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Well Done Conservatives


No joke, China, this is a triumph of Australia's middle-power diplomacy


"A full consensus of the World Health Assembly member states has supported a motion calling for an inquiry into the coronavirus outbreak. The call for an independent inquiry was initiated by Australia's Morrison government in the wake of growing anger over the global pandemic response."



Yeah well done Conservatives, leading the way toward better understanding this terrible outbreak with a view to reducing future risk.


I can just sense the eagerness of fellow posters to applaud this leadership on the world stage - or am I bracing for a tide of pro chinese propaganda  because hey conservatives are never right!!! :pacman:  :pacman:  :beer:  



Y'all stay beautiful!!
You make it sound like applauding this leadership or pushing pro Chinese propaganda are the only choices available.


Our way or the highway... if Conservatives were right they wouldn't need to resort to absolutes Smile

Well... Australia looks set to have its first recession in 29 years.


What a pity the conservatives had to blow up the economy even before the virus got here.


So since the era of deregulation.. that's 3 recessions.. One for Labor. Two for Liberal.


People will now be forced to eat dog food until we change the Govt.


We should've voted for the other side when we had the chance Smile


A royal commission into the Abbott Govt becomes even more necessary after this.

Peter Dutton given Friday noon deadline to avoid contempt of court charge


A judge has told the home affairs minister, Peter Dutton  to make a decision in an immigration case by midday on Friday or he will be charged with contempt of court.

Dutton could be arrested and jailed if he continues to defy the court in a long-running battle over whether a protection visa should be granted to an Iranian man who arrived in Australia by boat.

In a decision handed down on Thursday, the federal court judge Geoffrey Flick blasted Dutton for his “unapologetic reluctance to take personal responsibility for his own non-compliance with the law” and said the minister lacked candour in communications with the court by claiming he was not available to make a decision on the visa.


Gotta love that born to rule mentality :ras:


Stick 'im in the can and we can have an early election Smile
Luna Park won the election


Hello Smile

Never mind - if Clive Palmer wins the QLD election this thread will heat up anyway Smile

Well yeah... all for the golf right ?


I was told to tighten things up to stop the balls drifting too far to the left and getting devoured by rodents Smile

Yeah saw that one...


They're building one in NSW as well - at the Liddell site.


Still have a long way to go to store and transmit all this power but it's happening slowly.


It's kinda ironic really.... the Liberal / Conservative model was to allow the market to dictate events without Govt interference.


And that's exactly what's happening here...



PZ says Hi Smile

This is the ultimate Consevative model for Aussie workers.


Otherwise known as WorkChoices....  4 dollars an hour and eating out of bins.




A Taiwanese foreign worker says she was exposed to such horrific rates of underpayment on an Australian farm she was forced to eat from public rubbish bins just to survive.

Kate Hsu said she was paid just $4 an hour picking oranges on a South Australian farm as the disturbing rates of wage theft and exploitation were revealed in a new report.

The study found an alarming majority of fruit and vegetable pickers in Australia were victims of wage theft, with nearly 80 per cent of 1300 horticulture industry workers reporting experiences of underpayment.

The survey, conducted by Unions NSW and the Migrant Workers Centre in Victoria, was the latest to expose the inhumane treatment of the workforce, which was accused of systematically exploiting vulnerable overseas workers on temporary visas.

Ms Hsu told the NCA NewsWire she was a victim of the payment structure known as ‘piece rate’, where a worker was paid by the quantity of fruit or vegetables they picked during a shift.

“I was paid, at the lowest, $4 per hour,” she said through an interpreter about her experience picking fruit in Renmark, SA.

“I went dumpster diving to find food in recycle bins at supermarkets when I didn’t have enough money.”

Kate Hsu said she was paid as low as $4 per hour to pick fruit. Picture: Supplied

Kate Hsu said she was paid as low as $4 per hour to pick fruit. Picture: SuppliedSource:Supplied

Unfortunately, Kate’s story is too common, according to the survey, which found the majority of piece rate workers were underpaid with some receiving as little as $1 an hour and only 2 per cent paid a legitimate rate of $26 an hour.

