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Well Done Conservatives
So how is everyone handling the isolation period?   

And he is definitely a conservative!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Voila - my thread title!!!!!! :Hug:



A bex and a lie down would probably assist here.


Putin is a conservative in almost all senses of the word.

"The two main conservative parties in Russia are the 
Liberal Democratic Party of Russia led by 
Vladimir Zhirinovsky and 
United Russia, led by its de facto leader 
Vladimir Putin
. United Russia is the ruling party of Russia and largest party of Russia, holding 74.4% of seats in the state Duma.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
There's a difference between a Russian conservative and a well done conservative Aloy


One is fast and one is slow Smile


State interventionism is their lexicon unlike here or the US (despite walls and tariffs)


Just ask Virgin airlines.


The point.. easily avoided... is Putin's political career can't possibly be an impetus to a silver lining in death and sickness. To make such a connection is simply indecent.


Nothing good came out of 9/11 and it won't happen now.
Tony Abbott mulls retention of double-dole



Tony Abbott says turn the double dole into a "wage subsidy for older people" to improve society rather than the budget.


This is after creating polices that abolished the dole for under 30's and blowing the pension age out to 70 citing a "budget emergency" (the debt was a fraction of what it will be after next year)

Quite hilarious when someone doesn't believe their own narrative about austerity. LOL


"But the successful political leaders will be those who make it less about economics and more about ensuring people have purpose in their lives."


While he's still this malleable I might have a bit of chin wag with him about penalty rates Smile

Gosh wasn't that a good action that Angus Taylor took to buy $94m worth of crude at bargain price of $10 per barrel?



Or didn't we get that news?


Talking about historical politicians rather than acknowledging good acts is a bit of a schoolyard behaviour


You blokes are stuck on penalty rates and the like.


Don't you know we are facing an economic crisis of mega proportions?





Y'all stay beautiful!!
Most Australians back the Federal Government's response


A sweeping majority of Australians think the Federal Government is doing enough to protect them from COVID-19



Doing enough to protect from health risk:      Disagree:14%  Agree: 85%

<div>Doing enough to protect from economic risk: Disagee: 21%  Agree: 75%

Quote:The Australian shows West Australian Labor Premier Mark McGowan, ... This was reflected in a broader approval rating of 89 per cent



Gotta love that non conservative response!


<span style="font-size:18px;">11% ?



That's impressive!!





Y'all stay beautiful!!
Thanks... the ratings weren't bad either Smile

As a stock trader I'm actually more interested in the economics of this rather than the politics.

One never stops learning in this business... plenty of cheap stocks out there.


Feel sorry for the self funded retirees living on bank stocks though - dividends being reduced or slashed outright.


Still... tomorrow looks like a big day if restrictions are safely eased.



V8 E-Series has been a crack up Smile

Political unity could be Scott Morrison’s most potent weapon. Will he use it?



<p style="color:rgb(18,18,18);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:17px;background-color:rgb(254,249,245);">Like a scorpion that has trained itself not to strike, the government is thriving politically by throwing away the political playbook.


<p style="color:rgb(18,18,18);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:17px;background-color:rgb(254,249,245);">Working with state governments, civil society and actively engaging the Australian public has fundamentally changed the way people see government, increased public trust and galvanised “Team Australia”.

<p style="color:rgb(18,18,18);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:17px;background-color:rgb(254,249,245);"> the PM has been forced in a crisis to change his modus operandi, expand the pool of advice and influence and put a pause on the culture wars.

<p style="color:rgb(18,18,18);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:17px;background-color:rgb(254,249,245);">But he’s done so with his signature verve and the public has responded by according him his highest ever approval and nominating him as their preferred prime minister by a factor of 2:1 (including a quarter of Labor voters):

<p style="color:rgb(18,18,18);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:17px;background-color:rgb(254,249,245);">

<p style="color:rgb(18,18,18);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:17px;background-color:rgb(254,249,245);"> 

<p style="color:rgb(18,18,18);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:17px;background-color:rgb(254,249,245);">Peter Lewis is a frequent panelist on ABC Political affairs programs,  a director of Essential Research, and contributor to the Guardian newspaper - all left leaning entities.

