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Guess we will have to wait and see.

Remember the US polls?

Re swing to the right:Google it.

Europe is swinging to the right, US ditto,

Japan is conservative.
Quote:Guess we will have to wait and see.

Remember the US polls?

Re swing to the right:Google it.

Europe is swinging to the right, US ditto,

Japan is conservative.

But it's not happening here. We replaced a conservative PM with a Liberal PM.

What about South Australia? Victoria? Queensland? N.T? W.A Senate re-vote? 2016 Election?

Should I google Tony Abbott as well? After all he's partly responsible for the above losses.

All that's happening here is a right wing group is poaching support from another right wing group.

Conservative groups collectively are loosing support just about everywhere except NSW.

And even in NSW the party just elected a moderate lefty.

P.S. how popular is the US president again? Smile

Yes Aloy. Polls are 54-46 to the left. It's a repeat of the Joh for PM era.


One Nation rising in popularity is happening at the expense of the LNP.

Cory Bernardi to split with Coalition to form own party


Well, well, well, (Ruth Cracknell <sup>tm</sup>)

Quote:Yes Aloy. Polls are 54-46 to the left. It's a repeat of the Joh for PM era.


One Nation rising in popularity is happening at the expense of the LNP.

Is One Nation a rightwing party PZ?
Quote:Is One Nation a rightwing party PZ?

Awww sheet mate... hate to be the one to break it to you but,

the following right wing seat holders in Govt 2017...
  • Liberal Party of Australia
  • National Party of Australia
  • Liberal National Party
  • Country Liberal Party
  • Katter's Australian Party
  • Liberal Democratic Party
  • Pauline Hanson's One Nation
  • Cory Benardi dimwit hater party TBA.... edit Australian Conservatives
... are ALL combined polling at 46% from the last survey.

That's.... 5% down since the last election, 4% down since the previous election. The right wing thing is falling to pieces in this country. They all hate each other so much that it obsesses them to the exclusion of serving the community for which they were elected hence their current polling downtrend. They are repeating every ALP mistake.

You still think a 9% polling loss in 4 years is a swing to the right by the electorate? LOL

I think if people could access NBN of any speed for free they would take it.


But, it's a Govt bond investment at historically low interest rates and when it eventually becomes privatised it has the potential to mitigate a large portion of Australia's debt... just like Telstra did.


Bill Morrow is Yesterday's man Smile

My NBN is quicker than my ADSL2.


I know this because I get a latency reading on my trading platform (.015) used to be (.031)


Apart from that my computer gear doesn't know any different... except I get less dropouts.
Hi Peter.


Different isp number.


Level is Optus basic Speed pack


Up to12 Mbps Download

Up to 1 Mbps Upload

As per nbn™ Speed Tier 1.


Download speed - 23.77 Mbps

Upload speed - 4.77 Mbps

Ping 2ms


Something funny there. I must have been given a better package to attain those speeds...

Quote:Awww sheet mate... hate to be the one to break it to you but,

the following right wing seat holders in Govt 2017...
  • Liberal Party of Australia
  • National Party of Australia
  • Liberal National Party
  • Country Liberal Party
  • Katter's Australian Party
  • Liberal Democratic Party
  • Pauline Hanson's One Nation
  • Cory Benardi dimwit hater party TBA.... edit Australian Conservatives
... are ALL combined polling at 46% from the last survey.

That's.... 5% down since the last election, 4% down since the previous election. The right wing thing is falling to pieces in this country. They all hate each other so much that it obsesses them to the exclusion of serving the community for which they were elected hence their current polling downtrend. They are repeating every ALP mistake.

You still think a 9% polling loss in 4 years is a swing to the right by the electorate? LOL


Thanks for answering eventually - So any swing to One Nation is a move to the right??



So given the reported swing we see a swing to the right in Oz too.


Geez PZ that was like pulling teeth out.


If One nation is further right than the Coalition - which by any standards is a centrist coalition.
Quote:Thanks for answering eventually - So any swing to One Nation is a move to the right??
So given the reported swing we see a swing to the right in Oz too.
Geez PZ that was like pulling teeth out.
If One nation is further right than the Coalition - which by any standards is a centrist coalition.
Still doesn't explain why the right have lost 9% in 4 years.

So it's a swing to the left, not the right. Hope you didn't get the wrong tooth pulled out.

Try again Smile
Hi Peter.

Forgot to mention I did enable pipelining.

Would that make a difference?
Quote:Still doesn't explain why the right have lost 9% in 4 years.

So it's a swing to the left, not the right. Hope you didn't get the wrong tooth pulled out.

Try again Smile


You don't want to understand?


Oh well, one tries.
Quote:yep sounds like it,
this is ADSL yes ?
I remember a thread on the old site and found my ADSL2 speed...

Which was 8.61Mb/s download
0.55Mb/s upload and 15ms of ping. LOL

30/6/2014 using the same site for testing.

Quite a difference!
Quote:You don't want to understand?

Oh well, one tries.
Let's have an early election.

Then you'll understand Smile
Quote:Hi PZ.

Due to the fact I use a VPN, I get high latency numbers, so I am hoping to get improvements with piplining.
Assuming I can even get it on iPad Safari.
In my case it was a Firefox tweak on a Windows PC.

I should do a back to back test with Firefox against IE - which doesn't have the tweak and see what happens Smile
Quote:Let's have an early election.

Then you'll understand Smile


Heh - Careful what you wish for!!
Hi Peter.

You're welcome Smile
Did the test again using Palemoon - which is a Firefox derivative without any tweaks...

IE doesn't work without a flash player,

Download 19.54 Mbps

Upload 4.59 Mbps

Ping 3ms

BTW the server is in Sydney and I'm in struggle street... say, around 50ks west.
I don't believe these holwybaggerzzz Smile


One Nation supporters abuse Sunshine Coast cafe owners after press conference moved on


A SUNSHINE Coast couple has been left gutted after a tirade of abuse was levelled at their business following a Pauline Hanson press conference.

Chef Paul Smart and his wife Jean own Endless Time Cafe in Nambour


They endured a weekend of vitriol and now fear a decline in business after One Nation Party leader Senator Pauline Hanson, state leader Steve Dickson and Nicklin candidate Steven Ford were on Friday moved on by Centenary Square management from a press conference held in front of the cafe.

“We had nothing to do with it,” an exasperated Mr Smart said.

“We were just in the background.”

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