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Which Pm Will You Vote For? - Printable Version

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Which Pm Will You Vote For? - glen - 15-07-2010

Hi everyone,

At Peter's suggestion I am putting up a PM election poll! Vote away!!!!

Which person do you want as Prime Minister of Australia? And why?

Cheers, Glen <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':laugh:' />

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - glen - 16-07-2010

Surely there must be some Julia voters out there? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':laugh:' />

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - iblis.raeb - 17-07-2010

Since nobody is voting lets talk predictions. Mines that Labour wins by preferences.

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - glen - 17-07-2010

Yeah I guess that is quite likely!!! Do the Greens still give all their preferences to Labour?

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - iblis.raeb - 18-07-2010

[quote name='glen' post='28153' date='Jul 17 2010, 06:33 PM']Yeah I guess that is quite likely!!! Do the Greens still give all their preferences to Labour?[/quote]

Yeah, i think most if not all do.

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - glen - 19-07-2010

Yeah wind and sun seem a bit weak but maybe they could explore tidal power more. I know they have an experimental tidal turbine near the bridge to Phillip Island. Heaps of gushing water through there!!!

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - iblis.raeb - 20-07-2010

Our best inventions tend to go overseas.

There was a lot of talk not to long ago about hot rocks or something... water being pumped down below the ground to hot rocks and the steam produced to power turbines of sorts.

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - glen - 20-07-2010

I really like hot rocks!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - glen - 20-07-2010

You know hot chicks like hot rocks! Nice to have somewhere warm to sit!

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - glen - 26-07-2010

I thought South Australia had the best hot rocks! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':Chicken:' />

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - glen - 29-07-2010

Still no one votes for Julia! Looks like Tony will win at least 66% of the votes so far

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - iblis.raeb - 31-07-2010

Getting plenty of use and practically stopped using my PC since i bought a cheap wireless router, an ASUS router no less for $49 and it works a treat plugged into an existing cable modem, and now i'm spending to much time in bed, especially in the morning while the house is still cold.

Really getting the hang of all the features/bloating of a Notebook and Windows 7, really liking how intuitive Windows 7 tries to be. The snipping tool is cool, i was actually looking to download an open screen capture tool when i discovered what the already available snipping tool did. I still enjoy discovering Windows 7 features, an experience i'll surely be enjoying for some time yet.

Everything is installed and working, even my work stuffs. I'm very pleased. I've even ordered some fluorescent keyboard stickers so that typing at night is more comfortable (the monitor is angled obtusely and provides no lighting on the keyboard).

Do you have anymore notebook related advice, Peter?

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - iblis.raeb - 31-07-2010

The cable modem that i mentioned is at my place, and i couldn't get wireless access from my sister's place all the way at the back of the house to my bedroom.

The notebook instructions do mention that the vent should be kept clear, thanks for reminding me since i'd forgotten those instructions and probably had them covered slightly while in bed. :-)

Peter, is Windows Essential a book about windows 7? What about online information, why pay for a book?

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - iblis.raeb - 31-07-2010

[quote name='PeterJMelb' post='28421' date='Jul 31 2010, 04:47 PM']Hello Iblis.

I saw this trick on Utube somewhere.

How to extend your range for wireless network.

Maybe you can try it.

Get a couple of meters long Ethernet cable.

Open your mobile phone and wrap it several times around youi mobile phone.

(Might have to be 3G I'm not sure).

Plug the free end into the Ethernet socket of your PC.

Go to your network connection area and you should see more wireless hot spots and or your own at a stronger signal.

You are correct about free books on line.

However I like the DVDs that often come with real books.

How about "Windows Mail"! You know you cannot get it in W7. It is available in Vista only.

W7 has this thing "Windows Live Mail" and I don't like it at all.

Where as "Windows Mail" is a close relation to Outlook Express.

Do you use something like that or just use Web based email stuff?[/quote]

Interesting thought but i don't have an active mobile phone, Peter.

