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Well Done Conservatives
Oh the negativity!!!!!



Anyway great to see that the homegrown Conservatives have as promised delivered a real surplus - first time in a long time hey!!


Well done!!



As for cesspits as alluded to by PZ - it appears more and more that the correct way to spell city is CESSPIT.


The political thinking derived from these areas is completely out of step with the rest of the country - refer to the coloured maps indicating location of ALP and Green representation.


The same can be seen on the US political map and the UK political map - how instructive!!!!


Something to ponder here - no offence of course intended to any of my dear forum friends who may live in inner city areas - I just don't know where you live so no offence could be intended.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
LOL - that's funny


I seem to remember the negativity when the previous US Govt also had more jobs, more black jobs and a recovering US economy to point to as their performance indicators. All we ever got from the right was "Obama out".



It seems that jobs and growth are a bad thing under a centre left Govt because it involves debt to make it happen.


But when the above happens under a rightwing Govt it's a good thing. Standard Tory shi



My favourite oxymoron from folks with this kind of thinking is the conundrum of pro-life polices mixed with pro-death policies.


In the US they give you a handbook of simplistic language about pro patriotism, pro war and pro oil.


They give you a bible full of bookmarks about pro life and all the pro-pain that comes with it for some


And then they give you a gun so you can shoot anyone that doesn't agree with you. Standard Tory shi



No wonder the joint is a cesspit.  Sadly, Australia is starting to follow suit. If you have your prime minister taken down by some un-Australian tax avoider and you have someone like Clive Palmer who doesn't pay his workers but then campaigns for the right using that stolen money you end up with a democracy that resembles a smoking ruin both in economics and the climate. Standard Tory shi


That budget surplus has already been slashed by 50% - give it another 6 months it'll be a broken promise - just like last year. Standard Tory shi


Obviously no offense intended from me either. I just don't know who you vote for so no offence could be intended.


Heh Heh I guess you see what you want to see huh???



No mention of CFMEU - standard socialist crap

No mention of Eddie just released Obeid - standard Socialist crap

No mention of more jobs than ever before - standard socialist crap

An aciual rather than a multi promised surplus from Swannie rejoice at good news mon ami - standard socialist blindness


Clive Palmer? Right wing - jest after jest -a more correct appellation would be self seeking populist - he's as right wing as a chook.


As for citing the US - one suggests that ones Trump disrespect will soon become unbearable - for the left leaning. geez the Democrats seem hell bent on ensuring his re-election - go figure


No offense taken of course blindness is a sickness that is treatable these days - that kind anyway - just gots ta open the other eye!!!



Happy Christmas PZ!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Happy Christmas

 [Image: 26060339_10156155414544548_3054633599720...e=5EAE4959]







JSmith :ph34r:
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Quote:Heh Heh I guess you see what you want to see huh???



As JSmith's poster says... "Freedom Works" - works for me, something for the Tory Chooks on the right to aspire to Tongue


I can see clearly through the smoke and mirrors left behind by the conspiritard Trumpkins


No offense taken of course blindness is a sickness that is treatable these days - just gotta open either eye!!!


Merry Christmas to you too Aloy and Happy New Year Smile

Turns out that it's Sco Mo that's lighting all the fires - or at least the guardians attacks would suggest so. :angry2:  :Talking:  :ras:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Sco Mo


Hey Aloy... atm it's either Smo Ko or Slo Mo;


<a class="" href="">[Image: 2cymlo48wt841.png?width=640&crop=smart&a...2b6a5143bc]</a>



JSmith :ph34r:
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Heh Heh Heh boys and girls come out to play - with the truth!!


Turns out that if the fires that were started deliberately were not started at all then the number of bush fires would be 25% of the actual.


Hums quietly - must be global warming that fried the brains of the arsonists - yeah that's it and because ScoMo causes Global warming it's his fault all along! Confusedports:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Only lefties in their echo bubble would believe anything out of the abc.

The ABC is one of the last sources of untainted media and truth left in the country... me thinks you've spent too many years reading Murdoch rags.

JSmith :ph34r:

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Quote:Your opinion.

My opinion.

For sure... yet can you say the same thing about the Murdoch rags that I said about the ABC, actually believe it and be factual? Smile



JSmith  :ph34r:
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Rupert Murdoch’s son has strongly criticised his family’s news outlets for downplaying the impact of the climate crisis, as bushfires continue to burn in Australia.

James Murdoch and his wife, Kathryn, issued a rare joint statement directly criticising his father’s businesses for their “ongoing denial” on the issue, which has been reflected in the family’s newspapers repeatedly casting doubt on the link between the climate emergency and the bushfires.


Me thinks that's funny Smile

Yep that's even funnier.


Some might say it was/is excessive fuel loads that caused record temperatures year on year as well.

Quote:I always thought it was/is excessive fuel loads that caused rampant fires.

The fuel loads are there due to mass tree death and defoliation caused by extreme temperatures, low humidity and no rain. Take a flight "up" the Sth Coast of NSW, you'll see massive amounts of brown with small patches of green here are there. There's nothing that can be done about this.. these areas are huge and inaccessible. Your argument is thus flawed or at the very least uninformed. Smile



JSmith  :ph34r:
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
One day does not a heat wave make - no kidding. One year does it.


And here, it's getting hotter every year.


49 degrees in Penrith isn't high temperature, it's fu
cking extreme.

Quote:One day does not a heat wave make.
No one said it did... climate shift and more extremes.

Serious mate have you looked at the BOM data released on the 1/1/2020 covering up to 31/12/19?

If you want to be rude about intellect... why not try and show some. I know you're not a fool. Smile

JSmith :ph34r:

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Quote:I'm a bogan.




JSmith :ph34r:

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
We need sharks with frikkin lasers...  Huh



JSmith  :ph34r:

<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Imagine a non conservative response to the Covid 19 pandemonium - pink bats anyone?

Cash for clunkers?

Or even more likely $1500 handouts to dead Covid 19 victims.

Thankgoodness for conservative pollies who include alp premiers in their decision making!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Hehheh for once I totally agree - bring on an early election - you know it makes sense.

An unangry poster.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Ok then, while you're still feeling placid maybe post an unangry note in your diary Aloy... 14-5-2020 11.30am


That's when the next unemployment figure is reported. If ScoMo can start to unwind restrictions just prior to that date and thus stabilise the share market I'll give him all the credit he deserves.


But the NSW state Govt will stand condemned for deaths by inconsequence for about as long as Kevin Rudd will for pink batts... so that's 10 years... and counting Smile


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