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If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 19-02-2011

Hello Peter J,

is it correct when I say Peter J, or is het only Peter as first name?

So if your granddaughter is 13 years old, she will move to another team?

The keeper is very young, she did also a good job!

How do you think about a sleeping bag, what usually mountaineers use?

That must be warm! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

We decided to take an inland flight, because that's cheaper. With our international flight we could get a discount.

No we have a inland flight from Sydney to Perth for 75 Euro. I don't think that's expensive! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/happy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='^_^' />

I have layed (??) in bed for almost one week! Now it's getting better with me, hopefully I can enjoy my weekend!

Do you have plans for the weekend? We are going to visit some friends in Tilburg tomorrow. Tilburg is not far from Eindhoven, it's 25 minutes driving.

Have a nice weekend!

Greetings Ireen

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1297931506' post='32105']

Hello Ireen.

Yes some of the girls in the team will be much better next year, because they are playing in the wrong age group.

For example my g daughter has two more years in the under 13s.

And the goal keeper is still only nine!

About the cold nights you will be better to buy good quality lightweight fleecy blankets rather than wearing two lots of clothes.

And at that time of year nights in Sydney will be chilly in a camper van!

6.5 weeks seems to be plenty of time for the whole trip.

Sydney to Melbourne = 1 day.

Melbourne to Adelaide = 1 day.

Adelaide to Perth (coasting) = about 3 - 4 days.

So you can see . . .

However it is a long long drive.

A big adventure. Could be tiring after awhile if you don't rest up a bit.

You may get a flight to Perth for much the same you spend on fuel and camper hire plus camp fees!

Fuel can be high cost out West. Maybe more than $1.50 per litre.

Are you feeling better?

Here the humidity is killing us!


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 23-02-2011

Hello Peter,

I call you Peter then! That sounds easier!

The fever is over, so I feel well again. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/officechair.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':officechair:' />

Yesterday I started working. Tomorrow I have a day off, actually it's study leave. I think I stay in bed tomorrow morning and do my study at noon. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

Your granddaughter and grandson are very sportive! Are you sportive as well?

I should exercise, but I'm too lazy.. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/ohmy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':o' />

Thank you for the explaining for the verbs lay and lie. Unfortunately, I can't see the whole webadress, so I can't open it. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

But 'I stay in bed for a week' sounds good to me! I will remember this one!

Now there's an earthquake in New Zealand. What a natural disaster lately in Australia en New Zealand!

Sometimes it makes me worry. Is it really the paradise what I expect? Maybe I see some things too positive..

Did you enjoyed the temperature in Melbourne today? 18 degrees I saw on the internet?

Congratulations with the son of your niece!

Greetings Ireen

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1298099839' post='32155']

Hello Ireen.

Well Peter is my Christian name, and the J is the first letter of my surname.

So just call me Peter is fine! (Peter J is also fine).

Now my grand daughter is 11 years old and qualifies for two more years at under 13.

There is no under 11, under 13 is the youngest in this competition.

The next grade for her will then be under 15 girls.

The keeper does not look 9 years old. She looks the same as the other girls in the team.

However she is not very strong yet.

She has let in a few easy goals, but in the very last match she did two beautiful real saves.

That's a good idea with the sleeping bags.

And the cost of the flight to Perth is very cheap, well done!

Ah the verb to lie or to lay!

Yikes I always get them wrong.

The answer to your question is :

I have lain in bed for almost a week.

To lie = to recline and to lay = to place something down.

See here:


So where you said "layed" it would be right if you layed down a book.

BUT most people would say:

I was ill so I stayed in bed for a week.

Or I've been to bed for a week . . .

This weekend I have weeded the back garden. (Saturday).

And then rested because the humidity is so high it saps my energy.

And Saturday evening we go to a 21st. Birthday party for the son of one of our nieces. (That says how old I am!).

It will be cool by then and very pleasant!

Sunday I don't know what we will do. Sleep in for the start!


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 25-02-2011

Hello Peter,

why do you call me Ireen 4? Are there any other Ireens on the forum? In Holland, the name Ireen isn't very popular. However, we have a princes Ireen!

Thank you for this site. It's totally clear for me now! In Dutch language we have also two words for it: lay=leggen en lie=liggen. And we use these two forms in the same way.

I watch every day to Sky News, were they tell the last details about the earthquake in New Zealand. What a mess overthere. Today they said on the news that the people are robbing eachother. (food and clothes I think?)