I'm happily using Windows Live Mail, calendar and all, and very pleased that the public holidays and address book contact birthdays are added automatically. I used Outlook Express (much preferred over the bloating and slow Microsoft Outlook) in the past and found the transition to Windows Live Mail fairly seamless, even the message rules.

[quote name='PeterJMelb' post='28422' date='Jul 31 2010, 04:55 PM']Hello Iblis.

What was the procedure to install the router with the cable modem?

I am keen to know how difficult it is because I may have to do it for my sister?[/quote]

First of all, here is a link to the modem i installed (you might want something more advanced if the router is going to server a large crowd): [url=""][/url] Centrecom have a store in Bundoora, probably the closest store to you, Peter.

1. connected the wireless router to the power point.

2. connected the cable modem LAN cable (that was connected to the PC) to the WAN port on the wireless router.

3. connected the PC LAN cable (which use to be connected to the cable modem) to the LAN1 port (This wireless router has four LAN ports).

4. installed the driver software from the installation CD that came with the wireless router onto my PC, and only the PC.

5. ran the installed software that connects to the router via the browser (had an issue with the default language being in Chinese but Chrome did a translate that was enough for me to find the advanced settings and change the language to English).

6. ran the basic setup wizard from the browser that was triggered by step 5. and setup a password/key encryption (i didn't know what type of encryption to use so after a Google search was not much help i just chose the fanciest sounding encryption method). The wizard was fairly straight forward. I had a snoop through the advanced settings but there was just to much going on for me to take much interest.

7. That's all, the router reset once the wizard was complete and my notebook identified the router quickly, and windows 7 makes connecting to wireless networks a breeze.

It was not difficult at all, Peter. The only issue was that the default language was in Chinese, that could have been a major issue if not for chromes built in translation feature.

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - iblis.raeb - 31-07-2010

Netgear is a nice choice, Peter.

There is even a cheaper wireless router at $39.99: [url=""][/url] The instructions must be set to binary language. :-)

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - scrooge2 - 01-08-2010

i think i'll vote for the spice girls <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/ph34r.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />



The National Duck Party <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':Whistle:' />

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - glen - 02-08-2010

hey ducky! nice selection there. the National Duck Party are still small but are getting their wings slowly! hahaha! get the duck joke there? quack quack!

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' />

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - iblis.raeb - 02-08-2010


Probably not for the first few months but my parents home wouldn't be burdened with a wireless router. My mother uses the Internet. Convenient for the occasional passer by iPod and iPhone as well.

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - iblis.raeb - 02-08-2010

Mum can barely get her head around the PC. I'm always re-educating her with the simplest of tasks, like emailing. A laptop will just add complexity, particularly the mouse pad, Mum has a hard enough time controlling the mouse and double clicking. You are an inspirational to the elder generation, Peter ...and there are probably far and few between.

Which Pm Will You Vote For? - iblis.raeb - 02-08-2010

[quote name='PeterJMelb' post='28508' date='Aug 2 2010, 06:44 PM']Ah Iblis.

The joys of helping the oldies!!

I have a mate (almost my age) who taught PCs at the Uni for old fogies!

It drove him nuts!

Always having to remind the "students" about the simplest of things.

Some students took notes but they meant nothing cos they had no PC at home to practice with!

Anyway he had to quit before he went insane.

In fairness to your mum you would have to attach a real mouse to the laptop.

As you may remember I hate those mouse pads!

Hey Iblis! Surely you have set her PC so as she does not have to double click!

That's the first thing I do for anyone much less the oldies![/quote]

I had actually changed the PC to single click but there with me not being around i figured its better than Mum familiarizes herself with the normal operation if somebody else has to talk her through a task. I did extend the double click time making double clicking much easier, slowed the mouse down as well. Her PC is actually my old PC so i had everything set to super fast.

Yeah, i supposed a mouse is an option but Mum will be more than satisfied with my PC and the two LCD monitors that it comes with, not that she needs two monitors. I'd take more overseas but, as far as i can tell, there is a 23 KG limit and $50 charge per Kilo there after, can you believe that, Peter?