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Well Done Conservatives
I don't know. I don't like him so I don't follow him.
Quote:Why would I want to comment about Kevin Rudd in a conservative thread?


In any thread - why so pedantic - you don't normally apperar to be constrained by such issues?


You did manage to dodge the query - again.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Well, what is the Rudsta doing?
Former prime minister Kevin Rudd is pressuring the Federal Opposition to make the formal recognition of Palestinian statehood official policy ...


Former prime minister Kevin Rudd has accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of "torpedoing" plans for recognising a Palestinian ...


Kevin Rudd has taken aim at his predecessor for giving his blessing to the WA Liberals' preferences deal with Pauline Hanson's One Nation.



Yep the old never say die Ruddsta is making waves and upping his profile, waddya reckon he has a Mohammad Ali desire to be the first to regain his title twice?


"Look out Bill I'm coming to get you!!!"


Apologies to Ali for mentioning him the same sentence as the Ruddsta.


Y'all stay beautiful!!


In any thread - why so pedantic - you don't normally apperar to be constrained by such issues?


You did manage to dodge the query - again.

I dodged nothing. It has zip to do with the topic. You can tell us about your sex life if you like. It'll be just as relevant.

Yes you did dodge the question again!


You are entitled to do that and I support that right.


It does however indicate a certain ability on your part to recognise failings in anyone but conservatives and you appear to be unable to see that.


Never mind - if you are not interested in self improvement - that's your right too.


Your rights are important to conservatives PZ, they care about you. :Hug:  :Hug:


Why would you want to know about my sex life? Would you like to know what one is?? :dance:


Y'all stay beautiful!!
It's just that you've suddenly developed some funny fascination for Kevin Rudd and I support that right.

That's why I asked about your sex life. Is there something about your "self improvement" you're not telling us? Huh

Like I said, I couldn't care less about Kevin Rudd. He's not even a politician anymore.

He means nothing to me. So I've dodged nothing.

My rights are important to conservatives? That's nice... but when does this new idea actually start?
Quote:It's just that you've suddenly developed some funny fascination for Kevin Rudd and I support that right.

That's why I asked about your sex life. Is there something about your "self improvement" you're not telling us? Huh

Like I said, I couldn't care less about Kevin Rudd. He's not even a politician anymore.

He means nothing to me. So I've dodged nothing.

My rights are important to conservatives? That's nice... but when does this new idea actually start?


You have not noticed Mr Rudds recent and provocative political utterances?



<p style="font-style:inherit;font-weight:inherit;font-family:inherit;">IS Kevin Rudd making a comeback?

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">It may have felt like it this week. The former Prime Minister was everywhere.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">Mr Rudd appeared on breakfast television, the ABC’s 7.30 and Sky News, addressed the Australian National University in Canberra and visited Parliament House.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">He delivered a warning about the potential for a second stolen generation if the number of Aboriginal children being placed in child protection continued to climb.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">Then it was the need to radically overhaul the political donations system to protect Australia against the kind of corruption which has undermined US politics.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">This morning Mr Rudd was on Channel Seven’s Sunrise program, commenting on Treasurer Scott Morrison’s threat that taxes would need to rise if the Senate refused to pass the government’s savings measures.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">And then there have been the tweets critiquing the Turnbull Government’s policy decisions.

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">So is there more to the sudden reappearance?

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">According to Mr Rudd’s office it has nothing to do with a comeback."

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);"> 

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);"> 

<p style="font-family:LiberationSerifRegular, 'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;color:rgb(41,41,41);">More here:



Y'all stay beautiful!!


"In 26 days, as the clock ticks over to April 1, Australia will likely have bested the Netherlands to lay claim to the title of the longest economic expansion on record, entering our 104th quarter of economic growth without recession."



Y'all stay beautiful!!
So Kevin Rudd is making a comeback because he stated some views on Australian politics?

What about John Howard, Paul Keating, Bob Hawke? They similarly air their views - are they making a comeback too?
Quote:So Kevin Rudd is making a comeback because he stated some views on Australian politics?

What about John Howard, Paul Keating, Bob Hawke? They similarly air their views - are they making a comeback too?
Ask the author!

I guess he would have more idea than us.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
WOW the thread is still going.

Hoping you are all well
Thanks GG


Hope you are well also.


I reckon this thread will get busy over the next 2 years LOL

Quote:WOW the thread is still going.

