Melbourne Chat

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Dear Peter,

Before I married I loved fising... (Ah, not that I ever caught any) I just loved the quietness, it was the best time to write... It makes the best poetry come out of me <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

Haven't fished in years though. [Image: dry.gif]

Glen fishes ha? I must chat to him about the best fishing spots... Hm!<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/fishing.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':fishing:' />

Oh Peter, what a clever idea, writing a poem together. I would just love that.

Lucky for Glen he can catch fish... I never have. I probably never will... Hee hee

Our poem... Would you like the title... "Our Catch" ?

You have done the first line. Well done sir. It's always the hardest. I just got rid of the "When" I hope you don't mind.

So folks it was a cold and wet afternoon

The sea was rough and the line rattled in the wind

Oh Peter, so glad we are doing this... Thanks you are making my day. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

Our Catch

So folks it was a cold and wet afternoon

The sea was rough and the line rattled in the wind

By now the hour was late,

The sun was already behind, brewing clouds

And set to disappear completely.

We smile at each other

as we sit quietly, listening to waves

splashing against the jetty

Ok Peter, hope you don't mind the changes. I have added a few lines... Your turn.. [Image: Money%20Eyes.gif]

Si amico, vuolio un birra... Golly your Italian is better than mine... Hee hee. Cheers <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/piwo.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':beer:' />

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/thumbsup2.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':th' /> Yes sir,

Don't know if I mentioned this or not, but I prefer to write poetry than a novel. It's my specialty.

Our Catch

So folks it was a cold and wet afternoon

The sea was rough and the line rattled in the wind

By now the hour was late,

The sun was already behind, brewing clouds

And set to disappear completely.

We smile at each other

as we sit quietly, listening to waves

splashing against the jetty

Neither seemed to care that our catch was meager

Now with the last glimpse of sunlight, almost gone,

Mary looks over at her trusty companion and giggles.

"Looks like the fish are on vacation."

Ok sir, I have added a few lines... Your turn. You don't have to add as many as I do... I am just a writer, if I sat here for 10 nins, I could finish the whole thing. Hee hee. But since it's our poem, it must be done together.

Grazie tanto per il birra

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Hahaha... I'm no Poet Extrodinare! I'm just me. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

It can be our called "Our Meager Catch".

Or one of us can actually catch a fish...

We'll see, how long shall we make it? When will it end? What will be the outcome? The suspense is eating me alive..... Huahahahaha.....

Oh and the name of the poet should change... Don't forget sir, that you are on the other end of our poem. So I have changed it accordingly. I do hope you are pleased. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Our Catch

By MaggieMoo PeterJ

Melbourne Chat in House Poets

So folks it was a cold and wet afternoon

The sea was rough and the line rattled in the wind

By now the hour was late,

The sun was already behind, brewing clouds

And set to disappear completely.

We smile at each other

as we sit quietly, listening to waves

splashing against the jetty

Neither seemed to care that our catch was meager

Now with the last glimpse of sunlight, almost gone,

Mary looks over at her trusty companion and giggles.

"Looks like the fish are on vacation."

Richard, was not really listening

But was mesmerised by just how beautiful his companion looked

in this stunning half light

It was a feeling and a view he had not seen

She gazed at his knowing face

They had been companions for years but now

A new feeling sparked between them.

His glossy blue eyes gazed upon her

Trivia: I have been writing peotry for 33 years... Hahaha. Golly it has been a long time.

Cheers <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/piwo.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':beer:' />

Hi again, Peter, poet companion.

Gosh 33 years a poet. I cannot cope with that, so a big thanks for leting me throw a line or two. Ha, you are very funny. You my dear sir have added very valuable lines to out creation... Please do not under estimate your input.

Our Catch.

[size="2"]By MaggieMoo & PeterJ

Melbourne Chat in House Poets

So folks it was a cold and wet afternoon

The sea was rough and the line rattled in the wind

By now the hour was late,

The sun was already behind, brewing clouds

And set to disappear completely.

