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Green Power.
So, of the things that are potential impacts / hazards...


Other vehicles... Ok -  Kangaroos.... Ok -  Other animals ... Ok


Pedestrians... Ok (Gawd bless their cotton sox!)  Water, oil, snow, ice ... probably Ok (check your tyres lol )


Armed Car jacker? Bad luck, probably on your part if the car stops as planned (by them).


What about kids? Unresolved.


Here's a quirky one I'd like answered by the authorities before I step foot into one of these death traps.


Say five kids run across your path and the only avoidance available is to stick it in the fence hurting/killing the driver?


What's the protocol? Does it kill five kids or one driver? The stats favour killing the driver - regardless of fault.


So who wins? The owner or the owned? And who gets charged for culpability?


P.S. I have asked this elsewhere - so far, no dice.


PPS: One thing you can be certain about: Accidents will either increase or decrease for different reasons.


Either criteria will blow out your insurance premiums.

Well I'm not the only one with a bee in my bonnet about it. LOL :bee:




Hey Peter


We had another utter nutter using his car as a weapon in Melbourne today :o

1200 drowning at sea...


Andrew Bolt doesn't know how many people drowned at sea.


So he's talking BS.

Why would 1200 be a very conservative number ?

I'd suggest Mr. A. Bolt has too much access to more stuff than the hoi poli and now would be a good time to stop smoking it.


609 is the official number reported by the Australian Border Services.


1200 is the number used by people who are either crossed eyed, myopic or full of last nights' dinner.


Or a bit selective Smile



As for "DOH!" - feel free to elaborate us mind-readers (not) on this Flannery thingy you find fascinating...

Well that figures... we haven't had rain here since last time we had rain here.



Doh, Ray and Me haven't seen decent rain here since they were forced to switch on the desal plant.


NSW is about as dry as Margaret Thatcher was.

NSW doesn't have any debt.


What we really need is an East West line.

It's Parramatta road with gaffa tape - I'll give 'em that Big Grin

Nice find Peter Smile


We have around 20 stations either planned or u.c.


Pumped hydro to triple electricity storage
<p class="">The 20 pumped hydro projects in the works will triple the nation's electricity storage capacity, research from the Australian National University suggests.

<p class="">There are enough pumped hydro projects being planned across Australia to triple the nation's electricity storage capacity, research has revealed.

<p class=""> 

There are 20 projects in five states at various stages, with some in initial assessment phases while others are being constructed.


Australian National University researcher Jamie Pittock says this will dramatically change the electricity grid for a number of reasons.


Not only will it see more renewables added to the system, Professor Pittock says, but the projects will increase the resilience of the grid as the pumped hydro facilities are peppered around eastern Australia.


"The scale of the investment in pumped storage is a game-changer," he told AAP on Monday.

"It means we can continue to add in solar and wind and retire coal fired power stations, and keep the lights on."

Prof Pittock says other research has shown these 20 projects could be enough to support the whole National Electricity Market.


Pumped-hydro schemes have two water reservoirs at different heights joined by a pipe.


When power prices spike, water is released from the upper reservoir to flow through turbines and make electricity, getting up to full capacity within a minute.

The water can be pumped back up when costs fall again.


The federal government has recently announced $1.38 billion to support an expansion of the Snowy Hydro scheme in NSW.

Tasmania is also spending $30 million on feasibility studies to investigate three pumped hydro storage sites as part of the Battery of the Nation project.


Prof Pittock says Snowy 2.0 is so large it could run the eastern grid for a day, whereas other projects would be able to store enough for peak power needs.


Household battery storage complements pumped hydro but has a higher environmental impact, he added.


Can't wait for it all to be completed.

Bring on the reliable coal fired latest generation, green power stations!

Those inner city laptop lovin greenies need reliable twitter time.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
You might get your wish Aloy.


John Kunkel was ex RIO Tinto - ScoMo promised a meeting with him next Tuesday Tongue

Fyi guys This written from the mater hospital in Bris.

All good so far.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
That's the good news Aloy Smile
Green power is gutting the ALP.

This is classic stuff, electoral best buddies are engaged in a mortal struggle for dominance of left politics.

The Greens are winning this war.

They will continue to win until they get into power and there demostrate the poverty of their thinking.

There will be damage along the way.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Oohh lookie.. more pumped hydro Smile

Quote:yes, like democracy and the right to criticise


greens are the closest thing to fascism we have, they are totally belligerent and narrow minded, i dont know whats worse, the green fascist machine disguised as antifa or the extreme right they are at odds with


you only have to look at that stupid plastic bag policy and its implementation ... not a serious brain molecule between the lot of them ... but hey, they are seen to be doing something so that is what matters, public image



Hmmmmmmmmm would you like to share your insights into the residual popularity of the Greens?


I have significant trouble trying to understand the thinking that might support such an unhinged group!



Electorally it appears that wealthy centre city electorates are their hunting ground - but apart from rank stupidity - why would well off folks want to support their enemies?????


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Yeah, Egg Power, gotta love it.


one picture ...



replaces a thousand words!!



Oh the Irony - Green politics as a camouflage for extreme left Extinction Rebellyon - they are no more interested in conservation than a stick of gelignite is - but they claim to be.


 Says it all really - it just appears to take time for some of our leading politicos and judges to get the message - these folks are about destroying our present society - which most regular folks reckon is pretty damned fine!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Heh Heh!!!! :dance:



Y'all stay beautiful!!

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