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Full Version: Paul Kelly A To Z Downloads
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My fiance introduced me to Paul Kelly while we were in Ireland and we went to two of his Cork gigs there, and now I'm a big fan.

However I'm also a bit of an eejit and failed to download the A and E songs when they were posted on his site - he's putting out an A to Z of live recordings at the moment - and I was wondering if there was any way of getting hold of these recordings? Can any kind soul send them to me in an e-mail for instance?

If anyone can help I would be eternally grateful and I could tell my poor gray haired mother that the wedding's back on.

I wait with baited breath.



I have recently obtained them after just becoming aware of this alphabetical feast. I have/am seeding them as torrents:


I'll keep seeding for a few more weeks and will add the new ones when they become available. Enough people are seeding them now that they should not disappear.