<p style="color:rgb(18,18,18);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:17px;background-color:rgb(254,249,245);"> 

<p style="color:rgb(18,18,18);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:17px;background-color:rgb(254,249,245);"> 

<p style="color:rgb(18,18,18);font-family:'Guardian Text Egyptian Web', Georgia, serif;font-size:17px;background-color:rgb(254,249,245);">That said the article referred to above is fair and certainly amounts to a "Well done Conservatives" characterisation 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
It really amounts to a "Well done Team Australia" characterisation.


The "Conservative" handbook was burned the moment they started throwing money around - despite refusing to do so a week before citing their <span style="font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">"Conservative" beliefs. Same thing around the world.


<span style="font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">It all boils down to one thing... When the sheet hits the fan you open the Keynesian handbook no matter what your roots are.


<span style="font-family:arial, helvetica, sans-serif;">Maybe we'll have to rely on Labor to pay off all that debt... LOL

"'Unswerving leadership': NSW Labor MP praises China's coronavirus response"


"Mr Moselmane told the Herald the "main aim" of the article was to "contrast effective leadership to the ineffective, some might say, failed leadership in Morrison".



Another misquote for youse all!!



Funny that the much malaigned conservatives are the ones calling for transparent investigation of the genesis of the Pandemic , while ALP types do their level best to excuse Chinese counterproductive actions at the outbreak!



But I guess it's all in the way you open your eyes really!!!


NSW Labor leader labels MP's China remarks as 'inappropriate'



Each way bet anyone?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
So you do support the young ozzies going back to school????



Teachers more precious than shop assistants, nurses, doctors, police, ambo's 




scientific advice - about a philosophical principle - right to education. That's hardly nothing - maybe to you I suppose  :rundog:  :rundog:  :rundog:



hello - data that!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Ok then, while you're still feeling placid maybe post an unangry note in your diary Aloy... 14-5-2020 11.30am


That's when the next unemployment figure is reported. If ScoMo can start to unwind restrictions just prior to that date and thus stabilise the share market I'll give him all the credit he deserves.

Well the day has arrived Smile

After 11:30 today we'll see the unemployment figure, participation rate and employment change.


We've already seen some restriction unwinding but the real test will be the stats.


If the unemployment rate is less than 8.3% the market might jump.


Participation rate is expected to be around 65%


and employment change is expected to be negative 575 thousand Smile



"Coronavirus pandemic has changed how Australians see China and the United States
The pandemic has changed how Australians think about China, while support for United States President Donald Trump has increased."
"There has been an overwhelming approval of the Morrison Government’s handling of the coronavirus outbreak with 93 per cent of Australians saying Australia has handled the outbreak “very” or “fairly well” so far."
I record this article to demonstrate that the often expressed negative opnions about the approval of the governments response to the pandemic is not a view shared by many.

"Oh look ma everyone on parade is out of step - except our Brian!!"



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Unemployment 6.2% / employment change negative 594 thousand.

It's good and bad. So the market hasn't reacted.


6.2% is good because it beats expectations but loosing 594 thousand jobs in one month is dire because many of those jobs won't some back.


An earlier rollout of wage subsidies could have yielded a better result on both fronts.


Still... better than 10% unemployment and that's the figure thrown around by the Govt.


Goes to show they should really stop talking the economy down.


IMO Smile

Couldn't agree more...

I should've cashed in while I had the chance - it's all gone down the swanny since then. 5329 :Sick:

Celebrating a year of good conservative government is politicising a disaster???



I guess it is for you but not for the folks who voted them in!! :Hug:  :Hug:





Y'all stay beautiful!!

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