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Full Version: I'm Freaking Out !
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Okay guys, I am seriously freaking out !

I've been here since two months and I haven't met anyone yet ! I'm a 18 girl from Italy and all I want is SOME FRIENDS ! I am doing a english class, but everyone is so much older than me that I don't feel I can seriously hang out with them !

I miss being a teenager, I miss going out, having a laugh, having shopping, just chilling out for a bit and see this city with someone else, because seriously, doing everything by yourself is so depressing and I officially gave up. I don't know what else to say ! Just pleeeeease hang out with me !! Hahah (Gosh, that sounded so desperate!)

If you want to contact me this is my email :

Liv !!

Heya, you should go down to this pub/bar called Somewhere it's on Chapel St in Prahran, near High St. Actually, you should go there tomorrow night (Wed), around 9pm or so. They have a live jam gig (somewhat of an open mic but not exactly one). I know the manager there and some people that work there since we used to work for the same owners. But anyway, they're all Italian. And there are usually a group of Italian people (in their early 20s) that come and hang out there too then. . . I was going to go play the gig tomorrow but I got scheduled to work a double shift so I won't be able to make it.

But in any case, good luck in meeting some new friends!!