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Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - Guest - 13-11-2010

Hello Peter S.

Yes I said Andrew Bolte, as Henry Bolte's son.

Of course he is not! I was practicing to be a better scallywag.

Andrew Bolt is my Hero, he just keeps on kicking the Greens and all other types of tree huggers and latte sippers.

He keeps exposing all the "inconvenient truths" (read non truths), in all (nearly all) the green and sharp left half baked wacky ideas.

No wonder they hate him.

Anyway what about a "wind power mill" BBQ in your backyard?

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - glen - 14-11-2010

A wind power mill car would be handy! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> Though I presume you could not travel faster than the wind!

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 14-11-2010

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1289628669' post='30968']

Hello Peter S.

Yes I said Andrew Bolte, as Henry Bolte's son.

Of course he is not! I was practicing to be a better scallywag.

Andrew Bolt is my Hero, he just keeps on kicking the Greens and all other types of tree huggers and latte sippers.

He keeps exposing all the "inconvenient truths" (read non truths), in all (nearly all) the green and sharp left half baked wacky ideas.

No wonder they hate him.

Anyway what about a "wind power mill" BBQ in your backyard?


You make the mistake many make today.

Hero is over used.

A hero is someone who risks their lives to save others. No journalist or politician is a hero.

Your lack of vision is unfortunate. Progressive ideas are often laughed at. I sip latte with pride, work dam hard and hell I would rather hug a tree than a many mean people in our world today.

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 14-11-2010

Nuclear... now thats an issue I have read lots on.. confession.. I am totally confused.

No I always love your posts.. I knew this thread would be a tricky one. I just politely suggest not all Greens are horrible people.

I don't think all lib voters or pollies are. Dont forget my partner is a Liberal!!!

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - glen - 15-11-2010

Gotta love Maccas!

The state election campaign has been a bit dull so far but it seems to be warming up a little. I heard something about people starting to warm to mr ted.

Is it true the greens are going to scrap the desal plant? Someone told me that today. Seems like a waste of money when it is almost finished!!! Or at least I presume it is almost finished.

Happy voting everyone! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/officechair.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':officechair:' />

Cheers, Glen

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 16-11-2010

I cant promise the Greens will grow even more but I am working very hard at it. I am just not as confident as everyone else.

Very angry with Libs putting us last.

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - glen - 17-11-2010

Hey Peter, maybe you will be a melbourne green candidate next time round!!!

Cheers, Glen

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - glen - 19-11-2010

So is Dick Smith into politics now? Who knows he might be running in our next election. Could run the campaign from a chopper!

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 19-11-2010

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1290056993' post='31018']

Hey Peter S.

Did you happen to read (this week) in the Herald Sun by my hero Andrew Bolt?

He tore strips off the hypocritical high flying green saints, e.g. (2 helicopters and a private jet) #### Smith. Big Al (I'm never wrong) Gore, and a few cream puff actors etc.

Well "a" #### Smith replied in todays letters to the editor.

His reply was pathetic. have a look and tell me your thoughts.


No I have not read it yet mate. I never read the Herald Sun. I will read it. But I will hide in a dark corner as reading the Sun is akin to looking at porn.

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 19-11-2010

No disrespect intended Peter.

I must say the most pathetic thing I ever heard was Bolt being questioned by a fourteen year talk back caller on the issue of climate change. The young girl was outstanding but Bolt even used the tired old line "but the climate has been changing for thousands of years". The girl simply laughed and said"your point being?"

Bolt flustered in confusion.

There is not one climate change scientist who denies the evolution of climate change..all agree its always happened. The absudity of the skeptics is truly breath taking. I wonder if they ever read a science journal in thir lives.

Look at Monkdale with his golden boy Alan Jones... he was pathetic. Theatrically impressive but his substance was thin and contradictory.

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 25-11-2010

Yes a bit of fun Peter.

That's fine. Its all a bit silly but to respond would require an essay. lol

However we do have a sense of humor. That's for a bit of a giggle.

I predict a Liberal win. If I am right lets hope they really mean it when they claim they will have a 20% emissions reduction by 2020. That's Liberal policy not mine.

I have read several climate change books but a really good one everybody is Robert Henson's Climate Change. Its clear concise and answers the skeptics very simply.

Of course its a matter of listening to scientists rather than journos.

