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Well Done Conservatives
Interesting opinion there PZ - I guess I cannot imagine that you could rate Rudd or Gillard more highly than Abbott, after all they severely damaged the country for years to come. At least Abbott regained control of our borders if nothing else. At least he put energy into indigenous affairs and attracted solid indigenous leadership to his team. Abbott was a doer, Rudd, Gillard, and Shorten, are talkers.


The election result confirms my previous contention - that Australia says it wants leadership but actually doesn't - the last several years point to this.


I take no sides in this assertion. Instability is not good, wiping out leaders of either party with the present regularity is heading us to the same place as the NSW league team - oblivion.


For the record I believe that this electoral result will damage the ALP at least as much as it does the LNP - just look at the percentage of the vote that the ALP received - just look at the integrity of their last minute scare campaign,


Aaaaaaah - values, thats where we need to look.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:Latest count is Coalition 74 seats, Labor 71, Katter 1, NXT 1, Greens 1 and 2 indies.


Presumably the Coalition will form a minority Govt with Katter and Nick Xenophon.

 Well Done Conservatives.



I agree PZ!


Y'all stay beautiful!!
More importantly (for me anyway) the Govt will lose at least 2 senate seats (31) whilst the rest of the world will get 45 making passage of right wing garbage even harder than last time.

Personally I don't think the Govt will get very much done at all and will probably knife their leader prior to the next election when Labor will probably clean up and history repeats itself.

For the record, I blame Tony Abbott for this result. 3 years ago I said the Coalition would have been better off losing the 2013 election so they could lose Tony Abbott and then win this election against Rudd or whoever. Far from being their messiah, this naughty boy managed to burn their political capital in less than 2 years and consequently lose 3 unlosable state elections in the process. In this election he lost nearly 9% of primary votes in his own seat.

History will not be kind to Tony Abbott. I can't believe there are still people saying the Libs should've kept him on as PM. If they did it would've been a one term Govt and they'll be wondering why they didn't go with Turnbull before now.

Tony Abbott was the worst PM we've ever had and this result proves it.
Pretty sure there are others that agree with me.


Your last sentence looks like you pretend to speak for everyone else.


Sorry to say, you don't.

With 34% of the popular vote I imagine the ALP minority agrees with you PZ :ras:


That leaves the rest I suppose to support a different take on the relative merits of Mr Abbott v Mr Rudd, Ms Gillard, Mr Rudd.



You know it makes sense! :Hug:



Y'all stay beautiful!!
So using your logic that means 60% of the population agree with me given they didn't vote for the Coalition :Hug:



"That leaves the rest". You mean everyone in Tasmania, ACT and Northern Territory where the Coalition won no seats?



I wish to say sorry for various mistakes. Sometimes I look at them or a friend reads them and its too late to edit. It depresses me enormously.

Yes I do make mistakes because I have very limited vision and my friends are not always here to check. I do my best.

On this issue I totally agree with peter.

As some may have noticed I did not even post for a while but people said I should not crawl into a box/ I guess I lacked confidence

I have always been a proud academic person but with the deterioration of my eye sight I are absoltely humiliated and ashamed of the spelling errors.

Point taken, 

I am looking into some new aids but they are not perfect.

Once again deeply sorry.

Quote:I wish to say sorry for various mistakes. Sometimes I look at them and its too late to edit. It depresses me enormously.

Yes I do make mistakes because I have very limited vision blind and my friends are not always here t check. I do my best.

You're ok mate, no dramas. Smile


JSmith [Image: ninja.gif]
<p style="text-align:center;">[Image: SIp6btO.jpg]
Quote:So using your logic that means 60% of the population agree with me given they didn't vote for the Coalition :Hug:



"That leaves the rest". You mean everyone in Tasmania, ACT and Northern Territory where the Coalition won no seats?




Heh Heh


That's the old "The enemy of my enemy is my friend" logic.


Highly suspect indeed given that the left of centre and populist votes are in no way allied let's see here  Hmmmmmmm Greens voting with Pauline?


There are many other permutations that just don't work either.



Using my logic - and not your interpretation of it - the ALP is supported by about a third of the voters. Period.


That share of the vote is historically their second worst.


That point is made to address the misconception that Mr Shorten has revived the party.


The ALP is in deep and slow decline which is a great shame in my book - they were once a party of principle - now expedient lying has taken the place of good values and principles.


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Quote:I wish to say sorry for various mistakes. Sometimes I look at them or a friend reads them and its too late to edit. It depresses me enormously.

Yes I do make mistakes because I have very limited vision and my friends are not always here to check. I do my best.

On this issue I totally agree with peter.

As some may have notice I did no even post for a while but people said I should not crawl into a box/

I have always been a proud academic person but with the deterioration of my eye sight I are absoltely humiliated and ashamed of the spelling errors.

Point taken, 

I am looking into some new aids but they are not perfect.

Once again deeply sorry.


Hey GG as someone once said to me when I made an almighty mistake:


"The man who never made a mistake never made anything"



Or put another way by Billy Joel:



"You're only human, you're supposed to make mistakes"



I agree with Smithy - "No worries mate"


Y'all stay beautiful!!
Thank you Peter andAloy and smithy. I had a winge but I am fussy about spelling and its a pest.I am on treatments. 

Indeed. I have the worst spelling and grammatical errors of anyone on here. The only reason you don't see it is because I hide behind the spellchecker Smile


GG I hope you find some strength in family and friends during difficult times. All the best mate ^_^


Anyways congrats to Malcolm Turnbull for holding on for an outright win of 76 seats. Hopefully they can find some common ground with Labor AND the voters to pass some sensible economic legislation in this term.


This election has put both parties on notice. I take the point of the ALP's 2nd lowest primary vote by pointing out the Coalition's primary vote is also its 2nd lowest.


What does the future hold for the major players? LOL


They have all the hallmarks of the Holden / Ford rivalry; too busy fighting each other whilst ignoring the rise of other parties.


Best way for this Panther to deal with that (and their own goal. even the cat did better) is to take a holiday Tongue


See y'all in 2 weeks B)

great post!


I still say that we have a culture that says we want leadership and then does everything it can to nullify it.


That is an apolitical party  statement and one merely has to look back on the last few years where opinion polling has been the mechanism for deposing elected leaders.




I reckon this country has had it far too easy for far too long - it's what's in it for me, not what's best for the country.


The point of that is: what's best for the country is a benefit to all - not just a special interest group.



Y'all stay beautiful!!
I have long been of the opinion that State governments are a barnacle on the bum of progress.


One fine day Australia will wake up and determine that they don't really need three levels of government and their attendant bureaucracies.


Bigger local government and a disappeared Stae government would be a a great step forward, less pigs snouts in the trough of the taxpayers dollars I say!!



Y'all stay beautiful!!



I need to say a huge sorry I got it wrong.

While not my party of choice on closer study Wyatt Roy is a much better guy than I thought. He has worked hard for his electorate, he voted against Abbot and is a great supporter of marriage equality.

Damn I sure got that wrong.

No need tosay more but sorry.

Thank goodness the conservatives rejected the Rudd megalomaniac UN leadership bid.


The ALP rejected him as their leader citing his  megalomaniacal leadership.

The Australian electorate rejected him at a general election.


How could any world citizen nation endorse him for such a role?


ALP seems not to believe it's own judgement of Kevvie.


Oh well - never mind!



Y'all stay beautiful!!
Interest rates down to 1.5%. Economy's buggered and needs more stimulation.


Oh well... trust the Coalition to keep interest rates low, that was their promise 10 years ago Tongueig:

Hypocritical is this Government's handling of the bid. What a bunch of girl's blouses.


Overlooked by their supporters is the Rudd Govt handed positions to Coalition members including Brendon Nelson and Peter Costello because it's widely believed that once you leave politics you shouldn't be  discrimination against.


Whether the ALP, Libs or anyone else likes or hates the bloke is irrelevant. Being an ex PM and ex foreign minister with proven communication credentials with countries like China makes anyone suitable for the role.


This ratty Govt can't figure out why they just lost a dozen seats because they're still too busy with petty Gotcha's and slogans, cheap point scoring and circle jerking but not actually governing.


They've learnt nothing.

Hi Peter.


In what way is Bill Shorten hypocritical? Tony Abbott is the champion hypocrite.


It'll only be a matter of time before he gets doodleburgered on youtube Tongue

Quote:Hypocritical is this Government's handling of the bid. What a bunch of girl's blouses.


Overlooked by their supporters is the Rudd Govt handed positions to Coalition members including Brendon Nelson and Peter Costello because it's widely believed that once you leave politics you shouldn't be  discrimination against.


Whether the ALP, Libs or anyone else likes or hates the bloke is irrelevant. Being an ex PM and ex foreign minister with proven communication credentials with countries like China makes anyone suitable for the role.


This ratty Govt can't figure out why they just lost a dozen seats because they're still too busy with petty Gotcha's and slogans, cheap point scoring and circle jerking but not actually governing.


They've learnt nothing.


Heh Heh Heh - Joking again - you little character you!!


I've hired lots of people in my time and I have to tell you that just because someone else once hired a person it was absolutely irrelevant to me!


You are not seriously advising that you would back Abbott for a similar role?


The facts - always got to go there - are that Kevin Rudd was dumped by his own party - the given reasons were: megalomania and dysfunctionality.


Thaey are the words used by the ALP to describe their dumped leader.


Put on the world stage in the UN one can only imagine that his megalomaniacal, dysfunctionality would rise to even greater heights - almost as high as his ego.



What exactly has the UN done, or not done, to deserve such head honcho?



Anyway, I guess you are kidding. :notworthy:  :Hug:  :dance:


Y'all stay beautiful!!

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