Hoping you are all well


Hi GG good to hear from you again!!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Gracious me 

<a class="" href="">PeterJMelb</a>


Labor Party faces Victorian election 2018 wipeout: ReachTEL poll

<p style="font-size:18px;">VICTORIAN voters are abandoning a crisis-ridden Labor Party in droves.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Helvetica, 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">A new poll shows Premier Daniel Andrews’ government would be dumped in a landslide, losing up to 18 seats, if an election were held today.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Helvetica, 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">The Herald Sun has obtained a ReachTEL poll, the first commissioned since an expenses scandal claimed the scalps of the Speaker and deputy speaker, showing that Labor now trails the Coalition 46 to 54 per cent on a two-party-preferred basis.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Helvetica, 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">The ALP’s statewide primary vote has plummeted to 30.3 per cent, according to the poll.

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Helvetica, 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">And Opposition Leader Matthew Guy has overtaken Mr Andrews as preferred premier, 34.7 per cent to 29.6 per cent.


<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Helvetica, 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">If these voting intentions were replicated at next year’s election, the ALP would lose up to 18 seats, including Mr Andrews’, his deputy James Merlino’s, and a swag of seats along the Frankston rail line."

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Helvetica, 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Helvetica, 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;"> 

<p style="color:rgb(35,35,35);font-family:'Merriweather Sans', Helvetica, 'Open Sans', Arial, sans-serif;font-size:16px;">Pete - what the heck is going on down there, is this all because of those unconcious gender bias pedestrian  lights?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
It's a girl's blouse Smile

The pedestrian lights issue is pure tokenism and silly.

I am a bit off politics these days. Firstly the liberal Party is no longer the kind of Liberal Party Menzies wanted. I met Sir Robert and was impressed. Sir Robert believed in a free market economy and the yopportunity to grow and prosper. Although he loved the Queen he was not a conservative. The trouble with Turnbull he has disapointed the right although he has tried to suck up to them. wIn the process he has alienated the middle ground.

Shorten seems to jump all over the place.

The thorny issueof immigration is not easy.

The Greens were my party of choice...wild life protection, green energy, climate change indeed the environmental issues. Personallty the gay rights issue mattered to me.

However they lose me on the immigration issue. BRING THEM ALL IN. It seems an agenda out of place with protecting our environment 

The left (and am Left as you know) seem all over the place. Supporting an oppressive faith that thinks gay men are filthy or women are second class and those who dont worship their God are infidels

I have changed my views on the immigraion issue. 

Its not based on race its another pretty oppressive religion I have no respecv for.

Yes bring some in but it must be checked and controlled.

I might disappoint my chums but I can no longersee it as a left way of thinking in tolerating the intolerant.
GG I call your post an indication of the getting of wisdom!!!


In the end you have to do what the Americans just did: Vote for the least worst candidate (In your opinion of course)



Y'all stay beautiful!!
[Image: 16425846_1683939448283693_5645398295070423204_n.png]

My eyes are actually making an improvement Peter. Not perfec but muchbetter since changing a few medicatons. Thanks for asking.Hope you did not have a heart attack over my mind change.  By the way thanks very much for asking.

Over the immigration issue I have felt very let down. I was all for it. But when I saw Muslims protesting about the marriage equality issue, the home invasions , defending Sharia law they lost me. THis is NOT like the Vietnam boat people. That was about rce. Thisis abut peoplewo followa reigion based on a way of thinkingtotally out of step with us

Also the Greens disappointed me. How is increasedimmigrtion on the cales they talk about going to help wildlife habitat. I live in a part ofMelbourne where it breaks my heart seeing kangarros looking lost ancnfused surrounded by development. I thought the Greens whoI supported wouid care.

Idont see why there are people on my side defending them.

Now to state Labor. I like Dan Andrews BUT he has somepretty incompetent and greedy members. People are sick of the rorts and while its not his fault thetiming is bad. I never qite got the east west link issue. It seemed ok to me.

The fireman dispute was oddI am pro unionbut the issue washandled badly. I hate what he has done with poor taxi on earth is that a Labor principle. These folk are battling to survive and Uber will kill them

On the positive I was deeply impressed with his stand on Safe Schools. Dan himself had much merit andis a man of compassion but out of touch with othr issues. 

I can understand why folks are voting Liberal.

I know a few Liberals standing and I got a good hearing.

I am so confused right now.

I dot like any party

Alldressed up and no where to go.

LOvely to read your views everyone.

Hi Green Guy.


I think you make similar points to the majority of voters when it comes to the poor choices on offer in politics.


Dan Andrews only won the 2014 election because of Tony Abbott making the Conservatives look as toxic as they are today.


During the Victorian election the Feds had handed down an atrocious budget and then made it worse by leaks about increasing the GST, the fuel tax and negative vibes about penalty rates which ultimately did happen.


The same result happened in Queensland. Nobody could have predicted an ALP victory there such was the state of play.


The Libs can easily win the Vic election next year but they need to focus on local issues (such as crime) and keep the Feds away from the whole campaign.


WA election tomorrow. Looks like a 50 / 50 on paper but I think Pauline Hanson has just stuffed up the Libs chances Smile


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