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Eye Catching Headlines What Grab Your Fancy
Tony Abbott says cutting penalty rates will create jobs, but voters disagree

(Two years ago)


Tony Abbott has backed the argument that lower penalty rates will create more jobs for young people prepared to work on weekends but said his government would take any new policy to the next election.

Recent research shows a large majority of voters do not accept the contention from business and employer groups that there would be more jobs if penalty rates were lower. The union movement is preparing a major campaign against any changes to penalty rates or the minimum wage as a result of a Productivity Commission review.

Interviewed on Sydney radio on Friday, the prime minister said he thought the lower penalty rates would allow more businesses to open on weekends, providing more jobs.

“If you don’t want to work on a weekend, fair enough don’t work on a weekend. But if you do want to work on a weekend, and lots of people, particularly students, particularly young people, want to work on a weekend, you want the places to be open to provide jobs,” he said, pointing out that the hotel he uses in Melbourne closed its restaurant on Sunday night because it couldn’t afford to pay penalty rates and that he had found it difficult to find a bottle shop open over Easter for the same reason.

“I don’t begrudge people the money … but in the end there is a balance that has to be struck here and my preference will always be in favour of more jobs,” he said.


Hello? It was Tony Abbott who created the Productivity commission review into penalty rates two years ago.


Yesterday it was the Fairwork Commission who publicly stated they are acting on the advice of the productivity commission


Forget about framing Bill Shorten. Penalty rates were cut because of Tony Abbott. What a farkin grub!


Try again Chewbacca!! LOL


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Eye Catching Headlines What Grab Your Fancy - by POWERZONE - 24-02-2017, 08:55 AM

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