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I read recently that Kylie Minogue feels she may never reach the levels of togetherness and happiness that her parents have achieved in there marriage. She actually couldn't be more inaccurate in her evaluation. The celebrated and acknowledged "famous" performers, entertainers and anyone on a public pedestal are exploited by there very own.

The world stage certainly feeds the individual with power and prosperity but only to a point. The trouble is not to strip away years that should be yours (to achieve what you say your parents have - a bond and commitment to one another).

The trouble is the Aussie Princess is been exploited by back patters, media, record promoters, managers and hangers on - and the list certainly doesn't end there!!!.

Kylie can realize her dream and turn it very sharply into reality by waking up to the people "whoever they are" that are encouraging her to go on and on.These are the very people who will deny her the opportunity to be really content and happy. They will not last the distance as you father and mothers relationship has.

John Fisher