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Well Done Conservatives
Dan is a good man on the humanist issues. Outstanding!

I believe in safe schools but having met a few Libs standing we might be in for a few surprises. 

We need stronger action on youth crime. Its terribl.

The ICE crisis scares the you know what out of me.

However the treatment of poor taxi drivers loses me. Hazlewood is ridiculous... fine if there was a massive renewable plan but there is not. We are stuffed.

The fire fighters dispute was offensive and I am normally pro union.

Dont stff around with volunteers we need them.

The east west link was not a bad idea and will never understand why ALP stuffed it.

BOTH of them over the years deserve a whipping Libs and Lab.... The fact we have no rail to an airport that gets busier each year is a disgrace.

So the question is: Is no plan better than a bad plan?



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I disagree. I think the Liberals will romp in.The Andrews Government did some very good things but they failed to handle the issues mentioned

One thing that will in time prove to be a good initiative is the desalination project. I predict srrious water shortages over te nex few years.

 think the current Liberal leader is quite impressive, They need a Hamer type and he comes close.



<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">"The polls show that the right wing parties have performed particularly well, with Mr Rutte’s party tipped to win around 31 of the 150 seats, while Wilders PPV is on 19 seats, the same as the Democratic 66 and the Christian Democrats.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">The traditional party of the left wing, Labour’s PvDA appears to have been decimated, and the exit polls predict it will pick up just nine seats in total. The Green Party has benefited from voter disillusionment with the Labour party and could get as many as 16 seats.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">It appears thatMr Rutte will have to form a ruling coalition with at least four other parties.

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">If the exit polls are correct, the right-wing Dutch sentiment will cause concern, but not significant alarm throughout mainstream political parties in France and Germany, with both countries facing general elections later this year."

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;"> 

<p class="" style="color:rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'Times New Roman', Times, serif;font-size:19px;">oops, as predicted months ago and borne out by subsequent events the swing to the right world wide, continues.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
How many subsequent events?

I am a regular visitor to Holland indeed my partner is Dutch. The Dutch have been always the most tolerant of people. The Turks accusing the Dutch of being Nazis was a disgrace and repugnant. Its bull dust! Dutch have done more for minorities than anyone and refuges.

Because of the immediate reaction of the current Dutch Gov in banning  certain Turkish ministers entering the Neherlands to address rallies the Wilders party did not do quite as well as expeced.It did however do pretty well.The Turks are now a kind of dicatorship becoming more Muslim and Pro Islam. The nuts cant even make decent coffee.


THere are different views on immigration. Heres my sixpence. worth

Its all been too much too quickly. The Dutch historically welcome all cultures but they draw the at what they see as taking over or belittling Dutch traditions. Sorry but after years of reflection I agree.

I cannot really have much respect for a people that would have me stoned to death or pushed off a building for being gay.

The Burqua is banned in Holland. I believe facial recognition is paramount. I support the ban.


OK so the Liberal Party cuts penalty rates and unemployment goes up.


Well Come Downservatives Smile

Quote:I am a regular visitor to Holland indeed my partner is Dutch. The Dutch have been always the most tolerant of people. The Turks accusing the Dutch of being Nazis was a disgrace and repugnant. Its bull dust! Dutch have done more for minorities than anyone and refuges.

Because of the immediate reaction of the current Dutch Gov in banning  certain Turkish ministers entering the Neherlands to address rallies the Wilders party did not do quite as well as expeced.It did however do pretty well.The Turks are now a kind of dicatorship becoming more Muslim and Pro Islam. The nuts cant even make decent coffee.


THere are different views on immigration. Heres my sixpence. worth

Its all been too much too quickly. The Dutch historically welcome all cultures but they draw the at what they see as taking over or belittling Dutch traditions. Sorry but after years of reflection I agree.

I cannot really have much respect for a people that would have me stoned to death or pushed off a building for being gay.

The Burqua is banned in Holland. I believe facial recognition is paramount. I support the ban.



Yeah good post GG!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:OK so the Liberal Party cuts penalty rates and unemployment goes up.


Well Come Downservatives Smile
THe Liberal party did not cut penalty rates - that is the work of Fairwork Australia 


To say that they did is repetition of an outright untruth and you know better.




Meanwhile this from you Union lovers:


Unions, Labor split over ACTU Sally McManus

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);">"The labour movement has split in the wake of controversial comments from the ACTU's newly minted secretary Sally McManus defending law-breaking industrial behaviour that has sparked a furious government attack on the Opposition.

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);">Ms McManus told the ABC's 7.30 on Wednesday night she believed in the rule of law "where the law's fair, where the law's right, but when it's unjust I don't think there's a problem with breaking it"

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);"> 

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);">Union leaders rallied behind Ms McManus' defence of breaking the law where it was "unjust" but Opposition Leader Bill Shorten swiftly distanced himself from the comments.

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);">"If you don't like a law, if you think a law is unjust, use the democratic process to get it changed," he said."

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);"> 

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);">I reckon that Sally will prove to be Malcolms new best friend!!! 