There are many people dead, what a catastrophe..

You have heared about the British Magazine 'The Economist'? They made a list from the 10 most liveable cities in the world.

There are 4 Australian cities on the list (what's really strikingly!) and at number two.... yes, yes, it's Melbourne! What do you think about that? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Party.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tonguearty:' />

There aren't any Dutch cities on the list, why I'm not suprised...<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mellow.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':mellow:' />

So, you are really sportive! You like sporting? Because that's the problem with me: I don't like it. That's the reason that I don't sport. However, I walk to my work everyday. 2 times a quarter. So I still get some 'exercise'! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Whistle.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':Whistle:' />

Enjoy your evening. For me, the day has began. In the afternoon I go to an Irish pub in the city with a girl I've met on the emigration fair last year. She wants to emigrate to New Zealand. I'm very curious how she thinks about that nowadays.

Greetings Ireen

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1298450144' post='32203']

Hello Ireen 4.

It is good you are feeling better.

I think I got the whole lie/lay thing wrong. So here is another easier site to check. [url=""][/url] the missing letters are

Both g daughter and g son are academic as well as sporty. Hannah's teacher told me that Hannah was a "joy" to teach. The brother was (last year) school captain for his year level.

The earth quake in NZ is a disaster with many killed and people lost.

Many have been rescued by twitter and mobile phones. Sadly many will not be found in time. Fortunately the weather there is good at the moment. But many after shocks have stopped rescuers from entering unstable buildings.

It seems people were in the tower of the cathedral when it collapsed. New Zealand is known as the shaky isles as there are always tremors. NZ is over one of the moving plate joins.

So being/living in a paradise is not always safe. It is a risk to take.

In Western Aus you will not have that kind of trouble. Sometimes there are small earthquakes in NSW or Tasmania with tremors elsewhere.

Ah 18 is good!

In my youth I was a mad basketball player Actually I played my last match at 68 years! (The one before that at about 45 years). So after-wards I could not walk!

These days I go to the Gym 3 times a week to keep fit. It is hard to stay without some kind of injury as every now and then I lift too much and get muscle problems. So back to the Physio for treatment and build up the process all over again.

You see it is a male thing. If I lift 100Kg today I try to lift 110Kg next time! Pretty stupid but it is built into my brain.

Oh there are many women of all ages working out at the Gym. All different shapes.

The girls general do lots of aerobics and the guys more weights. So you should exercise, for your future wellbeing, if not the present.

Ha don't just LIE on the couch! Pick up some weights and then LAY them down!


If you click on this thread, then you must post - Guest - 25-02-2011


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If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 27-02-2011

Hello Peter,

I thought there were three more Ireens on the forum!

So Irene is the English spelling? That's also the correct spelling in Dutch. I thought that Ireen was the correct spelling in English. Obviously I was wrong.

My friend was shocked about the earthquake, but she still wants to emigrate to New Zealand. But she will take the safest way, she wants to emigrate to the Northern Island.

It was nice talking to her again. There are a few people who know that I want to emigrate in the future. So, it's nice if you can talk with someone who has te same idea.

Ah, you say sporting or sporty. Does sportive maybe mean that you don't always have to win?

15 minutes is a quarter. In Dutch you call it: kwartier. Don't you have one word for 15 minutes in English?

(in the same way you call 60 minutes one hour)

So it's two times 15 minutes. (30 minutes together!!)

Don't you think I'm sporty!!!? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

Yes, we have booked our trip to Australia!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Party.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Tonguearty:' />

I have 6 weeks summer holiday. As a primary school teacher in the Netherlands you have always 6 weeks holiday in July/August.

I took 2 weeks unpaid leave (do you know what I mean by this?) so now we can visit Australia for almost 8 weeks.

We will fly from Amsterdam to Londen, from Londen to Singapore and from Singapore to Sydney. There we have a few days to visit the city. After these days, we take an inland flight from Sydney to Perth. We drive all the way to Darwin.

We don't want to hurry, so I think we have plenty of time for this distance.

We will fly from Darwin to Denpasar, Bali. We have a stopover from 6 days. We want to visit the rice fields, the temples and the volcanoes. We will fly back from Bali-Singapore-Frankfurt and finally Amsterdam.

So I'm looking forward to!

I just need to do some savings! (does that sound right?) <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mellow.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':mellow:' />

Greetings Ireen

p.s. did you find some antiques?

