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Eye Catching Headlines What Grab Your Fancy


<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">Mr Robertson blamed state and federal governments for failing to develop a proper energy policy in Australia to avoid these problems, despite being warned as far back as 2009 that this could happen.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">Part of the problem dates back to the approval of three export terminals in the Queensland port town of Gladstone, which allowed companies on the east coast to ship their gas overseas for the first time.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">Mr Robertson said a government report Blueprint for Queensland’s LNG Industry published in August 2009 noted that allowing gas to be converted from coal seam gas into liquefied natural gas (LNG) for export, might not deliver enough gas for domestic use.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">It advised the Queensland Government, under the leadership of Labor’s Anna Bligh at the time, to ensure there was enough gas available to met domestic demand. It listed options including holding back production in certain areas to supply Australia’s needs.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">“There is a real problem that the availability of gas in the ground may not translate into gas supplied to the domestic market,” the paper stated.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">Despite this potential problem being flagged, Mr Robertson said the government took a “cavalier” attitude of pushing forward with the project.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">He said any other country that allowed a company to dig up its resources and profit from this, would also have ensured its own domestic supply was covered.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">“Australia is unique in its sheer stupidity in allowing companies to exploit our resources and not insist they provide for our domestic market,” he said. “We are uniquely stupid.”

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);"> 

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);"> 

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">2009??

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">Oh yeah another fine example of poor governance by State and Federal ALP governments!!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!

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Eye Catching Headlines What Grab Your Fancy - by Aloysius - 09-03-2017, 06:02 PM

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