We smile at each other

as we sit quietly, listening to waves

splashing against the jetty

Neither seemed to care that our catch was meager

Now with the last glimpse of sunlight, almost gone,

Mary looks over at her trusty companion and giggles.

"Looks like the fish are on vacation."

Richard, was not really listening

But was mesmerised by just how beautiful his companion looked

in this stunning half light

It was a feeling and a view he had not seen

She gazed at his knowing face

They had been companions for years but now

A new feeling sparked between them.

His glossy blue eyes gazed upon her

Mary was thinking that at last he has seen

What she has longed for

A four hour fishing trip and not a fish to count for

was no match for the chemistry they possessed

Oh Peter, when shall we end this poem and how will it end... Will you end it for me? Otherwise I shall go on forever. Hee hee.

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Talking Ear Off.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':Talking:' />

Hi Mr J.

Ok sir... You win "Our Meager Catch" it is. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' /> It is now adjusted accordingly. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Our Meager Catch

By MaggieMoo & PeterJ

Melbourne Chat in House Poets

So folks it was a cold and wet afternoon

The sea was rough and the line rattled in the wind

By now the hour was late,

The sun was already behind, brewing clouds

And set to disappear completely.

We smile at each other

as we sit quietly, listening to waves

splashing against the jetty

Neither seemed to care that our catch was meager

Now with the last glimpse of sunlight, almost gone,

Mary looks over at her trusty companion and giggles.

"Looks like the fish are on vacation."

Richard, was not really listening

But was mesmerised by just how beautiful his companion looked

in this stunning half light

It was a feeling and a view he had not seen

She gazed at his knowing face

They had been companions for years but now

A new feeling sparked between them.

His glossy blue eyes gazed upon her

Mary was thinking that at last he has seen

What she has longed for

A four hour fishing trip and not a fish to count for

was no match for the chemistry they possessed

Realising that this brilliant afternoon was ending

Richard suddenly and uncharacteristically

Moved closer to Mary and as their eyes met

and only inches from each other he granted lovers first kiss.

Well Mate, time for a coffee and perhaps a little dinner! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Cuppa.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':Cuppa:' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Cuppa.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':Cuppa:' /> [url=""][Image: 0755.gif][/url] then [url=""][Image: 0753.gif][/url] Yes, yes and yes please. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Hi there Ms. Moo co writer, (Well I mean main writer. Or in basketball terms: the "Go To man").

I think you have finished it just beaut! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/im Not Worthy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':notworthy:' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/im Not Worthy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':notworthy:' />

Ah young love! Blossomed after such a time! Does it get any better. Any sweeter?

Can we cash in? [Image: Money%20Eyes.gif] [Image: Money%20Eyes.gif]
Don't know Peter... Do you think Glen will shout us a <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Cuppa.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':Cuppa:' /> or more even maybe a few <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/piwo.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':beer:' />

Have a break and a sip of your sweet red![url=""][Image: 0753.gif][/url]

Big thanks Cara.[url=""][Image: 0752.gif][/url]

I do believe a break is well earned by both of us.

Oh and a big thanks to you sir. Couldn't have done it without you. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Take a bow.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Applause.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':clap:' />

Oh Peter, that would be lovely... What genre, shall we work on? Romance, horror, scenery, bitterness, happiness, sadness... Ooh, I have itchy fingers now. Oh, oh, quick Peter, what shall we do?
Hello Maggie Moo.

Hi there Peter,

Just relax. You maybe Superwoman <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/im Not Worthy.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':notworthy:' /> but I'm just Joe Blow!

I'm no Superwoman. You're just Joe Blow and I am just Plane Jane... Hahaha. What pair of misfits we are? Hahaha

OK what about something with a bit of sadness say a WW2 piece of hardship or unhappy ending? Oh... You mean a real love Story/poem... The kind that never makes it to the end. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Sad' />

What do you think this for a title: The Weekend Leave Pass.