The lowest daily wages were reported by piece rate workers employed on grape and zucchini farms, earning on average $9 per day, followed by blueberry farm workers who averaged $10 per day.

Unions NSW secretary Mark Morey said wage theft in the agriculture sector “is just a business model”, where “migrant workers are consistently underpaid well below the minimum rate”.

He said the horrific treatment went beyond underpayment, with many overseas workers left vulnerable as their employees had the power to influence their visa status.

“Sexually harassed, physically assaulted, often threatened with ‘well if you don’t like it, you can go’,” Mr Morey told NCA NewsWire.

“Many of these workers are out there for 88 days to try and extend their visa for a second year, so they’re basically kept out there. We’re basically sending young people out there to be exploited but there’s no ability to then complain about it.”

Kate picked oranges in Renmark, SA.

Kate picked oranges in Renmark, SA.Source:Supplied

Migrant Workers Centre director Matt Kunkel said the survey proved workers were starved of earning a living wage.

“Farm managers are engaging in rampant wage theft and outright abuse,” he said.

“Many are also responsible for injuries sustained by workers, along with discrimination, bullying, sexual assault and harassment.

“This is a shameful, inhumane and blatantly racist way to treat migrant farm workers on whom we depend for so much of our food – and who pay their taxes in this country.

“We are demanding the federal government undertake a range of urgent measures to address this catastrophic situation.”

Mr Morey said he was frustrated by the common narrative shared by commentators and politicians who implied unemployed Australians were lazy and should go to the regions to pick fruit.

“People who have been out there tell their friends and families what’s happened to them — you work hard all day in a 9-12 hour shift not making the minimum rate of pay, you’ve been exploited, you’ve been abused or assaulted,” he said.

“All these stories come through so why would you go and do a job where you know you are going to get underpaid?”

It's always been their narrative.


Boost profits for their sponsors by cutting wages.

Most of the hysterics have come from the Rupert media...


Lockdown in Melbourne too soon = Bad Premier


Lockdown in Sydney not soon enough = Bad Premier


Just can't please some people Smile

Yeah... Blame the global warming Smile

Yep.... just like the first time with Ruby Princess Smile

NSW is in a harder lockdown than any other state was. Even using the army to patrol the streets.


Gladys is feeling the heat because she screwed up.


But the ultimate responsibility lies with the boofheads that violated the laws in the first place.


The fake news media doesn't help either with Alan Jones style denial dribble.


People actually believe this bloke?

Gladys and her knight gave us the pips in NSW Smile


She just had the cops and the army prevent another march a few days ago...


Still gotta stay positive - the FAKE Sky news just got banned from youtube for spreading lies.


These people; Jones et al are giving the Conservatives a bad name hence the splits / defections we are now seeing.


Music to an atheist's ears Smile

YouTube definitely one for spreading lies.


Cutting off Fake Sky News merely reduces it temporarily - should be permanent Smile

What is there to learn ? Nothing.


What you've just stated is exactly how Sky News Aus operates..


That's why they keep having to apologise to people Smile


And even that's only after they get caught for making countless false claims.


They are as fake as a 3 dollar note.

Hell Yeah Pietro !


Another failed war started by the Conservative Bush administration and troops withdrawn after a deal started by the Trump administration.


Well Done Conservatives!


20 years of your Woalition of the Killing has just become another Vietnam in one day.


And what did Australia get out if it? Nothing. We merely became a terrorist target.
No point in blaming Obama voices.


Obama had zip to do with it.
Exactly. Because he didn't. So those supercilious glitterati were actually Conservative voices.


Except these loonies don't use voices anymore - they use guns to shoot their entire IQ into the entrails of their betters.


Bit like the Taliban when you think about it Smile


Hundreds clash in Portland as Proud Boys rally descends into violence >


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