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Hi all, ... we are new here. Me and my girlfriend got here two months ago, ..and are living on the northside of melbourne. Yet to find decent work or any friends at all. We need to get connected...., dont mind a drink and a bit of a smoke so being new to town makes it hard to get connected. Anyone out there who could help us out, would be muchly apprieciated. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/officechair.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />
hey Hobiee,

welcome to the forum! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' /> i would suggest you join a club!!! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='<_<' /> do like sports for example?

cheers, glen
well, yeah... we do a bit of jogging, ... im fit enough i guess. was hoping to meet people who can help me out gaining access to other recreational activities
if you like jogging then perhaps bush walking might be up your alley. i knew a guy that was a member of this club and he liked it a lot. though the average age is above 50 i think (or at least that is the impression i got):

Victorian National Parks Association

Rowing would be more my style, ...but its too cold down here for that. Id like to play rugby league again, but my back is ###### from working to hard.... But I think you missed my point about recreational activities. thats cool. we have tickets to see tha dali exhibition. will be seeing that in the next few weeks
true true.... will be needing to find decent work first I would say..... at the moment me and my friend are just hanging out at home enjoying the latest michsael jackson updates, and looking forward to our nightly meals. pretty boring, but a job will fix that.
You could try touch football. Might be more gentle than rugby.
badminton is gentle if thats what I was after. .... I am more into the bushy type of recreation, not really as active at times, and good to have before a movie.... ya get what i mean brother fox, .. Melbourne can be pretty full on with types of recreation, but im a little milder on the nervous system.
Hi everyone,

Lived in melbourne with my boyfriend briefly last year from July to November but are now moving there again this Sept for good.

Got the same issue as Hobiee - no friends (and only one of us is going straight into a job). Will be living in Point Cook. Got a puppy named Sofie and love her to bits.

But very much looking forward to the move!

I love a good workout (in case u couldnt tell from my username lol) and am obsessed with all things health&fitness - so sorry hobiee - not into the drinking and smoking like you at all <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> But each to their own.

Hoping to make Melbourne life a fantastic experience so if anyone has any tips, speak up!

Thanks heaps.
your right each to their own..... and everything in moderation
[quote name='gymbunny87' post='17924' date='Jul 8 2009, 01:37 PM']I love a good workout (in case u couldnt tell from my username lol) and am obsessed with all things health&fitness - so sorry hobiee - not into the drinking and smoking like you at all <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> But each to their own.

Hoping to make Melbourne life a fantastic experience so if anyone has any tips, speak up!

Thanks heaps.[/quote]

I'd invite you on a Queens Park 7.5 km undulating run but will assume that Geelong West is a bit to much of a stretch.
Lol thanks <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

...if u are willing to wait til Oct when Im all moved in and will actually be able to get back into my routine again!

PS i dont know where suburbs are in relation to anything lol - Geelong is close to Point Cook hey? But not running distance!
Well Geelong West is not really that close, a good 55 Km (quite the run) drive south west of Point Cook but if you don't mind long distance drives then come early November, I'm hoping to have scored at least one part (maybe two) in an couple of plays being held in Drysdale 75 km from Point Cook.
[quote name='PeterJMelb' post='17932' date='Jul 8 2009, 04:59 PM'][color="#8b0000"]Hello Gymbunny and welcome to Melb Chat!

I have seen ads for day sessions at some Melb Gyms for just over $3.00.

You know pay as you go, with no membership.

I am a member at Athletique Gyms, and I pay about $3.20 if I go three times a week.

Less if I go more, but hey I'm way older than you so three days is enough.

I just mention Athletique cos they have heaps and heaps of equiptment, so no waiting anywhere.

Hey perhaps we can compare biceps? Yikes!

Best wishes.

Peter J.

wheres this gym man, ..i wouldnt mind going there
WOW $3.20 a session is really cheap... I use to pay over $20 a week to frequent Geelong's Gym until recently taking fitness outdoors.
I currently go to a Fernwood but thats only cos the membership is included in my salary package and my boss is a female and thats they gym she chose.

All my past gym memberships have been unisex and i find i get along just as great with men as women in the fitness world.

In fact I prefer a male PT cos I find they push you harder than a female one does. The whole "be gentle with women" stigma! pffft <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

I have my serious months and then my not-so-serious ones lol! Before I met my partner (Jason) and I was single I was doing upto 13 hours a week of structured exersize which got my quite thin, very fit and very low in the bodyfat dept. But I was also very obsessed and my life revolved around when I could exercise. I also constantly had food and weight on my mind. Not a good thing.

Upon moving to Melbourne last year with Jason I relaxed ALOT and you could say i "let myself go" haha but once I got back up here to Qld I got right back into it and am now proud to say I have found a good balance and am quite fit again. Still working on my stamina and endurance for running though.

I have promised myself that I am going to let my new life in Melbourne open many doors for me and my health/fitness and not become lazy again!

Re: my work gym membership, I mostly go in the afternoons, hardly ever on the weekends, and at the moment Im doing their 6am bootcamps as well, but I guess if I wanted to go during the day I could as I do get an hour lunchbreak which I never use lol.

Well I did a bootcamp with Lifestyles and it was 1hr 15mins each session, three sessions per week for 4 weeks. That was a unisex bootcamp.

The fernwood one is called Military Miss and is obviously women only. The one I just completed ran for 1 hour each session, 2 sessions per week for 6 weeks. They are running another one is September which i wont be able to do that will run for 8 weeks.

Basically in your first session you do your tests, like a 1km run, pushups, situps, plank holds, things like that, and they mark your records.

The aim is to build your fitness and improve your test results for the final session. Then there might me a motivational presentation at the end of the bootcamp.

Activities and exercises are completed individually, as a whole group and also split into teams ie the "fit" people and the "not so fit" people, so its fair.

Then there are challenges like tug-of-war, relays and things and the teams are split again so there are fit and not-so-fit in each team.

Its quite fun and very social, and u do build your fitness alot cos its things u wouldnt usually do at the gym or at home, like tyres, ladders, nets and logs. It works your body in ways you are not used to.

I think various clubs and gyms run them periodically during the year. You would have to speak to specific institutions to get a better idea of what they offer.
Thanks for posting that site Peter.

Its great to talk to people who get as excited about fitness as I do.

HAHA first to ten mins u are hilarious <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':gathering:' />
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