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Well Done Conservatives
Ok if there's a bus I guess!


As for Kim - he also will die if he does what you fear - will he take that gamble - MAD reigns.



Y'all stay beautiful!!


"Unemployment falls to 5.6pc in July



<div style="margin:0px;">
<div style="margin:1em 0px;">
Australia’s economy continued to create jobs at a fast pace in July, lowering unemployment and signalling rising momentum in the economy.

The number of people employed rose 27,900, the Australian Bureau of Statistics said.

That compared with an increase of 20,000 forecast by economists ahead of the release.

Unemployment fell, as expected, to 5.6 per cent in July from an upwardly revised 5.7 per cent in June.

The number of people in full-time work fell 20,300 in July, while those in part-time work rose 48,200.

The bureau said its seasonally adjusted workforce participation rate rose to 65.1 per cent in July from 65.0 per cent in June.

The economy has churned out 240,000 new jobs in the last year, of which 200,000 have been full-time positions.

The Reserve Bank of Australia"


Well done Federal government

  Creation of 200,000 full time jobs - that's something to be happy about I reckon.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
With penalty rates included !!! :officechair:

The anti worker government creates jobs for workers???


With or without penalty rates?


Do try a little harder PZ!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Don't have to try.


The penalty rates are there and unemployment isn't increasing.


No need to cut them after all.


Now if Turnbull understands this rather basic fact he might last a bit longer Smile

Long bow you draw there PZ


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Not really.


It's easy for rich folk to underestimate the need for a decent wage to pay the bills.


Even the reserve bank have been saying it.


Economic growth has ground to a halt because of stagnant wage growth.


Cutting penalty rates will only make it worse.

Have no idea how rich folks see this issue, are you a rich person?


As I see it we should be rejoicing that 200000 folks now actually earn a wage - surely you can acknowlege that?


Economic growth has not ground to a halt: :dance:


Since you got that wrong your other claim may be equally doubtful! :Talking:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
t mate, you made a mistake with a comma once... using your logic does that mean every other claim you've made is dubious?


I didn't say we were in a recession so I don't see why you had a need to link that article. Unless it's just semantics? 


1.7% GDP minus inflation with increased Govt debt is going backwards in the real world.


My underlying point, and the reserve bank agrees - is Australia needs wage growth.


Yes I'm happy to acknowledge that penalty rates didn't stop 200000 people from getting a job. 


What it proves is anyone who ever says that workers should ever earn less money in this expensive country needs a reality check.

I certainly agree with wage growth but it must be based on reality - economic reality.


A growing economy will always lead to stronger employment which will lead to wage growth - as you say a good thing indeed.


Wage growth without economic growth is temporary, and inflationary.


Your claim - see above was:   " Economic growth has ground to a halt because of stagnant wage growth"


I provided a link to a site that showed a different story. Seems fair to me.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
OK. I'm happy to stand corrected on that technicality Smile


Most of my friends are actually going backwards.


Their last payrise already got wiped out by higher rego / insurance / power bills. Just like last time and the time before that.


So they will spend even less money in the future and it will cost us dearly.


In my opinion economic growth that's less than inflation and Govt spending is a loss.


That's why we're running deficits.

Tony Abbott admits he was drunk in Parliament and missed crucial GFC bailout vote
 FORMER Prime Minister Tony Abbott has finally confessed that he was passed out, drunk, on the night he should have voted on Kevin Rudd’s GFC bailout measures in 2009.

Wayne Swan will no doubt be gratified that Mr Abbott has come clean, having dogged him to do so for years after the event.

Mr Abbott, who was the leader of the opposition at that time, has shared his story on The House With Annabel Crabb, in an episode set to air on September 5.

LOL> Quite funny. Now if he can explain all the other days?
Quote:OK. I'm happy to stand corrected on that technicality Smile


Most of my friends are actually going backwards.


Their last payrise already got wiped out by higher rego / insurance / power bills. Just like last time and the time before that.


So they will spend even less money in the future and it will cost us dearly.


In my opinion economic growth that's less than inflation and Govt spending is a loss.


That's why we're running deficits.

Whatever, your grasp of economics is more tenuous than you appear to believe


Y'all stay beautiful!!
I don't agree with you mate Smile

Quote:I don't agree with you mate Smile


Neither do I


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Neither do I either.


Because state Govts have a bigger role in job creation than the Feddies particularly in the case of Victoria.


There are cranes everywhere and big infrastructure projects all over the place.


So when someone questions my grasp of economics but says well done Feds for creating 200,000 jobs I don't think I have too much to worry about Smile
Try this one instead Smile

Malcolm Turnbull’s bid to cut energy bills for one million Australian customers



MALCOLM Turnbull has secured an agreement with energy retailers, who have promised to write to more customers informing them of better deals.


The Prime Minister met with energy bosses today in Sydney to ensure millions of Australians would be told they can switch to discount plans if required.


“As a result of the action from the two meetings we’ve now had with the retailers, as many as 2 million Australian families and small businesses could save hundreds of dollars on their electricity bills,” he told reporters.


“This is a very big breakthrough, and it’s happening here and now. A lot of the things we are doing on energy are long-term, like Snowy Hydro 2.0, but this is helping Australian families now.”


Mr Turnbull said energy retailers had agreed to contact customers who were on discounted plans that had expired and “let them know that they were paying more than they ought to and

that there are better options available”.

Quote:Neither do I either.


Because state Govts have a bigger role in job creation than the Feddies particularly in the case of Victoria.


There are cranes everywhere and big infrastructure projects all over the place.


So when someone questions my grasp of economics but says well done Feds for creating 200,000 jobs I don't think I have too much to worry about Smile



Heh Heh you just reinforced their point!!


Well done PZ!! :Hug:


Worrying would be the first step toward education.


Y'all stay beautiful!!



Heh Heh you just reinforced their point!!


Well done PZ!! :Hug:


Worrying would be the first step toward education.

why would I want to worry about you making false claims?   :laugh:
Let you know when I make one!


Y'all stay beautiful!!

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