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);"> 

<p style="font-size:16px;font-family:merriweather, georgia, serif;color:rgb(29,29,29);">"Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull said the remarks betrayed the true nature of the labour movement while Employment Minister Michaelia Cash said the comments were "outrageous". 


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Bill Shorten dodged a bullet with that one. Breaking the law is never acceptable. It's better to change it.


Having said that I do remember certain members of parliament breaking the law by refusing to complete the census Smile
Hurray and celebrations!!!


We can agree on the rule of law!!!!!

Ms McManus is clearly an anarchist.



But beware the mud that sticks.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:I am a regular visitor to Holland indeed my partner is Dutch. The Dutch have been always the most tolerant of people. The Turks accusing the Dutch of being Nazis was a disgrace and repugnant. Its bull dust! Dutch have done more for minorities than anyone and refuges.

Because of the immediate reaction of the current Dutch Gov in banning  certain Turkish ministers entering the Neherlands to address rallies the Wilders party did not do quite as well as expeced.It did however do pretty well.The Turks are now a kind of dicatorship becoming more Muslim and Pro Islam. The nuts cant even make decent coffee.


THere are different views on immigration. Heres my sixpence. worth

Its all been too much too quickly. The Dutch historically welcome all cultures but they draw the at what they see as taking over or belittling Dutch traditions. Sorry but after years of reflection I agree.

I cannot really have much respect for a people that would have me stoned to death or pushed off a building for being gay.

The Burqua is banned in Holland. I believe facial recognition is paramount. I support the ban.



This stuff tells us far more about the Turkish head of state than it does about the Dutch!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Well done indeed conservatives:


Their intention to criminalise Union and Business folks who rort union members via payments to shonky Union Bosses by shonky business people is a step toward the rule of law and the protection of workers.


And it takes the party that doesn't claim to be the "workers Party" to make this move!!!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
LOL, yeah.


That's actually quite funny considering it was Malcolm Turnbull who publicly endorsed a Coles EBA in QT which was later discovered to be a shonky deal between the union and business where some employees would be underpaid.

Haha. LOL etc Smile

At least Turnbull didn't do and was not privy to the deal!


But this is an important point, Some Workers are not being served by the party and the organisations that claim to speak for them.


Not all Unions are like this and not all Union representatives are like this, quite the opposite.


I guess it's less a case of bad organisations but of bad "leadership" by some "leaders" , but bad apples do spoil the barrel.


I also suppose that some environments are more encouraging to bad leadership, lack of demand for accountability being one of the key failings in those environments.


A change to the law that demands an equal and increased accountability to society at large is a good thing in my opinion.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:At least Turnbull didn't do and was not privy to the deal!

But this is an important point, Some Workers are not being served by the party and the organisations that claim to speak for them.

Not all Unions are like this and not all Union representatives are like this, quite the opposite.

I guess it's less a case of bad organisations but of bad "leadership" by some "leaders" , but bad apples do spoil the barrel.

I also suppose that some environments are more encouraging to bad leadership, lack of demand for accountability being one of the key failings in those environments.

A change to the law that demands an equal and increased accountability to society at large is a good thing in my opinion.
Happy to agree with you on that one Smile
There is widespread rorting by unions with secret deals involving kickbacks as revealed by the commission.
There is also widespread wage theft by employers particularly in the area of unpaid overtime and underpaid super.
Any party or organisation that claims to serve the workers would be holding the above crimes to account equally.
Hi Peter, that's handy.

My NBN was Download 19.54 Mbps, Upload 4.59 Mbps and 3ms Ping last time I checked.

ADSL was 8.61Mb/s download, 0.55Mb/s upload and 15ms of ping.

I wouldn't mind doing a check on the speeds offered from the free wifi in Melbourne but I guess it varies depending on the number of users.


It's fibre to the home. As per the tests I clearly get faster speeds than I did previously but as far as user experience goes I don't notice any difference apart from better reliability.


I downloaded a Bathurst 1000 the other day which was 3.7gig that took around 1 hour to download.


I think it would have taken the ADSL system around 90 minutes but there is a catch.


The connection would have frequently dropped out after around 10 minutes making the process unreliable.


I don't have these dropouts with the current system so I can definitely say I don't feel let down by the end product.


For me personally it's the reliability that's important because of my trading on the share market.


Monthly subscription is about the same for NBN as was the ADSL.

Yes. After the area was "NBN ready" I received a service disconnection notice with a 6 month window to switch over.


The NBN-co techo's installed a modem, I then did some fancy wiring to make it look tidy and then it was on.


The modem itself has four outputs commensurate with my subscription and service provider.


I was also given a wireless modem to plug in the phone and to service the wireless devices.


All free of charge Smile

Hi Peter. Happy to oblige with queries.


Yes, kept the old number. Didn't go for the battery and charger. If I lose power I just use the laptop (rarely)


Two modems. The first one is to convert the light beam to data. They call it a Network Termination Device.


I understand that if you're a Telstra client you can connect your phone directly to this device for IP telephony.


As an Optus client I required the second box to service the phone with the added benefit of it being a wireless router.


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