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Full Version: I Gave Ted A Go
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Ok OK the anti Green brigade have had a pretty good go here worshiping Saint Bolt etc and this pesky green has kept away from the site but its time I had a go.

I have not said anything about the current Victorian state Government thinking it was fair to give them a go.

The report however is very poor. There has been a whole list of broken promises ranging from teacher salary increases to the promised action on climate have made the failures of the ALP insignificant by comparison.

Cattle grazing in our alpine parks resumed.

According to VNPA “Cattle grazing in the Alpine National Park has already been shown to have a significant impact on endangered alpine wetlands, sphagnum bogs and fens, and species like the Alpine Tree Frog that are protected under federal environment laws.”

We know theres a keen fisherman here.

This Government has cut all Victorian funding to the Native fish strategy which restores fish populations throughout the Murray Darling Basin.

Its only a start but one thing is clear. I cannot recall this state ever having a poorer, more cynical and deceitful state Government.

Sadly when it comes to bush fire relief it simply becomes almost cynical.

The Baillieu Government’s election commitment to fully implement all of the Royal Commissions recommendations includes improving the communication and co-ordination across disaster management agencies and providing 15,000 high-tech digital radios to the CFA and other state emergency services.

We then get to growing failures to Vline.

This is just a start but with its dwindling popularity we can only hope this Government is voted out at the next election.
We have constantly been told state coalition Governments are great for regional jobs.

Not so.

Unemployment in regional Victoria has jumped to 6.2 per cent with 48,600 regional Victorians now unemployed because of the Baillieu Government’s failure to create a jobs plan and invest in major infrastructure projects, Shadow Minister for Employment.

The Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show that since the Baillieu Government was elected 34,300 full-time jobs have been lost.
Maybe Peter... I am just very angry with this Gov. I really wanted to be fair but they have been terrible. Not trying to upset anyone.
The cuts to Tafe have meant I have lost a job. I'm sorry but I can see nothing but a list of broken promises. In opposition they constantly attacked the ALP but the honey moon is over...where are the changes?

They attacked the ALP for doing things and wasting money. We have a gov that cuts spending and does nothing.
Peter I know we often disagree but thank you so much for your kindness.

Its harder getting work when you are older but yes I am getting all my resumes etc in order. I have a positive attitude.

I am just over politicians on both sides.
Hey guys, Another broken promise was the promise to not do a "Kennett" and rip through the public service.

However not long after the election they turned around and said they would arbitrarily get rid of 4200 employees with no thought as to how this would affect government services. They didn't even consider whether the move would actually save money in the long run. Chances are they will spend more money on outsourcing to fill the holes in service delivery.

I imagine that there would be very few liberal voters left in the public service after this broken promise.

Cheers, Glen
Whats so annoying is the fact the media say very little, if it was Labor all hell would break lose. Thanks to this Gov cutting Tafe I am unemployed. I have never been on dole in my life and wont now.

Fortunately I am running stuff independently next year.
You have absolutely nothing to worry about the conservatives will win by a majority. The Greens will be annihilated and I leave for Thailand.
No Pete its just I am not getting any younger so its something I have been wanting to do for years. Still loooking into a few logistics etc.

Dont worry I will keep in touch.
Why not Peter?

Its lovely. Also affordable.

The Thais are the sweetest most honest people on earth.
It seems many are over Ted. It has been a very poor Government and Ted while affable was absolutely useless. The Libs need a new Kennet because at least he had a sense of vision.

Labor might worry people because they "over spend" but mostly further down the track things they did are very impressive.

I have absolutely no reservations when I say we are lucky Brumby had the vision to create desalination plant. In the years to come because of whats happening RIGHT NOW we will be grateful. The test will be if the Libs get it up and running.

They better.

As a Green frankly I dont like desal plants but it may be the best solution.


Good luck filling them.
I hadn't heard about pipe to Qld. Sounds like it would not be very practical. Which way would the water go? South I presume?

I think Ted failed mainly because he (or people in his office) was/were a bit like Kevin Rudd. His office slowed down decision making in Victoria by micro managing everything.

Well I did not know vim was a word. Can you say "where there is a vim there is a way?".

Or maybe "I feel vimless today."

I agree that Ted never seemed to have an sense of urgancy. That can be good......but only if nothing needs doing!
Thanks Peter. Well I hope tomorrow if very vimmy!!!
Is this the cleanig product you mean?