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I am looking forward to Watchmen.
i saw the ad for watchman on tv last night. looked pretty good.
i recommend "the brave one" jodie foster's fans will be in seventh heaven.
hi all,

firstly, sorry Glen if i ruined underworld 3 for you...i thought better to post a review than let another experience the same fate as i did...definitely a DVD job..

as for the brave one, i totally agree with Alex, a good movie to watch and Jodie's fantastic in it. does anyone know if this movie actually made it to the big screen, as i can't recall it being released? shame if it didn't, its actually quite good.

can't wait for watchman too, looks awesome!! watched the unborn tonight. didn't expect much but it turned out alright..except for the ending, which was rather abrupt (as with all horror movies these days). All in all, good build up, average script, a few jumpy scenes and a really attractive main character, which i think compensates for the average script and abrupt ending...(i might be biased, in that sense)!!

also saw the previews for "angels and demons" and "knowing"...looks promising.

have a nice week everyone, till next time.
no worries utd...i am definitely leaning toward dvd!!!!
I am still mentally debating whether or not to Gold Class Watchmen on my lonesome next Tuesday--theatre is meant to be enjoyed with company.
i would normally opt for the cheapest cinema possible! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' /> i usually pay about $8.50 at my local one.
I so rarely head to the cinema that splurging is not extraordinary.

side note on films in general: I watched Children of Men last night, an absolutely brilliantly filmed piece of work.
I have a feeling i saw that one but it has been a while!
It takes all kinds to make a world, and wouldn't life be boring if we all agreed on everything! I am glad you enjoyed "Children of Men" Iblis, but I thought it was utter crap! I generally like most movies that Clive Owen and Michael Caine star in but at the end of "Children of Men" I was left feeling like I wanted my 109 minutes back!
I was captured by the cinematography that bordered on documentary film making in my opinion, took me back to first person shooter gaming too.

Did you not appreciate the flowing camera work and how much effort some of those flowing combat scenes would have required, Dan, perhaps being to distracted by the lack of a plot, characterization and character development?
[quote name='iblis.raeb' post='14125' date='Mar 6 2009, 06:20 PM'][color="#ff0000"]I was captured by the cinematography that bordered on documentary film making in my opinion, took me back to first person shooter gaming too.

[/color]Did you not appreciate the flowing camera work and how much effort some of those flowing combat scenes would have required, Dan, perhaps being to distracted by the lack of a plot, characterization and character development?[/quote]


i totally agree.Hire the DVD and check out the extras.

You will be amazed on how they shot so many long scenes.

Hello, looking forward to seeing avatar 3D‼
Yeah I still want to see it in 3D!
I would like to see Tron Legacy in 3d, i have the original from 1982.
[quote name='delete' timestamp='1263684548' post='23911']
I would like to see Tron Legacy in 3d, i have the original from 1982.

Hey i thought Tron was awesome. for some reason everyone else disagrees with me. The actors looked good, the music was electrifying (they suit the movie pretty well), the visuals were great and the story line was alright. Got me teary eyes at the end, just a little.

I recently also watched Love & other drugs, Unstoppable, Morning Glory, Burlesque, Megamind and The Dilemma (which sucked alot!)

Im looking forward to Black Swan, a must watch twisted movie. Heheheheh~!
i am looking foreword for Priest and The Hangover 2
This is an old post but I think I'll have my 2 cents worth.

I'm really looking forward to The Hobbit <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Big Grin' />

Basically because I love Legolas! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

But also for the great story line and classic music by Howard Shore!
Yes it will be a great film I am sure. Will the hobbit be 3D?
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