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Well Done Conservatives
Sorry, I don't get what you are driving at at all!!


As for multitasking - it has a bit to do with getting things actually done - "Jack of all trades and master of none" springs to mind.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
LOL no wuggerz! Just some stuffin' around Smile


This one's a doozy > Leak of polling results from Tony Abbott's seat is 'corrosive of trust', former PM says

Former prime minister Tony Abbott has blasted "sneaky, underhanded" Liberal Party leaks after dire election campaign polling was revealed.

The Australian Financial Review reported this morning Malcolm Turnbull personally had bombarded Mr Abbott's electorate of Warringah with automated phone calls and letters in the days before last year's poll.

The last-minute push came after internal polling suggested Mr Abbott could lose his blue-ribbon seat to former Australian Idol host James Mathison or Labor.

Speaking outside his Sydney home, Mr Abbott denounced the leak and said only Mr Turnbull, former party director Tony Nutt and himself had the sensitive material.

"The sneaky, underhand business of leaking needs to stop, it really does need to stop," he told Channel Nine.

"It is absolutely corrosive of trust. "The polling in question was very, very closely held.

"And I'm just very disappointed that someone has chosen to put it out there for self-serving reasons."


The Liberal Party polled 400 people in the northern beaches electorate 10 days from July 2.

The polling showed 44 per cent of people said they would vote Liberal.

But that number plunged to 34 per cent when people were asked if they would vote for Mr Abbott.

The worst-case scenario showed the ALP claiming victory 57-43 on a two-party preferred basis after preferences from Mr Mathison were distributed.

"It goes without saying that the seat needs some resourcing in the final week," the polling concluded.

Am I the only one here thinking that some of that $1.75m donated by Mr Turnbull was so Mr Abbott could keep his seat???

I reckon they would've been better off if Abbott had lost his seat to be honest.

Right now he's their number one liability!


Far more dangerous to the Coalition than BS could ever be.

You only need to look at recent history to know that internal division is far more dangerous than regular opposotion.

Feet of clay!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Family First becomes Family Last

Seems that, according to Newspoll,people generally support the recent more conservative stance of the government wrt to immigration,457,etc and are urging a more conservative, cost cutting budget.

Aah but do they have the courage to support cost cutting that affects them or only that which doesn't?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Budget affects everyone one way or another. If it's fair and doesn't contain waste it'll get support.


Giving $110 million to Iraq instead of cyclone/flood damaged QLD or struggling WA might be seen as a waste.

George Christensen tweets: “I will be introducing a bill to protect penalty rates from Fair Work,”


But there was a catch in the announcement, which continued: “


…& restore penalty rates cut by union agreements. Will Labor support it? “


Restoring / protecting penalty rates that were cut in old union agreements is a stroke of genius.


I'd support that bill in full. It beats Labor AND the unions AND the Govt AND fairwork and sides with the worker.


Well done Conservative Smile

He's a conservative Nationals MP with similar views to Pauline Hanson on many issues.


Anti Islamist, pro death penalty, climate change skeptic.


Was rumoured some time ago to bring the Govt down by joining Cori Bernadi's conservative party.


[Image: 7848284-3x2-340x227.jpg]
Why am I unsurprised that a person whom you describe rather well IMO has also a strange stance on penalty rates?


Or maybe he's just playing games?


One must also add that, agree with him or not you do know where he stands.


This is a conservative trait clearly not shared by the bank loving, anti Gonski, anti debt reduction, anti union ALP!! :angry2: 



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Why am I unsurprised that a person whom you describe rather well IMO has also a strange stance on penalty rates?
Or maybe he's just playing games?
Or maybe he's just trying to save his seat at the next election?

The majority of the electorate are against cutting penalty rates - so it's not really that "strange".

I reckon other Coalition pollies will follow suit. Good on them if they do.

Why do you say: "anti union ALP"?

Here in Vic the ALP gov does not do a single thing without union approval!

I'm referring to Federal ALP and the track record of it's leader in dudding the rank and file for the greater good of the Union organisation.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Or maybe he's just trying to save his seat at the next election?

The majority of the electorate are against cutting penalty rates - so it's not really that "strange".

I reckon other Coalition pollies will follow suit. Good on them if they do.


So you are advocating that the Coalition reps interfere in the independence of the stautory body - a court in fact.

Hmmmmmmmmmmmm where are the loud cries for separation of powers of yesterday?



Ahhhh those principles do get in the way don't they?



It could well be described as a flip flop position!! :dance:  :dance:


Y'all stay beautiful!!
What separation of powers?

Yes Aloy, Coalition reps can interfere with the IR "court"... Just like they did last time when they shut down the IRC.

What I'm advocating is for Coalition members to represent the wishes of their electorate.

That is their job - lock stock and barrel.

Crikey, it might even stop the revolving door of Prime Ministers.

Flip flop? What flip flop? You mean this?
Quote:This is a conservative trait clearly not shared by the bank loving, anti Gonski, anti debt reduction, anti union ALP!! :angry2:
Quote:I'm referring to Federal ALP and the track record of it's leader in dudding the rank and file for the greater good of the Union organisation.
LOL - "bank loving" ALP... you got something against banks ? :LMAO:

Er since the majority of the electorate do no enjoy penalty rates why are they supporters as you claim?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Because maybe they see the value in having rest days on weekends for their family and friends?


You don't have to earn penalty rates to understand their value.


Every poll I've seen has vast majority support for penalty rates.

Hmmmmmmmmmmm you have a great deal more faith in the voters empathy for union matters than I do!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Not as far as I know however it does warrant a thread of it's own - It will probably last until the next game :Hug:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Well done conservative !
Yep anyone who defends freedom of speech deserves our support for it.


Y'all stay beautiful!!

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