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Is The Tail Wagging The Dog? - Printable Version

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Is The Tail Wagging The Dog? - Guest - 12-02-2015

Our fearless leader Dannie Boy has removed mandatory drug testing from building sites.

Then in the next breath, applied drug testing to MPs. Doh!

Now he has allowed union heavies to block access to lawful work places. Libs had it as an offence to stop lawful access.

I was going to say that the Union tail wagging the Labor head, but it is more like Union dog barking and tail follows around.

And we are still waiting for the evidence that the EWL was really really bad for us.

If I remember it (the evidence) was promised by the end of the first week!

Hmmm didn't notice any shovels on the "distributor" either, must be a RDO.

Is The Tail Wagging The Dog? - POWERZONE - 17-02-2015

We have drug testing at both my workplaces - it sounds good in theory but it's far too strict IMO.

Obviously I don't support people working whilst under the influence of illegal drugs and alcohol but I suffer from arthritis and was doing fine until the Panadeine was banned because it contains codeine. It's an over the counter drug.

The removal of mandatory drug testing from building sites doesn't mean employees won't be tested; it'll just be that it happens under the guidelines of the employer. Most employers test you when you first apply for a job anyway... no building site will employ druggos unless they want a building that looks anything like the UTS monolith in Sydney Smile

Is The Tail Wagging The Dog? - POWERZONE - 17-02-2015

Hi Peter. If you test positive you are banned from whatever.
Doctor's certificate doesn't help... they see it as: either you have drugs in your system or you don't.
But banning over the counters drugs such as Panadeine is going too far but that's just my opinion.
As for the union militancy of which you speak... the Fair Work Building & Construction body is supposed to regulate such behaviour from hardline unions such as the CFMEU. As I have no connection with them I can't offer much comment.

I'm happy for as long as we don't have workchoices of any of its incarnations come back to haunt us.

Is The Tail Wagging The Dog? - Aloysius - 19-02-2015

Quote:Hi Peter. If you test positive you are banned from whatever.


Doctor's certificate doesn't help... they see it as: either you have drugs in your system or you don't.


But banning over the counters drugs such as Panadeine is going too far but that's just my opinion.


As for the union militancy of which you speak... the Fair Work Building & Construction body is supposed to regulate such behaviour from hardline unions such as the CFMEU. As I have no connection with them I can't offer much comment.

I'm happy for as long as we don't have workchoices of any of its incarnations come back to haunt us.



Ones response is:


Count your blessings PZ! Tongueeace:  Tongueeace:

Is The Tail Wagging The Dog? - POWERZONE - 24-02-2015

Sure thing. I count my blessings as a union member Smile

In 2013 we turned a yearly -9% wage loss to a +4% gain through sensible negotiations.

I'm happy enough with the unions I belong to for as long as expectations are realistic and not disadvantageous.

CMFEU doesn't meet the above criteria, nor do employers that argue against workers rights.

Is The Tail Wagging The Dog? - Aloysius - 26-02-2015

Blessings are not restricted to union members however - that's not to say there are no good unions and that unions do not do some good work - clearly that is npot the case.

I have had first hand experience dealing with most excellent union reps whose word was good - it's always a two way street - if you deal straight with folks there is a good chance you will get a similar response.Good unions and good employers can and do - do good work


The rise of university trained lawyers as Union officials - having never actually worked in manner similar to the membership - and whose role is merely a career path stepping stone to an ALP safe seat - has ensured the disaffection of previously union supporting membership.


This is unarguable when one considers the percentage of union members in non government employment.


Add to that famous cases such as the NUM leadership ( Craig Thomson et al) an almost complete lack of morality and integrity most sadly toward those who trusted them - the membership.


All that said, I am very happy that you are appreciative of the work done by your representatives -Â