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Well Done Conservatives
Quote:Yeppers,  thanx Aloy. The respect is mutual Smile


BTW, Nothing wrong with my "independence".. and I mean that in the nicest possible way Tongue



Kevin Rudd's UN bid had more support than the government claimed

Federal cabinet was marginally in favour of nominating Kevin Rudd as a candidate for United Nations Secretary-General until Malcolm Turnbull and Barnaby Joyce had their say and overruled it, sources have revealed.

As the ramifications of the Rudd rejection continue to reverberate within government, it is also understood that Foreign Minister Julie Bishop, who was pushing the Rudd bid, was never made aware that Mr Turnbull had phoned Mr Rudd in May and told him to drop his bid because it would not be supported.

On Friday last week, Mr Turnbull announced the government would not be nominating the former Labor prime minister as a candidate to replace Ban Ki-moon on the basis he was unsuited for the role. The decision followed a protracted and heated cabinet discussion on Thursday after which the impression was created that a majority were against Mr Rudd.

But insiders have told The Australian Financial Review that by the end of the meeting when everybody had had their say, one more minister had spoken for Mr Rudd than had spoken against. Mr Turnbull and Mr Joyce, the Nationals leader, then had a meeting and decided to veto the proposal and crush Mr Rudd's international aspirations.

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So that's more than half the cabinet supporting the nomination. And we know Labor supported it. That's more than half the parliament.


Err, Chinese?
[Image: chopsticks.jpg]


Jolly link is unavailable to me!


However one points out that this is an "opinion" peice by a Journo.


I thought we both were somewhat leery of citing media folks opinions?



I mean I think Julia Gillard, et al - have a stronger position to comment on Mr Rudds personality and leadership than some media jock.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Unavailable to me at home as well but I posted that from work so I guess they are paid up subscribers. lol

The most telling thing about that article was the AFR receiving insider info rather than any journo opinion.

From what I've read António Guterres is the odds on favourite for the job. He was an ex PM of Portugal and UN High Commissioner for Refugees.

But anyway you get my drift... the NZ nomination from their Govt was at least fair.

I seem to remember reading Tony Abbott backed Helen Clark as well which is interesting Smile


PZ agrees with Tony!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :notworthy:  :Hug:  :dance:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
LOL > Good call Aloy.


Looks like I'll be buying some BHP tomorrow. Well Done Conservatives


Gotta blame someone! :Hug:

Quote:LOL > Good call Aloy.


Looks like I'll be buying some BHP tomorrow. Well Done Conservatives


Gotta blame someone! :Hug:
:dance:  :notworthy:  :Hug:  :Cowboy:


Y'all stay beautiful!!

NBN full-year results show 'dramatic turnaround', Government says

Wadja reckon? We need a Royal Commission to determine how we did something right - eventually?



Y'all stay beautiful!!



And we all thought that Johnny was the good guy and Barnaby was being a bit uncaring!!!


Just shows doesn't it, things are not always as they appear at first sight :laugh:  Tongueeace:  :LMAO:



Y'all stay beautiful!!


Coalition attacks Labor for refusing to 'pair' votes in new parliament
Heh Heh let's just hear all those who whinged about Pyne's threat to not give the Gillard government a pair for Craig Thomson - which they didn't carry out .


So much for the Shorten promise about constructive Parliamentary behaviour from the ALP - if his lips are moving ............................... :Talking:  :Talking:  :Talking:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Presumably this is just a threat as well? >


I said a few posts ago that Labor are just as capable of being petty and vindictive as the Coalition.


This is the point I was making. Co-operation is a two way street.


We've just seen two examples of why I don't think either Turnbull or Shorten will cooperate as promised.


It'll be 3 years of tit for tat.



P.S. Moody's affirms Australia's AAA credit rating citing economic resilience



My post was quite awful Aloy it came out quite wrong. 

I was simply angry. Sorry.

Might keep away from politics I get too passionate.

I apologise if my post was offensive. 

I just wish I was not so rude attimes.

Best wishes to all.

Quote:My post was quite awful Aloy it came out quite wrong. 

I was simply angry. Sorry.

Might keep away from politics I get too passionate.

I apologise if my post was offensive. 

So GG - I believe I have told you in the past that Sorry is not required - you entitled to your view you are entitled to express it.


Everytime you do that you reinforce freedom of speech - as do those who do the same and with whom we disagree!


“I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” 
― <a class="" href="">S.G. Tallentyre</a>, <a class="" href="">The Friends of Voltaire</a>


This is fundamental stuff - and it's like pressure, it's equal in all directions.


Those who would limit anothers fee speech are equally all around us, they maycall themselves:  christain, atheist, muslim, environmentalists, gay, heterosexual, liberal, conservative, ...........................................................unlimited!!!


But if they want to limit anothers freedom of expression they call into doubt their commitment to human rights.


Hey I have even heard "Human Rights" advocates limiting other peoples right to "rights"


Remember to watch what they do and place little import on what they say!!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Pension age hike to 70 still on cards >

The federal government hasn't given up plans to make people work until they're 70.

The mothballed legislation to raise the age when people can access the age pension hasn't been heard of since 2014 but Social Services Minister Christian Porter confirmed on Tuesday it remains government policy.



Gotta love these right wingers! They are still determined to lose the next election!

You don't have to work to 70 - you can only get a state pension after 70 if I have it correctly.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
That's correct. It's currently 67 and I reckon if the Govt pursues with moving it to 70 they will enjoy a very early retirement Smile


I think, for the sake of fairness it needs to be returned to 65 at least for physically demanding jobs.

Like I say it's not compulsory at all!!


Fairness you say? Heh Heh- is it fair that those who save and provide for their own retirement be taxed to pay for those who choose not to save?


PS - I know that you save!!!! :notworthy:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I don't think many people "choose not to save" Aloy.


Some people just have bad luck in life (crappy wages, separations, health problems, business going bad for owners etc).


But... to answer your question I'm more than happy to pay taxes to support pensioners.


Pretty sure they've pay their taxes over the years as well Smile

Keating criticises Marles on South China Sea
Published: 3:14 pm, Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Malcolm Turnbull, siding with former prime minister Paul Keating, has criticised Labor for suggesting governments must authorise the military to determine freedom-of-navigation operations in the South China Sea.

Mr Keating slammed the comments of opposition defence spokesman Richard Marles, saying you don't outsource such decisions to a naval commander or even to an admiral.

'I agree with former prime minister Keating on this point, decisions of that kind should be taken by politicians,' Mr Turnbull told reporters in Canberra on Tuesday.

Mr Turnbull insisted such decisions were political and should be taken by the people's representatives.

ps anyone tell me why I cannot format text now?


Y'all stay beautiful!!
You have to click that button to toggle the text format app thingy...
[Image: 14671318_1678900095772539_48478978907364...e=58652FC6]
Quote:You have to click that button to toggle the text format app thingy...
[Image: 14671318_1678900095772539_48478978907364...e=58652FC6]



Merci mon ami, once more!! :notworthy:  :notworthy:  :Hug: 



I wonder how it got turned off?

Windows upgrade? Huh



Y'all stay beautiful!!

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