thinking about solar but I am also uncertain. Its the way we should be going at least to prop up the system. But we need incentives.

Rebates etc are the way to go or other incentives to encourage the installation. It provides work, is good environmentally and by rights it should be cheaper for the consumer. Its apparently not!!! Not in practice and its all due to Government. IT SHOULD BE CHEAPER!! This would be a good one for the Libs to pick up on if they want victory.

I think all future Governments are going to be scared stiff of being innovative.

Look at the insulation scheme... this could have been brilliant. The Rudd Government fell prey to shonky dealers and opportunists ... the botched plan could have been outstanding. The Government was in a tough situation... dont just talk about it DO IT! They did but this is one time where it would have best to wait and tick all the little boxes of what could go wrong. The media would have you believe it was a total failure... not so. Definitely not so.

Either Government MUST get the shonky crooks and make them pay.

Still botched or not... the insulation scheme indisputably almost saved the economy.

A friend over seas said Rudd's handling of the GEC was brilliant. It was.

I will never forgive the ALP for its treatment of Kevin Rudd. Thats why I now vote Green.

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