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Green Power. - Aloysius - 27-04-2020

Watched "Planet of the humans "

A Michael Moore film just released

Oh my goodness an important message here

Green Power. - Aloysius - 29-04-2020

Hmm all those self proclaimed planet saviours with nothing to add - or apologise for??

Green Power. - POWERZONE - 29-04-2020

I've downloaded it but not watched it yet. Is it the real thing or just conspiracies ?


I've watched Michael Moore's 911 stuff but took a while to sort the gist from the jest Smile

Green Power. - Aloysius - 29-04-2020

Best not to ask my opinion PZ :Hug:


Let me just say that the film is firmly Green in it's stance, it expresses disappointment in the direction that green policies have taken us.


Biomass generated power is about 80% of the "green power" produced, it is tree burning - you know - baby coal.


There is a massive hit against alternate energy systems presently espoused, as actually resulting in burning more coal.  Electric cars and the like.


Finally there is a big smack delivered to arch green proponents like Gore and Branson who they represent as conning the rest of us.


THe only criticism I could level is absolutely no mention of one of the major world power supplying technologies - Nuclear.



So no opinion - but you really should take the time to watch it - let me know what you think.

Green Power. - POWERZONE - 30-04-2020

OK so I watched Planet of the humans and a few observations.


I never do trust celebrity politicians or business magnates or other members of the corporatocracy when it comes to the so-called green narrative because the ulterior motive has always been about wealth transfer in their favour. That also goes for deregulation or privatisation of industry - it always favours the few at the top Smile 


I thought it had always been common knowledge that switching from fossil fuels to renewal energy was a process of transition - so naturally energy from combustion will be required to make the solar panels or make the turbine towers or dig the mines for lithium etc. For this movie to assert the average punter on the street or even some of those protesters were unaware of this seems a bit far fetched, but then again, we're talking about Americans here and they still have gods and guns, so who knows Smile


Tasmania is a good example of successful transition from combustion to renewable - they did it over 100 years ago.


As for Biomass generated power... I've been against it from the start because as I've always said (and the movie states) you are still burning something. Any form of burning is bad for the planet.


Also I remember about 12 years ago the NSW Labor Govt were going to ban regular unleaded fuel and replace it with biomass 95 ethanol (and many service stations did change) which is partly why I voted them out because it would've blown my petrol bill out by 10c a litre. A tax payer sponsored rip off. It was dropped by the Libs IIRC.


One thing this film does state very clearly is that humans ARE destroying the environment and it supports my long held view that the world is grossly overpopulated and Govt programs such as baby bonuses or paid maternal leave or anything that promotes further population growth is merely sinking our life boat.


I can't say this movie offered any real educational value - just basically states we are ruining the planet but doesn't offer any solutions or alternatives apart from maybe deploying that piece of rubber  :Kiss:


So I would mark it down as "incomplete" - which suggests a follow up film is likely Smile

Green Power. - Aloysius - 30-04-2020

Oh golly gosh a rare point of agreement :Hug:  :Hug:  :Hug:




Merci Mr Moore et al!!!! :dance: