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I am a 68 year old Vietnam era veteran, and will be visiting Melbourne around November and December of this year with an Ex-Navy Seal from the Vietnam war, who wants to visit his father's grave site before he gets to where he can no longer travel. Would like to get in touch with someone there who can help a couple of old veterans get around to all the interesting places. Navy seal is interested in scuba diving at the Grand Banks. Any help will be appreciated. -Marcellous
hi marcellous,

welcome to the forum. I would start off with the RSL's ...they might be able to hook you up with some aussie vets who could show you around.


Where are the Grand Banks? Do you mean the Great Barrier Reef?

cheers, glen
I am also visiting Melbourne this year in early October, and I'm wondering if there are any mid 20 or early 30 something people that would be interested in showing a Canadian around for a day or two?