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It's Time For The Anti Abc To Go
ANTi not Auntie - Try as I might I can find not coverage on the ABC News Website relating to official ABC confessing bias and apologising to Jacinta Nampijinpa Price this week.


<span style="font-size:14px;">Indigenous activist Price rates an apology but the ABC clearly don't mean it - they don't publicise it - Call me old fashioned but This looks awfully biased  news coverage - What's the chance that the Arch Biased Press referee on Monday nights omits any reference?  You know Paul Barry - the British Australian - "Journalist" who fronts Media Watch much to his financial gain!!! </span>


<span style="font-size:14px;"> </span>


Treatment of Jacinta Price shows 'no one is in charge at the ABC'

<p class="">Sky News Host Chris Kenny says the ABC's apology to Jacinta Price after she sued them for defamation in 2019, is "just another episode that shows no one is in charge at the ABC". "This is just another episode that shows there is no one in charge at the ABC; that standards of fairness, objectivity, and common decency are non-existent because staff are caught up in a highly politicised culture," he said. "A green left bubble where they all see the world through the same lens and they all attack the same perceived enemies. This has to change, it is intolerable. But let's be realistic; it will stay in the too hard-basket. Governments are too scared to act. All we can say to Jacinta Price in the meantime is we're sorry our tax dollars have been used to target you in this way."




Y'all stay beautiful!!
Look harder Laddie...


It even contained commas :laugh:

So exactly where do I see commentary from,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,


'What's the chance that the Arch Biased Press referee on Monday nights omits any reference?  You know Paul Barry - the British Australian - "Journalist" who fronts Media Watch much to his financial gain!!!"



C'mon Mel back to the old grammatical  purity gig - Shirley you got the intended message clearly - you appear to be able to answer it  - (partly) :dance:


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Awww c'mon said you couldn't find  "coverage on the ABC News Website"


Is Paul Barry a website ?
:Sleepy:  :Sleepy:  :Sleepy:  :Sleepy:  :Sleepy:



Y'all stay beautiful!!

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