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1298628162' post='32264']

Hello Ireen. The number 1 Ireen!

Well what happened!

Well I compose my reply and I save often. And I label each save with a number.

Well I forgot to remove the save number! Sorry!

Anyway Irene (English spelling) is a delightful old fashioned name, sadly not common anymore.

Yes many dead in NZ and many not yet found, presumed they will be by now dead.

Yes there have been looters and many caught. Teenagers lost their parents and when they went home, their home was robbed!

Yes Melbourne is number 2! In past times it has even been number 1!

And Canada had 3 cities in the top 5.

For Holland I see a bleak future with the swarm of Muslims entering. I wish it were not so.

Let me ask you about this:

So, you are really sportive! You like sporting? Because that's the problem with me: I don't like it. That's the reason that I don't sport. However, I walk to my work everyday. 2 times a quarter. So I still get some 'exercise'! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Whistle.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':Whistle:' />

Better to say: "So you are really sporting!" Or sporty.

Then: "That's the reason I don't do sport." The words are OK but not best choices.

And I don't understand this: "2 times a quarter."

Tell me what your friend now thinks about going to NZ!

After a big earthquake usually things go quiet for a good time! Maybe?

Tomorrow (Saturday) we are going on a train ride to a small town to look at antiques!

Still making plans to visit Australia?


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 03-03-2011

Hello Peter,

I told my friend about the earthquakes in the North of New Zealand.

It looks like she has no opportunities for New Zealand. Her occupation (has something to do with social work, I don’t know the exact English word for it) is on the Sponsorship List of Canberra Capital City. Unfortunately, she needs to do some saving. She should bring AUD25.000!

Thank you for your explaining about sportive! So the Italians use it in the same way?

I have also learned something today! ;-)

And then the explaining about the quarter! I shall remember that I use the hour-word and I don’t have to say the minutes! A little bit confused, yes. But it’s clear now! I know how to arrange something with English/Australian people!

O, yes! I really want the aisle seat in the back!

Two years ago our travel agent has booked these sites on the way to Australia. Return we had bad places. I hope we can reserve these places by ourselves. Because you have electronic tickets nowadays and you have to reserve your own seats.

What a horrible story about dying people in the plane! I shall do some exercises in the air, I don’t want to leave Australia after a few weeks (in a coffin)..

So you had a great day, during looking at antiques?

Sounds nice, especially the train trip and the viewing!

In the Netherlands it’s nearly Carnaval. Like the Brazilian Carnaval, but less exposure(?) dressed.

It’s too cold for that! But it’s a reason for many people to drink lots of alcohol for 5 days. By the way, it’s only Carnaval in the South of the Netherlands.

I don’t like Carnaval very much, so we go to Dublin (Ireland) for a few days. (Good for my English!) Just one hour in the plane!

Unfortunately, Friday I have to celebrate Carnaval at school with the kids. I’m dressed like a cave-dweller! So I will look weird!

Greetings Irene<BR style="mso-special-character: line-break"><BR style="mso-special-character: line-break">

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1298882369' post='32299']

Hello Irene!

Your friend should Google North Island and earthquakes. I believe the North is on the same fault line.

I think NZ came from the fault line millions of years ago. NZ is very young compared to Australia.

Australia is much more stable and is the oldest continent. (So I'm told).

So how is your friend going to qualify for NZ?

"Sportive" is a word that I would never need to use. I have never used it and I cannot recall anyone (English native speaker) using.

The Italians seem to use it as well as the Dutch!

Sportive is listed in an old dictionary I have. It is listed as an adjective meaning "playful". As: the playful girl.

So yes you are definitely sportive and I have learned another thing! Good!

Hmmmm, what about a kwartier! When we talk of a quarter hour we always put the noun (hour) in the sentence.

As far as I know, no one says: "I'll see you in a quarter." They will say in a quarter hour.

But they may say: "See you in 15." Or in 20. with the minutes understood. Confused?

Yes Irene unpaid leave is common in Aus! But sometimes may be difficult to get when you want it.

And your travel plan sounds good.

I always try to get an aisle seat at the rear of the plane. (Where there are just 2 seats).

That way no one wants to climb over you to get to the toilet or exercise.

And of course there is more room in them.

Don't forget to do plenty of leg and feet exercises. Many people die of deep vein thrombosis, not on the plane much, but in the weeks afterward.

It will be a great trip.

So you need to do some "saving". Or you are going to be saving. I guess the act of saving is considered singular even though it is spread over time.

It is still one act toward a goal.

However what you achieve at the end will be your total savings.

Irene we looked at lots of beautiful antiques. But bought none. Our trip was just an outing and we spent about 10 hours in travel and lunch and viewing.


If you click on this thread, then you must post - glen - 04-03-2011

[quote name='Rusty' timestamp='1298629799' post='32266']


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No worries all done. Feel free to come back any time. Cheers, Glen

If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 05-03-2011

Hello Peter,

I didn't hear anything about the earthquake on the North Island. Fortunately, there were no victims.

I don't know much about Lady Godiva. I saw on the internet she is an Anglo Saxon. (I hope I translate it well)

There isn't much dance during Carnaval in The Netherlands. It's too cold outside, so everyone celebrates Carnaval in pubs and disco's. Every town and village has is own procession through the streets. That's outside. They build carts of paper mache with music and there will be thrown candy on the last cart in the procession! So, many kids are standing ready with an umbrella to catch the candy.

Yesterday, we had a little procession with the schoolkids through our district. There was a lot of music and confetti.

Back on school, I had to paint all the kids. (facial paint)

I made some children afraid with my cave dweller costume! I had a bone stick through my nose (not really ofcourse!) but the children thought it was real!

Unfortunately, they didn't take a picture from me. (pff, lucky Irene!!) <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

Can you give an explanation about your ''smurf''? That blue thing with the white hat.

It's typical Dutch/Belgian and very famous. The ''smurfen'' were made by a Belgian cartoonist: Pierre Culliford.

Are they also famous in Australia?

Have a nice weekend!

Greetings Ireen (who's going to try to understand the Irish people) <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':unsure:' />

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1299128402' post='32333']

Hi Irene!

There was a largish earthquake on the North Island yesterday. No damage.

$25000 is large! I guess it is a kind of guarantee!

Until you mentioned about the quarter (hour) I had never even thought about the confusing difference!

But yes it is strange!

Irene, not many people actually die on planes from deep vein thrombosis, but death can occur up to 3 or 4 months later.

Of course the problem is worse on long haul, which usually is not a problem in Europe.

But exercises stop DVT from happening. Qantas have a card showing the various exercises.

I knew about the Latin countries and their Carnivale, but I did not know that you cold guys had the same fun!

But Lady Godiva did a strip whilst riding, what country was she from? Was she arrested or were the police too interested?

So what do the dancers in Holland do?

Now you will be a cave dweller at school! Unfortunately, they didn't take a photo from meAnyway, send a photo!

Good luck with English in Dublin! I have heaps of trouble with the Irish and Scottish accents!

Not much else happening!


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 07-03-2011

Hello Peter,

a quick reply before I go to Dublin.

It's very nice weather over here, 9 degrees and sunny. The spring is coming!

Unfortunately, next days will be rainy in Dublin <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':unsure:' />

Yes, Dutch people are often very tall. I'm 1 meter and 77 cm. My brother is almost 2 metres!

I hope that paper of yours is wrong, I don't like the piece about the blood pressure and the related problems!!

(Happily, I haven't noticed it yet..)

Have a nice week!

Greetings Irene

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1299395043' post='32393']

Hello Irene.

Well the weekend is nearly over for us!

We watched our g daughter play netball on Saturday and a soccer practice match on Sunday.

The real soccer season does not start for about another month.

Your translation of Lady Godiva is correct.

The Carnivale sounds good fun. Bad luck (for me) about the photo!

About the "Smurf". Well I did not know anything about them at all.

I chose that one from a bunch of supplied icons to be my avatar. (Before I knew what an avatar was?).

Anyway I chose that one because he (it) was holding (with ease) a large barbell.

And it suits me because I go to the Gym often!

I did not know they were composed by a Belgian artist.

I have seen in today's paper that the people of Holland have grown the most of all the nations in the world!

It did not say why, but good is it not?

However it pointed out that some health people say that taller people have more blood pressure and related problems.

I'm short so I feel safer now!

Only one minor point to tell you about: "Back ON school." Better to say: "Back AT school."


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 14-03-2011

Hello Peter,

We’re back from Ireland! It was very nice in Dublin. Unfortunately, the weather was rainy and very windy. But we stopped at a lots of pubs to warm up again!

I had also trouble with understanding the Irish people. They speak so fast and with a weird accent!

We went also to the cinema. It was a good exercise for us, all these English movies without Dutch subtitles. We saw a Western movie: True Grit. We didn’t understand these Western-murmur-American-speaking actors!

Did you have a nice weekend?

So Glen is touring through WA? All the way to Darwin?

Greetings Ireen

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1299556656' post='32434']

Hi Irene.

I look forward to more news when you return from Ireland!

When you come back contact Glen (the boss of this site) he is currently touring WA.

So he will give you first hand information.


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 19-03-2011

Hello Peter!

Sorry for the late response..

Besides my job, I'm doing a course. Usually I study during my schoolholidays. But this time, we went to Dublin.

So I had to do lots of studying this week. Yuk!

However, it's weekend now! And the sun is shining! So I'm satisfied.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

It's 12 degrees, but in our garden, out of the wind and in the sun, it's really pleasant.

I didn't hear anything from Glen, so I shall contact him. I'm very curious!

Thank you for the link. Sometimes I watch BBC entertainment. They have many English series.

What do you mean by sitcom? Does that word mean the same as serie?

Before I forget: How was the Melbourne festival Moomba? Did you visit this festival?

I found a webpage on the internet about this festival. It looked really nice!

Do you have plans for this weekend? I have seen the temperature isn't very high, so that's comfortable for you. (if you want to do something this weekend)

Greetings Ireen

p.s. I tried to translate my course with google translator. It says: internal supervisor. Do you think that's correct? The Dutch word is: intern begeleider.

(If I have finished this course, I can work as a coach inside a primary school: coaching teachers and refer children to special education. So I don't think that's the correct translation..)

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1300060521' post='32528']

Hello Irene!

Welcome back.

See! I expected you would would have trouble with the Irish accent!

They speak fast because generally they are fun loving excitable people.

I truly believe that the Irish live in their pubs, perhaps they (the pubs) are treated as a refuge from daily life.

About 18 years ago we were in Ireland and we went on a "Jonty" cart ride.

Well the drivers must have been rich because they communicated with each other via mobile phones.

Glen will probably read this so he will answer for you. If not send him a PM.

Don't be alarmed about not understanding the American murmur movies. We don't understand either!

The best bet for you is to listen to the English movies or TV sitcoms like Heartbeat and other older stuff.

I guess you have TV channels that show old TV. Oh I suppose it is dubbed in Dutch, ouch, no good then.

Try this:


You will see many other clips as well.

I will try to think of other shows you will find clear English and I will post them here for you.

BTW today Monday is a holiday here. In Melbourne we have a big festival called Moomba.


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 22-03-2011

Hello Peter,

O, yes, our garden is really pretty. It’s a deep garden with one big tree. That tree is almost 70 years old and very big. Other people can’t hardly look in our garden. And we can’t see our neighbours.

We live 5 minutes away from the centre of Eindhoven (by car). It’s in the east of Eindhoven and the whole district is very green with big trees and a few parks.

And we don’t live in an apartment but in a house made of wood! At least the skeleton and the exterior of the house. The former residents have completely renovated the inside. It’s a house from 1950, so it’s a quite old one! ;-)

Today it was 14 degrees and Wednesday it will be 17 degrees! With a nice warm sunshine. Spring is coming to the Netherlands! J

What about your knee? A surgery, that’s really something! How did that ‘’floating body’’ came in your knee? Was it a little piece of a bone?! And are you doing well in the meantime? Can you do a short walk by now?

Thank your for your translation of Intern Begeleider. I think it’s the right translation, because it certainly has something to do with the things you have named.

So your daughter is also a teacher? Which subject does she teach? (or which subject is she teaching?)

Good luck with your knee!

Greetings Irene

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1300584839' post='32584']

Hi Irene!

Your garden environment sounds delightful.

Funny but I expected that you would be living in an apartment block among other apartment blocks.

And that you would need to find a park nearby for some nature!

I don't think Glen has returned to Melbourne yet. So give him a few more days.

If you already watch the BBC then that's is good as it gets.

Sitcom is short for "Situation Comedy", such as comedies set in families or work situations.

Moomba is very pleasant. However we have not been to one for many years. Perhaps it is time again?

It is not outrageous like the Latin American parades or the gay parades. It is for families.

Ah this weekend! I am immobilized!

On Friday I had an arthroscope on my right knee!

The surgeon found a "floating body". It looks like a big tooth!

This thing was causing me trouble for awhile so eventually I had to have the surgery.

Today (Sunday) my knee is swollen and stiff, but I can walk a bit.

I think I will be going easy for at least a week!

About intern begeleider I shall ask my daughter. She works in a very large high school in Melbourne.

I found this at Wiki:

The internal supervisor is responsible for the care of pupils, the training or retraining of the team, give shape to the educational philosophy and plotting lines relating to the pedagogical and didactic approach within the school.

Good luck with the exams!


If you click on this thread, then you must post - glen - 26-03-2011

Hi Irene! Yes I am back in Melbourne. We travelled from Perth to Shark Bay and also went to Margaret River. Was a great trip! I will post some photos soon.

If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 26-03-2011

Hello Peter!

How is your knee doing? So, after this weekend you start with Physio?

I hope you can still continue (little) activities with your leg? And can you do longer walks in the meantime?

So your daughter has an important job in high school! There’s indeed no room for error. Isn’t that a heavy load for her that she isn’t allowed to make any mistakes? Maybe only one teacher thinks such things like that, because I tell my children all the time that they may make mistakes! ;-)

I’m really curious if she can tell you something about the job internal supervisor.

This week we went to the solicitor, he has certified all my documents for the skills assessment: special needs teacher. Today we send it to our translator in Queensland. I hope everything goes well. And then we have to wait and wait again..

Today, spring is more like autumn! Hopefully, the sun will shine tomorrow. Do you have 4 different seasons in Melbourne? I don’t think the seasons in Melbourne are as clearly as the Dutch ones?

How was the musical evening? What a good initiative!

Enjoy your weekend and success with the Physio next week.

Greetings Irene

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1300841887' post='32628']

Hi Irene!

Well my knee repair is responding and improving all the time.

I can do a couple of short walks every day now.

The swelling has all but disappeared.

I just have the two puncture marks from the operation.

Next week I may start Physio for strengthening the muscles.

No my daughter is not a teacher. She is in school administration.

She is responsible for all logistics relating to the final year state exams. (For her school, not for all the state schools).

It is a big task with no room for error as the exam is the first big step for students into the tertiary area.

So far she has not answered my request about what your qualifications mean here.

I will see her tomorrow so I will ask again.

Tomorrow evening the school is running a musical evening.

Where many past musical students are invited back to perform and show how they have progressed in the real world.

For me it is a must see/hear experience.

Ah enjoy Spring. When Spring arrives I always think of the Four Seasons by Vivaldi!

I first heard it live many years ago (40 at least) in an inner city church packed with people. It was stunning.

Then last year I heard it live again played by some of Melbourne's most experienced musical students. Just beautiful!

Cara Irene enjoy life!


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 26-03-2011

Hi Glen,

I'm very curious about the pictures!

Do you have tips for me? Things I really can't miss?

For me the countdown has begun. 3 more months to go..

I'm looking forward to it! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wacky.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wacky:' />

Greetings Irene

[quote name='glen' timestamp='1301119528' post='32672']

Hi Irene! Yes I am back in Melbourne. We travelled from Perth to Shark Bay and also went to Margaret River. Was a great trip! I will post some photos soon.


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 31-03-2011

Hello Peter,

how did the strengthening exercises go? So the stitches are out of your knee?

Last weekend we had a beautiful day with almost 20 degrees and a warm sun. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wacky.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wacky:' />

I've read a book in the garden, wonderfully relaxing!

How's the weather in Melbourne by now? It's almost autumn for you?

4 seasons in one day? that's really amazing!

Saturday we have sent all our visum documents to Australia, by registered mail.

Do you know how long it takes?

It's for our skills assessment. So that's very exciting!

Have a nice day! Good luck with your knee!

Greetings Ireen

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1301203335' post='32689']

Hello Irene.

Ah glad to see that Glen has been in contact! He has seen what I have not! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':unsure:' />

Today (Sunday) I have had a few short walks. First this morning we went to see the start of a netball tournament.

Then to a soccer match, and back to the netball. Then in the afternoon an Australian Rules football match. (Driving between).

Tomorrow (Monday) I get the stitches out of my knee, then I shall be able to do some strengthening exercises. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':laugh:' />

I have spoken to my daughter about the school stuff. She says that position exists.

She is getting more information for you, so hang on a bit longer! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Idea.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':Idea:' />

Melbourne has more weather than any other city in Aus. We often get four seasons in one day! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/kosa.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':kosa:' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/excl.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':excl:' />

The musical evening was huge! Brilliant students and some ex students. Only the top players so my g son did not get a start. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

(He is only year 8 so he's got plenty of time to get there.)


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 04-04-2011

Hello Peter,

thank you for forwarding the email!

I really don't know if we mean the same about this job.

Because, in the Netherlands it isn't someone who's specialised in literacy or numeracy.

But ''teaching and learning coach'' sounds well. It's also coaching the rest of the team. Really complicate to translate!

I will take good care of this information, maybe it's very useful in the future! ;-)

I didn't hear anything from VETASSESS, but I have heared it can take months! So, I will be patiently..!

Did you saw some Aussie Football this weekend? It looks like rugby, because of the ball. Is it a kind of rugby?

Yesterday we had the most wonderfull day! It was 24 degrees! Very warm for 2 april!

We celebrated it with an ice cream from the ice cream saloon. Our first ice in 2011! Mmm!

And I bought some skeelers today! I don't know if I can skate, but I really want to learn it!

And if I can, than it's good exercise for me! ;-)

Good luck with your knee!

Greetings Irene

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1301626236' post='32761']

Hello Irene! [url=""][Image: 0058.gif][/url]

Yes I have had the stitches removed from my knee and now I can gradually increase the work load.

However I cannot put much pressure on the knee until a full 6 weeks from the op! (4 more weeks to go.)

My daughter has not forgotten your request and she will get to it soon.

We are well into Autumn. And it is the best time to visit Melbourne. It is glorious today.[url=""][Image: 0177.gif][/url]

I think the Aus Government is OK with responding to requests like yours. I hope so anyway. [url=""][Image: g-goodluck.gif][/url]

Good luck! I don't know how long it takes. But we got our passports renewed in just over a week and that was at Christmas time!

Weekend almost here and we have several g kids to watch at sport, so we won't get to them all.

We will see the ones playing Aussie Football this time. Do you know about Aussie Football? It ain't soccer. [url=""][Image: cloudiebball.gif][/url]


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 06-04-2011

Hello Peter!

thank you for the correction about see en saw. I think you've corrected me before about something similar. Unfortunately, I don't remember everything after reading once.. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':unsure:' /> I shall try to remember this in the future!

I had to laugh about your explanation of 'war game'! So it's a friendly game? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

In the Netherlands soccer is very populair. All the young boys play soccer, even during breaks at school.

They wear their soccer clothes even at school!

Tomorrow it's Wednesday. I have always a half day work on Wednesday. It's very normal, all the primary schools have 1 half day each week. (and 4 whole days) It's always Wednesday. Is this likewise in Australia?

And what's the thing about Wednesday? Why do you say Wensday but do you write Wednesday?

It's very confusing! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/unsure.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':unsure:' />

Skeelers are inline skates, skates on wheels.

Yes, as a child I often skated on ice!

5 years ago I went to an ice sports centre. I fell at my back and hurt my head. (a concussion)

So, now I'm a little afraid to (inline) skate, but I want to conquer! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mellow.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':mellow:' />

Have a nice day!

Greetings Irene

Hip, hip, hurray for your knee!

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1301900372' post='32816']

Hi Irene!

About the information, I'm pretty sure that your qualification will be very useful in Australian primary schools.

I thought it was a good match! Hopefully yes!

Be patient, I believe that there is still a shortage of teachers all over the country.

Your question is tough to explain:

Did you saw some Aussie Football this weekend? It looks like rugby, because of the ball. Is it a kind of rugby?

Did you SEE some Aussie . . . Is correct grammar? At this moment I don't know why. Maybe someone else can explain.

You used the normal past tense, "SAW" but it is wrong and I don't know why.

Perhaps it is because when you say it to me directly as in a conversation, it is said in the present tense. (SEE) Even though we are talking about the past.

If I answer your question directly to you I say: I did see . . . Or I can say: I saw . . . Gosh! Sorry Irene!

Anyway the shape of the ball is close to a Rugby ball. In the beginning a Rugby ball was modified into a more oval shape.

The rules are nothing like Rugby rules. The style of play is not like most ball games which are mainly "war" games.

Australian Rules is not a "war" game in the usual sense.

Ah now your first icecream for Summer, it must have been a hot day, just right!

Oh I don't know what "skeelers" are? Are they ice skating boots?

But you are a Northerner, you must already know how to skate!

Well my knee is getting better every day, I can walk maybe 20 minutes without pain and with more confidence every day.