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - glen - 26-11-2010

It would be cool if the scientists could predict the weather a bit better! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tongue' />

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 26-11-2010

Of course on a more serious note when one looks at the letter Peter contributes it actually stops being funny when one analyzes it.

It purports to ridicule certain green beliefs. Yet the Libs claim they support these as well.

For example one of the major claims made by the Libs is that they will improve piublic transport getting people out of their cars. Thats great but does this suggest its just a joke or they think the notion is silly. I have not driven a car in years!

No green is upset about showering daily. Its odd that some think Greens are all left wing long haired hippies. With no disrespect intended to that group if one attends a Green rally there are people from all walks of life. Many wearing suits!!

The 'funny letter" suggests turning off air conditioning. Does this mean we should all waste power.

If this letter is sending up green concerns because it thinks they are silly then the Libs are lying to environmentally aware Lib voters (there are many).

As for the last point about sex I suggest the writer thinks there is no such thing as over population... take a trip to India.

If however one wants to have sex without getting pregnant there are methods such as condoms or gay sex. By the way if one is heterosexual there are plenty of books available and movies explaining how to have sex without getting pregnant.

Then again anti green straights hate their off spring any way. Obviously they do. They dont give a stuff about the kind of planet they are leaving them.

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - glen - 26-11-2010

I am all for a small australia! I think the push to grow the population is silly.

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 26-11-2010

Don't forget to vote Greens Glen!

I know you love fishing but those against environmental issues would be quite happy to see you fishing for plastic fish in a large bath tub.

The Greens have NEVER had a problem with sustainable fishing.

The Greens had nothing to do with the introduction of European carp or cane toads!!! Silly Green (environmentally aware) minded people had the audacity to question the introduction of cane toads way back then before there was a Green party. Nearly every Green prediction has come true! Check the evidence.


Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 26-11-2010

Its hard to say Peter but you may well be right.

I still predict a swing to the Libs so good luck. Then again I cannot even pick a cup winner lol.

I dont care as long as I see a healthy swing to the Greens.

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 27-11-2010

Actually I think your prediction will be correct Peter.

On a good note the people have been great this week. I have been canvassing with the Greens and the support of the people has been great. Even Lib voters have been polite. One called me a commo... lol. I said "what kind?" I doubt they would even know the difference between Trotsky, Marx, Lenin, Engels or even Stalin.

If the Libs win and I think they will indeed I think they will win with a majority (the pro lib media has been a disgrace) they better prove to us that they are honest about climate change action.

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 27-11-2010

Its always interesting. I am not too worried this time because I know and actually like my local Liberal member of parliament Robert Clark. As long as I see Family First get a thumping I will be happy and a reasonable Green vote. I think it will be a comfortable win for Ted B. He has inherited a good economy, job growth and vastly improved infrastructure. Myki despite its early problems is now running well and remember it took six years for Singapore to get their system right.

So if he can carry on the good work of the current Gov .. they could do well..

Hey how come no one has made a list of premieres?

Then again this is a pretty lonely old thread compared to others.

Wonder how we could get more support for this site?

If chaps like Peterj and I can debate without abuse I am sure there are others looking for this. In case you are interested Peter there is a world of difference between the various types of communism. Actually communism in its basic form has never been tried. Maybe in Cuba but although that country has a very impressive system in many ways it also has its human rights abuses too, THe health services in Cuba are simply brilliant.

There's a country you would love Glen!! Pure magic.

The USSR was really a military regime and only gave a kind of lip service to main ideals of communism.

China of course is a world apart. There is much to admire but much to abhor.China is next on my list to visit.

Everyone should visit Cuba.

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 28-11-2010

I think the Libs will win the seats. Hung parliaments can work but sadly politicians on both sides do not understand the meaning of phrases like lets work together.

Greens held on but personally I think its a disappointing Green vote.

You cannot take anything away from the Liberals... out f oblivion they have made a tremendous come back.

Congratulations are certainly in order.

Politics, Climate Change and Andrew Bolt - petersj - 29-11-2010

THe ALP need to define what they are. I was a devoted to them but now I turn to Greens because the ALP no longer seems to represent the left.

Frankly on some issues I got better response from the Libs than ALP.

John Brumby is a nice guy but politically naive. The negative campaign against Ted was trying to dig up the past which never works.

OK.. I a;ways accept the decision.

Lets see if we get that tram along Doncaster road. My local guy is pushing for it. If they get that they will get my vote too. As well as the promise of climate change action.