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Melbourne Pensioner Protest - Printable Version

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Melbourne Pensioner Protest - Guest - 16-05-2008

Hello All.

Well what about the Pensioners protesting in Melbourne?

Very brave I'd say!

If I had know about it I would have (maybe) been game to attend and take off my shirt.

Best wishes.


Melbourne Pensioner Protest - glen - 27-05-2008

hi peter, i was out of town so I missed the protests on the news. did they get any of their demands?

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Melbourne Pensioner Protest - POWERZONE - 27-05-2008

There's no question pensioners are doing it tough under this and the previous government.

The least that could've happened is to increase the pension above the poverty level. It's pretty scary when you work for most of your life AND pay your tax's only to then get the "cold shoulder" when you ask for some of it back. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/dry.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' />

Melbourne Pensioner Protest - POWERZONE - 30-05-2008

well, today is the day I believe........

Here's some info I picked up on the internet......

[Image: melbournelockedoutwebws8.gif]

Protest: Friday 30 May, 5pm, Parliament House steps

Quote:• This will be a peaceful alcohol and drug-free protest.

• We are working with the police and local council to ensure that the protest is conducted legally and peacefully.

• The protest will feature:

o Industry and celebrity spokespersons

o Live music from Australian artists (STCA)

o Banners, posters and signs

o All protesters wearing White T-Shirts (looks uniform and is the traditional colour of peace)

o Free Red Bull and Nutrient Water to keep protesters happy and hydrated

Protest after-party

• Proposed venue: the Palace Theatre (formerly the Metro)

• Free entry for protesters, $20 donation otherwise (to be put towards associated costs and further actions)

• Entertainment by top Melbourne and Australian artists

• Pass-outs will be available after 2am

• A proportion of bar profits should by all rights be donated to the cause

Melbourne Pensioner Protest - POWERZONE - 31-05-2008

[quote name='PeterJMelb' post='4622' date='May 30 2008, 06:17 PM']Hello Power.

I did see on the news tonight that protesters are a gathering.

Well they will have to do it all without me as 2.00AM is no hour to protest.

I shall be in a warm bed!

Best wishes.


I'll be getting up at that time actually <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/blink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' />

Work 'n' all. *shudder*

Melbourne Pensioner Protest - POWERZONE - 31-05-2008

[quote name='PeterJMelb' post='4638' date='May 31 2008, 10:18 AM']Hello Power.

Do you work "shift" work or is that just a one off![/quote]

Hello PeterJMelb <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' /> , your looking well. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Shift work every week, just got back from that actually :piwo:

Same again tommorrow I'm afraid.......


I plan on being self sufficient when I retire because with the current skills shortage and the resultant immigration, (and therefore adults with little or no superannuation previously saved in this country) I don't see the pensioners getting too much help from future governments.

Instead of more cash handouts I'd like to see pensioners receive more discounts in medication, food, fuel and public transport because simply giving people more money means more spending, more pressure on inflation etc.

In any case I find it quite disturbing that Australia with $37Billion dollar surpluses over 2 years is being so coy about handing back some of that tax that pensioners paid during decades of work.

Melbourne Pensioner Protest - POWERZONE - 04-06-2008

[quote name='PeterJMelb' post='4660' date='Jun 2 2008, 06:04 PM']Hello Power.

Well I suppose that the good thing about shift work is that it pays better?

Is that so?[/quote]

It certainly is! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Sunday alone gives me more income than what my mate earns in his whole week, although it's now a 3am start and a midnight finish.

(21 hours)

[quote name='PeterJMelb' post='4660' date='Jun 2 2008, 06:04 PM']I like your thought about giving more to Pensioners in the way of medicine and medical help.

Even better to go the way of the English and give free travel, at least within the home state.

Best wishes.


Yes, I thought Pensioners already had some form of free travel (unsure).

I do believe (in NSW) they get free rego and possibly a discount on insurance but it's not enough these days.

Mobility, Medicine, Food, Power, Phone and Home maintainance are all essential and should therefore be the focal point for financial relief.

Melbourne Pensioner Protest - glen - 04-06-2008

I got this from the EastLink website. It is not a pensioner discount but I guess it might help if you travel weekends:

Quote:Toll discounts will be available for the first time on a tollway in Australia. Cars travelling on weekends and public holidays will be eligible for a 20% discount. Cars travelling on a single toll zone only (weekdays only, excluding trips through an EastLink tunnel or on public holidays) will also be eligible for a 20% discount.

Melbourne Pensioner Protest - glen - 05-06-2008

apparently it will be free for the first month too. better than nothing i guess! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Melbourne Pensioner Protest - Peter Petery - 14-10-2012

My parents are old aged pensioners and this government is making it very difficult for them with the price rises in the light bills etc. They get a lot of their pension taken off them because of their assetts that DO NOT generate income yet have money tken off them by centre link. Gillard and her crew if they feel the pinch they just give them selves a pay rise when they want it IE $35,000 when she stabbed Rudd in the back now 100% pay rise just in case plus CPI"S pensioners would love to have this privilage but all they get is the CPI less their assets that are revalued with the CPI so in most casses they lose money like my parents do with each CPI incress their pension goes down so were better of before the CPI incress. It is about time this government started doing the right thing be pensioners as they are forgetting pensioners have children and these children vote also so when they see what is hapening to their parents they will not vote ALP thats for sure.