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Full Version: Bbb Bye Bib Brown
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Sorry I meant to say:

BBB Bye Bob not Bib.

At first I was real happy to know B Brown has left his own party.

Then I realised that Milne will takeover.

She is an even better fruitcake than BB.

Watch for the bitter power struggle tween Milne and Gillard.
"She is an even better fruitcake than BB."

She must be REALLY bad then..
I just noticed this.

Bob Brown has made an enormous postive contribution to Australia including standing for issues that actually matter. Future generations will thank him for his stand on the beautiful Franklin.

But I guess compassion to asylum seekers' marriage equality and concerns about the future really dont matter.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion and at the election you will get everything you want.

You have won.

I just fail to understand the constant attacks on a great man.
Peter my complaint was that a man deeply respected by many, including as you no doubt know, me, has retired from politics. His contributions to public life have been positive. He is a man of great compassion and intellect. Probably too much for the rough and tumble of an often greedy popularist driven senate. After years of attacks on him, even his private life, I don't think its too much to at least be gracious. Isn't that what most people teach their children?

I know you don't like the Greens but if you look back on my posts I have on several occasions been able to compliment many prominent people on the side I oppose. I even praised John Howard for his couragious action on gun laws.I even nominated a Liberal as Victorias greatest Premier!

Unlike you I look at the world with two eyes not one.

Mr Brown's Martian rhetoric was an analogy, actually clever irony obvious you missed the point. You admit yourself your memory of it was not accurate. It wasn't.

Sorry to be so tough but you dish it out more than any poster on any forum I have seen.

If some one calls the right, red necks, you are the first to complain but you and your mates waste no time in going for the jugular if anyone disagrees. Frankly if expressing compassion is being a fruit cake then serve me for afternoon tea.

Looking at this thread it shows why I rarely visit here. I notice there are not many others here either. I wonder why?

I dont think you are a bad person but try to be a more gracious one. THe quality of debate is shallow Peter.

You managed to drive me away and others from this site. Certainly express your views but why not stick to issues? I have read you attacking Gillard as a person, you once attacked her partner. Pretty low I think. As for Brown its a disgrace the way you attack. Why denegrate a man many of us loved. You show no sensitivity at all.

Do I agree with everything Bob has said over the years? No. He is a wonderful idealist and occasionally says things that are idealistic not realistic. But on a bigger scale he has done far more for the environment than I have. Or you!.

I doubt there will be an appology from you or at least some respect to a fellow Australian who did what he believed was right. No one except you and a tiny minority of haters has doubted the sincerity of Mr Brown. He will go down in history as a great man.
Yes you are correct.

I have no doubt that you are correct, you will have everything you want in the next election. A land slide victory and little opposition. Just think Peter lucky you the rich can get richer!

Australians have been cunningly manipulated by a right wing media.

The electorate do not always get it right either.

We live in a world that chooses to listen to radio shock jocks, right wing journalists rather than scientists, humanitarians and experts.Many seem deeply concerned about Gina and Clive making their millions than the fundamental rights of Australians.

Still I do acknowledge you have let me have my say.

Thank you.

I will let you stay in the forum with the mates you claim you dont have.

It would be nice to have some substance in your debates but its all about vitriolic attacks on politicians and people you dislike than ever annalysing an issue.

If I want serious debate its clear we must look else where.

Once again look at how many have left this site.
I have had my say Peter and thank you.

Now to others who might read this.

There is often talk on this generally fine site, tired repetitative talk about the terrible minorities .

Let us be guided by the words of the late Robert Kennedy

"A society in the end will always be ethically judged by the treatment of its minorities"
Now thats your best post! Gutsy and clear!

Of course I disagree with you but you have at least thought about what you are posting.

It all started with my disgust over your lack of graciousness towards a man many of us loved.

But I will leave it there.

In the end the election will give you the Gov you seem to want.

I wont be sharing your enthusiasm.
Hi guys! Sorry I missed the debate.

I do agree that being nice/gracious is often something easily forgotten. This is especially the case in an online community where people are semi-anonymous and it is easy to hurl insults and to generally say things you would never say to someone's face.

It is partly for that reason that this forum has such tight controls on new members. They cannot edit their profiles and they cannot make unmoderated posts! I have been trying to keep out the scammers and spammers with these tight controls but of course this is quite inconvenient to the "good" guys. So I apologize in advance for this but have not yet found a better solution.

Thanks to green guy for reminding us of the importance of playing nice.

Have a great weekend guys!

Cheers, Glen
Thanks Peter! I knew there was a saint behind that tough-guy image!!

Hope you have a great weekend.

Cheers, Glen
Thanks Glen.

Maybe I come from an era when we used to shake hands with our opponents on the cricket field and even exchange jumpers after footy.

What I love about my country is the way we show respect for our opponents. Hell I have even shaken hands with Jeff Kennet!

Sorry Peter I did a masters on the was Hamlet.

I don't mind if you say his policies were wacky. I don't agree its just I am over the nastiness directed to a man who really does not deserve it.

Throw your anger and hate at a man who murders innocent cinema goers in America.
You dislike Bob Brown... I like him. That's enough.
I didn't know calling someone a fruit cake was a term of endearment. Sorry if I interpreted that as hateful.
Rather than worry Glen.

Mr Speaker I withdraw.
I could not find any "tasteless assertion"! But if I do manage to find it I will be happy to set things right.