Thanks for writing Irene.


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 11-04-2011

Hello Peter,

How was your weekend? It was beautiful weather this weekend in the Netherlands! So we took a long walk, ate an ice-cream and we had a barbeque! (or as the Australians say: a barbie!) Also lots of studying, but in the sunshine <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='B)' />

I have studied the site properly! Hopefully, I will remember this information in the future! ;-)

How do you know I have a brother? I can't ask my brother anything about sports. He's as lazy as I am! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

However, my father likes sport very much! He doesn't have a car at the moment and he uses his bike for everything!

Very environmentally!

What a funny story about Wednesday! Is it really true?

I haven't skated this week, because I don't have any protection yet.

But tomorrow I will get some protection from a collegue, so maybe I try to skate tomorrow.

I don't dare to skate without protection, I don't want a concussion again! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mellow.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':mellow:' />

How is your knee doing?

Greetings Irene

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1302083439' post='32852']

Hello Irene.

I am disappointed I cannot say why your "Did you saw . . ." is incorrect.

But look in this site for lots of examples:


And also look here where the verb "To see" is conjugated:


Look in the Conjunctive Present. If you put "Did" in front of these, (Did I see, did he see, did you see. . .) then it will make sense, in every case. (Every person).

Note that "Did" in front of the Simple Present does not work in every case, so it cannot be that tense.

That's the best I can do.

Soccer is very popular here as well.

A "war" game is where each side lines up with every member of a team on the same side of center and opposing the other team.

A non war game is where the players line up against an opponent. For example Netball.

Ask your brother for more advice.

Irene I don't know why Wednesday has silent letters.

But many words are simply because many years ago someone wrote down a word after miss-hearing it, or simply miss-spelt it.

So the wrong spelling stuck!

How did the skating go?

Ciao Irene.


If you click on this thread, then you must post - irenevank - 13-04-2011

Hello Peter,

so you heared about the shooting incident? I didn't expect this news would achieve the other side of the world?

Alphen is a 1,5 hour drive from Eindhoven. Yes, it's a very sad incident. So many injured people. A lot of people are traumatized for the rest of their life.. The shooter was a member of the shooting club. However, I don't understand why members take their weapons back home.. The government should need to review this issue.

The temperature is falling back to 12 degrees. But there is still sunshine <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' /> !

You have a very good memory! Indeed, I told you before about my brothers length! ( I forgot..)

I haven't skated yet! Last Monday I received my knee, elbow and wrist ''strap'' for my protection. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />

So maybe I will try the skating this evening.

The translator has failed to translate one document. All documents have been returned to him, so it's going to take a while... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

Yes, it's a big dream for us. I won't give up if there is still a (little) chance for us. But indeed, it costs a lot of money..

Enjoy your day. And a hurray for your knee, it heals quickly! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' />

Greetings Irene

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1302513975' post='32937']

Hello Ireen!

Your weather is now better than ours! Lucky you! Today I managed an hour of easy walking so big thanks my knee is improving each day.

I still must wait another two weeks before I'm allowed to put some extra pressure on it.

For example I still cannot kneel on that knee without support. But I can kneel on two knee! Does that make sense? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

Oh the Barbie! Use BBQ for short!

Those English verbs are hard once you get away from the simple tenses. [Image: dry.gif]

So when you are speaking to anyone in English, try to stick with the three main tenses. Remember thes tenses will cover 99% of cases in ordinary life.

And you will have seen that these three tenses are real easy with just a few verbs that are not complying. (As in all languages). <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Talking Ear Off.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':Talking:' />

About Wednesday, well maybe it was not as I said for that word, but many many words in English are today, because of bad spelling in the past.

What about the shooting in Alphen? Is that town far from your town?

It is getting dangerous to be a worker in a school, and it can happen anywhere. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/mad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':angry:' />

So now hundreds more unstable people will have seen that and perhaps decide it's a good way to get noticed!

So far it is mainly young troubled men and guns.

Keep fit. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sports.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Confusedports:' /> and be careful skating!<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

Oh well Ireen, keep up the study, and keep thinking you will eventually achieve your dream. [url=""][Image: g-goodluck.gif][/url]

You did say that it costs a lot of money to come to Australia. Well maybe live your dream in Holland and spend that amount on a brilliant holiday every year.

Well now your brother! You told me he was very tall, over two meters! Now that's tall.

[url=""][Image: g-goodnight.gif][/url] From Peter.
