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Random Comments - glen - 27-08-2010

I actually took some pics the other day of a street in the city with lots of graffiti. I will try post them in the gallery on the weekend <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Random Comments - Guest - 27-08-2010

Hi Peter

I am a painter myself but I too get worked up when these graffiti artists deface everything that stands still long enough.

It is a violation of my constitutional rights to a clean environment.

I must in all mitigation, admit that some of their works are spectacular.

I don't know if I understand the current project correctly, but my understanding was that the council had commissioned bona fide artists to do the "graffiti" and not left it to the rabble.

I may be wrong though. I sure hope so.

It would be out of character for them to have left it to chance

Random Comments - glen - 28-08-2010

the art was very good!! and yes the street is now a tourist attraction in the city!!!

Random Comments - iblis.raeb - 28-08-2010

Rusty, I use to drive a white two tonne truck that i'd park out on a fairly traffic heavy road. Didn't take long for the riff raff to adorn my truck with tags in what was predominantly a horrid black colour. After a few bob and a liberal coating of white spray paint my truck lasted only a day or two before being defiled once again. I supposed the fresh coat of paint was just bad judgement on my part, a taunt to the vandals that only succeeded to provide a fresh canvas. I'm not a fan of graffiti as an art form, just like i'm not particularly fond of the works of Picasso, although; i actually wouldn't mind Picasso scribbling anything he likes on anything i own as long as an athentic signature accompanies the mess.

Random Comments - Guest - 28-08-2010

There is a story of when Picasso arrived home to find a burglar in his house.

When the police asked him to describe the felon he replied.

"I am Pablo Picasso I will paint him for you."

The police went away with the identikit.

By the end of the day they had arrested a one handled wheelbarrow, a fire hydrant and a donkey with no ears

Random Comments - Guest - 30-08-2010

Glen and Peter

I'm hooked on adrenalin, You're hooked on physical fitness.

I believe my world is more fun.

The attached photo of a kite skater was taken at Elwood

Right in your backyard so to speak

Unfortumnately you have to be young ( and fit) to enjoy most of it but it will get you very, very fit and you will have a blast doing it.

Much more fun than climbing stairs, me thinks

Random Comments - Guest - 30-08-2010

Ah Peter,

There is some merit in what you say. However

At the end you may have had a long life span. but did you live or were you just taking up space?

Life is about experiences and the more experiences you pack into it, the richer it becomes.

I used to tell my staff.

It is not the hours you put in at work that counts, it is what you put into the hours

The same principle applies to life

Random Comments - Guest - 30-08-2010

On a completely different tack.

I've been meaning to ask this but keep forgetting.

Does anyone know what happened to Fevola in the end?

Is he still playing footie or is he now a complete pariah

Random Comments - Guest - 30-08-2010

Who dat Sandy fella?

Random Comments - Guest - 30-08-2010

No problem

I just panicked for a moment.

I thought that perhaps I had gone from dust to dust and someone had forgotten to inform me.

Random Comments - Guest - 01-09-2010

I know you guys think I'm nuts to still be playing with kites but check this out

The truck in the foreground is the anchor

Random Comments - petersj - 01-09-2010

I don't think you are nuts.

It sure makes the ones my dear old dad used to make out of news paper look tiny..

Still what a lovely memory. Dads gone and the kites but how I loved going to paddocks and proudly flying my kites.

Random Comments - glen - 01-09-2010

I can't fly kites now as looking up for any lenthy of time gives me a sore neck!! Dreaded motor accident injuries!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Random Comments - Guest - 01-09-2010

Are any of you guys and guy-esses going to the Melbourne show?

Random Comments - Guest - 01-09-2010

The truck is the anchor that tethers the kite and keeps it from flying off into outer space.

What you see in the photo is the launch and the people are standing behind the kite to keep out of the way of the flying lines

I did a quick check. That kite is bigger than the buillding my apartment is in.

As far as my info on activities in Melbourne goes, I get regular emails from the events organisers.

I considered telling you that I was clairvoyant but I didn't think that would wash.

