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Full Version: China Gets ~ 90 Gold
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Well Para and normal Olympics now over. China wins heaps. Next Olympics China will win most. Why will anyone bother going? Will anyone bother watching? Oh I guess the Chinese will. But after Rio will any city bother to bid?
It is a big deal for the chinese to win the medals. So they will probably continue the winning streak. And this will be partly because they will put the money in to support the athletes.

I am a bit over the whole olympics thing. I barely watched the latest olympics. I have always in the back of my mind that to become the best at something you usually have to be the most self-centered and single-focused person in the field. So I find it hard to celebrate any of the victories since it is just a display of self-centeredness. (Yes of course some physical ability is also part of the mix.)

There is more to life than running or swimming one millisecond more than the next guy.

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