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Looking for any information on my great Uncle William Kerry and his wife Maria (nee Dexter). They emigated to Australia between 1901 and 1905, and they originally came from Selston in Nottinghamshire. William became a Lecturer in Classics in the Arts Department at Melbourne University in 1906/07 and rose to the rank of Senior Lecturer retiring in 1942/43. He recieved an M.A from Melbourne by 'Special Grace' on 17th April 1915 on the basis of his previous M.A from Cambridge University England. My mother's family recieved regular communication from 'Aunt Maria' for many years and she has many fond memories of her letters. Unfortunatley with the passage of time they all lost touch and my mother especially would like to know if there are any descendents living of this wonderful couple.

Any information would be gratefully recieved.

With thanks

hi there,

i am no Melbourne Genealogy expert but here are a few links to get you started:


