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Random Comments - iblis.raeb - 31-03-2010

[quote name='PeterJMelb' post='25648' date='Mar 31 2010, 03:05 PM']Hi Glen and Iblis and other interested posters.

Thanks for your updates about filtering.

Glen you say that your filter "bans" heaps of innocent sites.

That is one of the main arguments used by the "No filter" mob. (I'm in that mob).

Their other main argument is that the "network" will grind to a halt. (The more filtering the slower everything runs).

Most servers are already too slow at peak times. Traffic is increasing far faster than processing speeds anyway.[/quote]

The slowing down of service and excessive banning results were attributed to initial trials that have since been improved upon greatly... many media naysayers inaccurately still refer to the initial trials in the arsenal against the "net filter".

Don't quote me but the service obstruction figure went down from somewhere around 30% to under 2% (probably even lower, the information is somewhere on the net)

Random Comments - iblis.raeb - 31-03-2010

i've never really been to nonplussed over Internet speed─sure, faster would be nice.

I have a 1.5 Mb connection and can stream iView instantly, can't complain really.... i could use with a new modem though.

You have mentioned this before, Peter... we are very prehistoric in regards to Internet speeds compared to the rest of the developed world.

Random Comments - iblis.raeb - 31-03-2010

My youtube viewing is generally unhindered and i'm in temporary accommodation at the minute that can't chance any long term changes.

iView is ABC's online visual media broadcasting interface that delivers a selection of previously broadcast media: [url=""][/url]

Random Comments - t-pot - 10-07-2010

so in light of all this very intellectual conversation seen above - i have but one thing to add.

it's so cold i am wearing gloves inside the house.

that is all.

Random Comments - t-pot - 10-07-2010

nice, looking forward to it!

Random Comments - t-pot - 11-07-2010

oh yea there's a shop like that at chadstone shopping centre called oriental tea house - they have similar tea pots and a sampling bar to try them all!

Random Comments - iblis.raeb - 11-07-2010

Road Trip‼ Ha Ha Joke.

Random Comments - Guest - 18-08-2010

G'day T-pot, Peterj and all the rest

Happy 175th birthday to you all.

I see there are lots of great events on the menu for you guys.

Have you been to any of them? How about some details.

I so wish that I could be there.


Random Comments - t-pot - 18-08-2010

[quote name='PeterJMelb' timestamp='1282119580' post='29077']

Hi Rusty.

Here's an event for you:

My Great Grand Father and family arrived in Melbourne in 1848!

His brother and family arrived on the same boat (from England).

Sadly the brother died on the voyage.

This left the wife and two young girls alone in the strange land.


random indeed - i like it!

Random Comments - Guest - 18-08-2010

Hi Peter.

I'm referrring to Melbourne's 175th birthday celebrations culminating on August 30 with the cutting of the giant birthday cake in city square.

There are all sorts of other events all over the city.

You must be proud to have such an innovative events team as part of the council.

None of the cities here have a permanenet events department and if they did most the funds would probably be pilfered anyway so most the "events" would end up as fiascos.

The FIFA world cup was only a success because it was orchestrated by FIFA and they are the only ones that made any real money.

R24billion I think


Random Comments - Guest - 18-08-2010

Hi Peter

Your family history would make a great movie.

Have you tried writing it in the form of a novel?


Random Comments - Guest - 20-08-2010

Hi Peter J

India may not be the best kite flying country but it sure has a remarkable annual kite festival.

It is held to celebrate Makar Sankranti which is a festival to herald the coming of spring and is very colourful like all Indian festivals.

One of the more unusual activities is the fighter kite competition.

Families make up to 100 fighter kites each, monhs in advance.

The flying lines are first coated with glue then with ground glass.

On the festival day the people gather on the roofs of their homes or any open piece of ground and launch their kites.

The object is to see how many of your neighbour's kites you can send plummeting to the ground by cutting their line with yours.

The last kite in the air is the winner

When the wind is particularly strong the hospitals get flooded with patients suffering from line cuts.

Severed fingers and hands are common and sometimes there is the odd decapitation in addition to broken bones caused by falls from the rooftops.

Inexperienced children are the most common casualties.

Check out "Indian kite festivals" on the web


Random Comments - Guest - 25-08-2010

Change of subject

I see that the local artists are going to be let loose on Melbourne's alley ways again.

Will somebody please take some photies and forward them to me.

Pretty please - with sugar on

Random Comments - iblis.raeb - 25-08-2010

Kara is a pretty avid photographer, maybe when she is has recovered from whatever ails her.

There might already be some pictures online, have you tried those picture sites like Flickr, Rusty?

Random Comments - Guest - 25-08-2010

Topic change again.

We now have a National teachers strike, a motor manufacturers strike, a national municipal workers strike, and a national hospital workers strike all at the same time.

Pretty heavy. even for us where striking groups are common.

I hear on the grape vine that even the beggars are going to strike for bigger handouts

My fellow countrymen seem desperate to self destruct.

Who was it that coined the phrase "The enemy from within." ?

Random Comments - Guest - 25-08-2010

Many a true word spoken in jest

No offense taken. nix nada ziltch

Random Comments - Guest - 25-08-2010

Exciting news.

Yesterday I launched my first solar powered balloon.

I had an "IF FOUND" tag on it with my contact details on and this morning I received a call from a guy in a small town 94km away.

He had found it hanging on a tree in his garden.

Me thinks I have found a new hobby.

I love it when I learn new things.

Wish I could send one all the way to Melbourne with me in it.

Mmmmm I wonder....................?

If I manipulated the angle of the dangle by E= m......something or other...........?

Random Comments - POWERZONE - 25-08-2010

I dunno how old these pix of the lane ways are but it's worth a look.

[url=""]Ramdom shots...[/url]

Random Comments - Guest - 26-08-2010

Thank you so much Powerzone

I recognise a few places where my daughter and I used to got for brunch on Sundays.

One must have been near a music school because there were always young musicians playing short stanzas at each other and explaining them to their friends.

I can still feel the atmosphere.

Sigh !!!!!

Please tell me where you got that cool animated footnote. I would love to add it to my emails.

Random Comments - POWERZONE - 26-08-2010

You're more than welcome Rusty <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/officechair.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':officechair:' />

Can't remember where I got the footnote(s) but all you have to do is right click them (they're two separate images) and then "save image as" onto your hard drive <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />