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Environment News. - Guest - 11-01-2013

The Greens will be reluctant to pass on this information.

From the Daily Mail London editorial.

DAILY MAIL COMMENT: Global warming and an inconvenient truth


PUBLISHED: 00:25 GMT, 10 January 2013 | UPDATED: 00:25 GMT, 10 January 2013

Comments (64)

The Daily Mail says:

To put it mildly, it is a matter of enormous public interest that the Met Office has revised its predictions of global warming, whispering that new data suggest there will be none for the next five years.

After all, the projection implies that by 2017, despite a colossal increase in carbon emissions, there will have been no rise in the planet’s surface temperature for almost two decades.

Why, then, did the Met Office choose to sneak out this intriguing information on Christmas Eve, knowing there would be no newspapers the next day?

Isn’t the inescapable suspicion that our national forecaster was anxious not to shake confidence in its Messianic belief that we are destroying our own planet?

Environment News. - bengin - 16-01-2013

Peter.. are U the owner of this Forum? i love to assist you and perhaps i can invite all my friends world wide to join your forum.. also i can help u with IT stuff.

Environment News. - BullionBaron - 16-01-2013

On the environment, here's an interesting discussion relating belief in climate change with religious belief...

[url=""]Anthropogenic Climate Change and Religion / Belief in a God[/url]

The similarities are interesting, faith based etc.

Environment News. - glen - 07-02-2013

[quote name='bengin' timestamp='1358306819' post='38446']

Peter.. are U the owner of this Forum? i love to assist you and perhaps i can invite all my friends world wide to join your forum.. also i can help u with IT stuff.


Hi Bengin. Yes I am the admin. I have not been posting much lately. I have been spending most of my free time looking after my 10 month old daughter. I am on holidays (in china) at the moment so hope to post a bit more while I have some more time on my hands.

My wife is chinese. We are here in china in a city called chengdu for chinese new year which is in a couple of days time. Happy new year everyone!

Cheers, Glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Environment News. - glen - 16-02-2013

Yes cheaper in Australia but here we have more firworks! hahaha.

The main reason I came was due to family commitments and must confess i was not really looking forward to this trip. But actually it has been a pretty good trip. I expected it to be a lot colder than it is.

Tomorrow we are off to the zoo to show our daughter panda bears and whatever other animals are about. I am looking forward to it.

Cheers, Glen

Environment News. - glen - 17-02-2013

Apparently some people chose not to do fireworks this year because of concerns over air pollution. So yes some people care. But lots don't. And I must confess I did, in a small way, contribute to dust in the air. But it was on a windy day so the air was quite clear. So my conscience is relatively clear. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Environment News. - glen - 18-02-2013

Hey Peter. Best to have the wind from behind otherwise they might come back towards you!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Environment News. - glen - 19-02-2013

Hey peter, that was an inadvertent change of topic. As for the wind direction and whether it is heading to Preston I am not sure. I wish I had a compass with me. I am often disoriented as to which way i am going. I am not even sure which side of the city I am living on. I think I am near the middle. Maybe we are slightly south of the city centre. I don't even know the street name I am living on for the last 3 weeks!

Luckily there is a river nearby which serves as a very useful landmark.

Cheers, Glen

Environment News. - glen - 20-02-2013

Hi Peter,

I had not noticed the sun going the wrong way.

That reminds me ....I have not seen a sunset (or sunsrise) so far. Not sure whether I have not been looking at the right time or maybe it is the high rise building blocking the view.

Cheers, Glen

Environment News. - glen - 21-02-2013

Yes the smog has got a bit worse the last few days. I miss the beautiful Melbourne sunsets. They are the best!

Environment News. - glen - 22-02-2013

I usually get a very nice view every evening when I am doing the gardening after i get home from work! well at least i do during day light savings.

Environment News. - bengin - 25-02-2013

Glen thank u for ur replay meet too ive been busy .... say Happy chinese year for ur wife from me.

Environment News. - glen - 27-02-2013

Hey guys! I am back in Melbourne now. Was a good trip but the flying home was a drama. We had to leave the baby's pram behind on our connecting flight because there was no time to wait for it on the baggage claim carosel! Luckily they sent it later on and so we received it by courier today.

Environment News. - glen - 28-02-2013

Yes you have to put it in as checked luggage.

But some airlines let you take the pram to the gate and then they take the pram off you at that point.

I don't think there are any airlines that would let you take the pram on as hand luggage.

Environment News. - glen - 02-03-2013

I was never brave enough to try and break the luggage size limits. I didn't went to get stuck in a security gate with an oversize bag and have to leave it behind. But I must say I have seen others with hand luggage that was pretty huge!!

Environment News. - glen - 05-03-2013

Not really Peter. Mainly we bought things for the baby like cute beanies and shoes. But really it was probably not worth it as kids clothes over here are just as cheap as in china ....i mean if you go to target/kmart or some store like that.

Environment News. - glen - 06-03-2013

That is the good thng about little ones. They have no fashion sense! hahaha