Melbourne Chat

Full Version: Staying In Melbourne - Williamstown and Essendon
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Hi there

I would like some advice on average rental prices in say, williamstown and essendon, as i have looked on rental sites and rent seeems to be approx $1800 per month, however others have said that rent is about $3000, which is far too high for my family and so our trip may need to be cancelled.
Hi Charlotte, I think the rental websites should be correct. They don't usually lie about the rent at least. Though they do often lie about the selling price of houses by putting a "+" at the end, which basically means the sky is the limit!!!

You will probably find the places for $1800 are pretty crappy places. The will be dirty and old. A nice place will probably cost a fair bit more!

Cheers, Glen
You can check rent prices on this website too:
