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Full Version: Wanna Show A Visitor Around?
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My name is Liam. I am in town for a week or two and would love a volunteer or two to show me around the city. Into seeing local Melbourne life, eating and also bar life. I'm a chatty individual and would enjoy a laugh in what is a new city for me.

Any volunteers just reply.

[quote name='irish77' post='22927' date='Dec 11 2009, 10:34 PM']Hi,

My name is Liam. I am in town for a week or two and would love a volunteer or two to show me around the city. Into seeing local Melbourne life, eating and also bar life. I'm a chatty individual and would enjoy a laugh in what is a new city for me.

Any volunteers just reply.


It's that hectic time of year where funds and time are limited, that and i dont have a car - i hope you find someone to help you out dude! Such an awesome city. I recommend going up to the SkyDeck at Eureka Tower .. you get such an amazing view of Melbourne from up there!
