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Random Comments - Aloysius - 29-04-2015

So I agree with you but what do you call wall to wall coverage of tragedy?


One headline said  that the two guys (and others) were shot - not executed lawfully by the Indonesian justice system - that is emotive reporting calculated to generate anger.


That you were not entertained I don't doubt but you are probably in a minority.


I most certainly was not entertained - just sad.


I have no quarrel with opinion peices which ever way they are slanted - I do object to news being spun when it's presented as news. There is a significant difference.

Random Comments - Aloysius - 15-05-2015

So back home after terrorising the Flathead and Whiting at Alva beach - then on to a mates place at Tully to help with renovation work and to enjoy still fruiting tropical trees - Five corner fruit, Black Sapote and the like - Oh - and lots of seafood dining!


Really happy with the car using around thirteen liters /100Km pulling a caravan approx 1200 k each way. These little common rail diesel motors are very good!


Hope all my fellow forum colleagues are happy and well.


A post from green guy even - still in singapore mate?

Random Comments - POWERZONE - 19-05-2015

13 litres over a hundred kays with a caravan is phenomenal. The high compression and torque characteristics of a diesel motor sells itself really well.


Looks like you had a good time there Aloy Big Grin

Random Comments - Aloysius - 30-05-2015

Quote:13 litres over a hundred kays with a caravan is phenomenal. The high compression and torque characteristics of a diesel motor sells itself really well.


Looks like you had a good time there Aloy Big Grin


It's my first diesel private vehicle - absolutely rapt with it.

Random Comments - Aloysius - 30-05-2015

Cyndi Lauper sang a song that said "Money changes everything"



Apparently the FIFA folks haven't heard it!

Random Comments - Aloysius - 01-06-2015

Who would want that?

Random Comments - Aloysius - 02-06-2015

But you fail to understand that UEFA is just as money oriented as FIFA is - just wait and see it is in no ones pecuniary interest for FIFA to fail that includes the political class.


Image europe withoiut bread and circuses - the only thing they have left?

Random Comments - Aloysius - 03-07-2015

After a fortnite or so touring Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Italy, it sure is good to come home.


All very attractive and some really nice folks, but basically they all hate each other, always have and always will.


Quote from our tour Director - a Slovenian:  "We have a nasty war every 50 years on average, it's only 20 years since the last one so you have about 30 years for a return trip"


There are still heaps of bullet holes and shell holes in many many buildings. 


Whatever differences we have here it doesn't spiral down into war.


This is something to be really thankful for!

Random Comments - Aloysius - 09-07-2015

Aaaaaaaaaaaaah it's good to be in Queensland when the mighty maroons hand out a footballing lesson to the Blues. It was a clinical dissection by allegedly "over the hill" players.

Random Comments - Aloysius - 10-07-2015

Quote:Ah Aloy. . .

Tell me true!

How many times did the mighty Qs actually kick the ball, you know as in football?

At least Aussie Rules does not claim to be football.

And in fact these days it is real close to throw ball, with more back passes than soccer.

And give me a good reason why you lot hate Mexicans!

Tassie people are our Mexicans, we don't hate them, we love 'em.


Tell you true?


I love Aussie rules too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I don't see it as a competition - at all - good AFL is good AFL


Good NRL is good NRL.



Why hate mexicans?


We have several that come here every year - I play golf with them.


You could say they are actually Q's that go to Victoria to escape our summer!

Random Comments - Aloysius - 13-07-2015

Quote:travelling all over Europe not that long ago, i found the biggest idiots anywhere, to be Aussies, sorry to say, wherever i went


from one idiot who thought the concierge in his hotel in Venice would immediately know what the score in the krikkitt was, to another who complained about opera and festivals advertising on the Rialto Bridge spoiling his shot of the bridge to a whole bunch of drunken idiots needing to be drunk to appreciate the sunset over Florence from Michelangelo Square to the epitome of idiocy from a melbourne couple who had witnessed my daughter nearly getting run over by a van in a pedestrian only and restricted to cars area of Florence central by saying "she shouldnt be walking in the street and should stick to the footpath" ... idiots, i think they might have been waiting for a tram



please dont try and defend these idiots, there were more





Whoa there amigo!


Defend the indefensible?


Shirley you jest 


Re Slovenia etc I said I liked the folks and the countries I merely indicated that history and stored up grudges do nor augur well for the future.


Happily I met only nice Aussies on my trip - maybe it's got something to do with Birds of a feather? :dance:

Random Comments - Aloysius - 14-07-2015

Coc oons are good!


So are Mar oons!

Random Comments - radioholic - 16-07-2015

Can people see my comments?


It doesn't seem to show up on the title that I've left a comment. 

Random Comments - radioholic - 26-07-2015

Hey guys,

I left a comment on here about needing someone to do animation.

But I can't find it as Mello answer my comment and I was wanting the info he replied with

Random Comments - POWERZONE - 28-07-2015

OOOO lookie > Results in the essential poll find overwhelming support for penalty rates (81% support, 13% oppose), and deep skepticism about arguments for cutting them (61% think it more likely that business will make bigger profits, 20% that it will employ more workers).

That's a good thing Smile

Random Comments - POWERZONE - 21-02-2017

Clearly this will be the main news of the next few days...


[Image: 8288992-3x2-700x467.jpg]


Five-passenger plane crashes near Melbourne's Essendon Airport

Random Comments - Aloysius - 21-02-2017

Pet hate this week:  Those self  interested lazy peices of entitled peices of crap that take their shopping trolley to their car and then push it away - anywhere - to drive away.


They don't care if it scratches someone elses vehicle, they don't care that someone else will have to move the abandoned trolley to use the park.

Random Comments - Aloysius - 13-03-2017


Tayyip Erdogan says Netherlands acting like a 'banana republic' as Turkey-EU row escalates"


Oh dear for a hundred years Turkey has been becoming more and more europeanised, to the great benefit of her people, what we are seeing here is a massive move back into asia.


Turkey really has tried to become part of the EU - but now it appears they would rather regress into a non secular country and all the misery that that will bring.


It's small wonder that the leader of Turkey who has overseen displacement of teachers, Judges, and the like  comes up with "banana republic" for the Netherlands - because that's where he is headed.

Random Comments - Aloysius - 13-03-2017

Beware the swing that must come!

Random Comments - Aloysius - 15-03-2017

I wonder what our response would be if Turkey sent senior politicians to campaign in our country?


The Dutch have refused to allow it and thereby drawn the ire of Dictator Erdogan.


irritating a dictator would probably be a good indicator of good policy.


If ever there was a time to be glad to be Australian - it's now.