Random Comments - Guest - 02-09-2010

Hey did you guys hear the good news?

That Newsweek survey you were talking about the other week has eventually graced our shores and the good news is that South Africa came in at number 82.

I think that is only because they did the survey before the recent spate of strikes and civil unrest, otherwise we would not have made the list at all.

Isn't that great?

whoop-te-doo @#$%^&*

Random Comments - Guest - 02-09-2010

There are a number of systems available but they are not very common.

One has a steel bar that shoots out from below the car and takes the highjackers ankles off.

The most popular devices are the pepper sprays.

One company markets a mini flame thrower the size of a pepper spray that sends out a gas powered flame 3m long and more than a meter in diameter.

Random Comments - glen - 03-09-2010

wow! can anyone get one of those flamethrowers? i could cook dinner while sitting on the couch watching TV! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/officechair.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':officechair:' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/officechair.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':officechair:' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/officechair.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':officechair:' />

Random Comments - Guest - 03-09-2010

Hi Glen

These things are serious devices that a lot of South Africans carry to protect themselves and are certainly not toys

Google "Flamethrowers on cars in South Africa" for info of the car version.

Linda Mottram broadcasts a program called AM on ABC radio in Australia I will try to attach a transcript of her broadcast on SA flamethrowers.

You can also Google "Pocket size flamethrowers" There is a host of info there.

Be grateful that you are able to live where you do.

Be very grateful.


This is a transcript from AM. The program is broadcast around Australia at 08:00 on ABC Local Radio.

Personal Flame Thrower

AM Archive - Tuesday, 13 February , 2001 00:00:00

Reporter: Sally Sara

COMPERE: In South Africa a pocket-sized flame thrower which creates a 2 metre blast designed to severely burn an attacker is the latest weapon available over the counter on the personal protection market.

But doctors and human rights lawyers are warning that it's extremely dangerous. South Africa correspondent, Sally Sara reports from Johannesburg.

SALLY SARA: This pocket-sized flame thrower is small but extremely powerful.

It ignites a jet of fire which is designed to deter potential attackers. The device has just been released on to the South African market. The inventor of the flame thrower, Charl Fourie says there's intense demand for self-protection.

CHARL FOURIE: People feel very strongly about security in this country. That's why security industry is booming. And with guns you need a licence. If it gets lost, there's big problems, whereas this one is absolutely, nothing will happen to you. In South Africa it's legal to kill someone even in self-defence. This device wouldn't kill them. You just scare them off. If however, you burn someone, they would sustain serious burn injuries.

SALLY SARA: Two years ago Charl Fourie and his business partner released a larger flame thrower known as the car blaster. The car blaster was fitted to vehicles and was designed to severely burn car hijackers.

Despite international publicity, only several hundred car blasters were sold. Charl Fourie is hopeful that the smaller handheld version would be more popular.

CHARL FOURIE: We wanted to shoot the liquid propane butane mixture over an open flame igniting it as giving you the ball of flame that would send off [indistinct].

SALLY SARA: But South African lawyers for human rights say the device is a step too far. National director, Dr Vinodh Jaichand says the handy blaster is potentially dangerous.

DR VINODH JAICHAND: I was quite aghast. It seems to be quite a lethal little weapon which seems rather innocuous to start with but I think one which can do severe damage especially to a person's face. This I see as a complete over-reaction, without realising the safety issues.

The head of plastic surgery at Vits Medical School in Johannesburg, Dr George Psaras, says the flame thrower could cause superficial to full thickness burns, depending on the duration of its use. But he says many South Africans feel the need to protect themselves.

DR GEORGE PSARAS: You know it's sad and it's unfortunate that our society has reached the point where people, the innocent people, have to carry things like this to protect themselves from assailants who are not coming to you with a little pen knife. They come to you with a real gun. And if you cannot defend yourself, obviously you are in trouble yourself.

COMPERE: Dr George Psaras, the head of plastic surgery at Vits Medical School in Johannesburg.

Random Comments - Guest - 11-09-2010

Can you guess where this is and where it was taken from?