Melbourne Chat

Full Version: Moving To Melbourne Cranbourne From The Uk
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Hi my name is Melissa, I'm 31 and moving Melbourne in March 12 with my partner Kurtis 28 and my two children. Im excited about moving but sad that i will be leaving all my friends behind. I love socialising and going new places, anywhere really (pubs, meals out, cinema, the beach and so on). In the UK we always had parties as we like entertaining. My partners a builder and likes 'typical lads stuff', drinking and all sports (-: if anyone is reading this post and thinks we have similar interests please email me on It would be great to meet up I'm march
Hi Meliisa i'm nina and i'm also moving to Melbourne from the uk in April. Would be great to know someone who speaks the same language! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Wink' />
Hi Melissa, I know the area quite well and live about 15 - 20 mins away. I can't say I'm into the typical lads stuff, used to, but not anymore. Though I do know many trades. I went back to the books in 2008; studying justice, dispute resolution and Law.

I've recently come out of a 9 year relationship so, like you; looking to make new friends and have some fun. I've recently spent a number of days down the beach, near St. Kilda, including cafe's and several music events.

I'll send you an email if ok?