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When They Tell You The Science Is In, It Never Is
Quote:Elitism is a superiority complex to wit: someone who is not an elite but pretends to be one.

Parliament house is full of them.

A true elite has no need to pretend they're better than everyone else.



That's a very sound point you make PZ!!


Regrettably Parliament House is not the only roosting place for elitists.


Heavens above, us laymen would be far better off to accept every pearl they cast before us.


The very phrase " The science is in" used by the Global warming  oops, Climate change afficionados betrays the elitism involved.


It's the same as saying " We know everything and you better get used to it"


But it's self evident and Myrantz has conceded this: that the science is never in.


One could easily progress then from  elitist Pollies and Climate change groupies, to Industrial Relations clubs, Taxpayer funded journalists, organised religious groups, oh, and Cricket Australia.


I'm quite sure that you could add your own particular identification parade.


Y'all stay beautiful!!

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When They Tell You The Science Is In, It Never Is - by Aloysius - 16-01-2017, 09:10 AM

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