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Eye Catching Headlines What Grab Your Fancy
Peter that's pretty funny!


I'm happy to buy the idea that Labor instilled Malcolm Turnbull to send Abbott down the swanny. After all... it took 4 years of this "proxy" Labor Govt to repair the damage left behind by 2 years of Abbott's Knight Life.


As for the worst PM's ever - hmmm,  that's gotta be a tie between the PM that murdered / displaced thousands of civilians through indiscriminate bombing and the PM that said "No" to the same civilians seeking respite here. Abbott was part of both Govts and must therefore take the mantle of the worst PM ever seen on this land.


As for the egg throwing - of course it's unacceptable but then again it was equally unacceptable for the Fred Nile lookalike to pie pace the Qantas CEO.


Talk about taking the cake. It's rank hypocrisy to say Alan Joyce should suck it up but then complain about scumbags with eggs.


Memory is working fine - but thanks for asking Big Grin


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Eye Catching Headlines What Grab Your Fancy - by POWERZONE - 07-05-2019, 06:53 PM

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