Or perhaps: The last Weekend in London. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wub.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':wub:' />

Or . . . <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Whistle.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':Whistle:' /> <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' /> Either will do... Maybe I let you decide this time. Do you think you can handle making such a big decision?

Yo Peter!

As usual, when a tough decision is needed you pass the buck!

What are you going to do when a REAL tough decision has to be made? Doh! As someone very important often said. You're just cheesed off that you have to do all the work... Hahaha. I'm a poet not a worker... Hahahaha.


It was the same sight almost every Friday afternoon

The girl in uniform cycled along the Thames

towards the bunker where her duties lay.

She left her cycle, lopsided against a large grey boulder

her heart sank as she approached a lit lamppost

Your turn, baby-face. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />


Hello MaggieMoo.

Hey I think writing poems must be the toughest gig!

Just how many rich poets are kicking butt? Hmmmm!

Ah sweetie, I don't think there are many famous poets, I'm afraid. Most poets are usually broke and sharing in a one bedroom flat, with a mouse rat named Ben. Hahaha... I am sure there are some rich and famous poets out there. But I have never met any. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />


MaggieMoo and PeterJ.

It was the same sight almost every Friday afternoon

The girl in uniform cycled along the Thames

towards the bunker where her duties lay.

She left her cycle, lopsided against a large grey boulder

her heart sank as she approached a lit lamppost

Her trepidation increased because she knew this was the very lamppost

Where she met Dave some months ago

Where was he? She wondered as she gazed up at the teasing lamp

Aww paw' petie, carn't kiip up' Just like a man!

OK Maggie Moo you are indefatigable, back off woman I need space.

Space to get a cuppa between lines.

Space to do some male bonding.

Why is it always male bonding. Females can never bond as do males!
Male bonding... Pif... You men have no idea about bonding. Women are so much better at bonding than men... hahaha... (I'm going to get my derriere kicked for this remark... hahaha.)


MaggieMoo and PeterJ.

It was the same sight almost every Friday afternoon

The girl in uniform cycled along the Thames

towards the bunker where her duties lay.

She left her cycle, lopsided against a large grey boulder

her heart sank as she approached a lit lamppost

Her trepidation increased because she knew this was the very lamppost

Where she met Dave some months ago

Where was he? She wondered as she gazed up at the teasing lamp

Since that unexpected meeting,

Dave had always been here to walk her to the bunker.

Julie was worried. This Friday was to be special.

It was the beginning of a rare long weekend

Was he injured at the frontline?

Or could he be having second thoughts about her?

Go for it Peter... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />
Moo Female bonding is a myth. Tell that to my daughter... Hahahaha

Consider your butt kicked! Speaking of catty... Don't turn your back on me in the dark... Meoooowwww.


MaggieMoo and PeterJ.

It was the same sight almost every Friday afternoon

The girl in uniform cycled along the Thames

towards the bunker where her duties lay.

She left her cycle, lopsided against a large grey boulder

her heart sank as she approached a lit lamppost

Her trepidation increased because she knew this was the very lamppost

Where she met Dave some months ago

Where was he? She wondered as she gazed up at the teasing lamp

Since that unexpected meeting,

Dave had always been here to walk her to the bunker.

Julie was worried. This Friday was to be special.

It was the beginning of a rare long weekend

Was he injured at the front line?

Or could he be having second thoughts about her?

He had not mentioned whether he was due to depart for Egypt

Excepting that he knew time was close.

He had confided that much, so now she had to know

Her heart skipped a beat as she heard footsteps

Was she hearing things, or could it be her one true love?

BAck at ya'

MaggieMoo and PeterJ.

It was the same sight almost every Friday afternoon

The girl in uniform cycled along the Thames

towards the bunker where her duties lay.

She left her cycle, lopsided against a large grey boulder

her heart sank as she approached a lit lamppost

Her trepidation increased because she knew this was the very lamppost

Where she met Dave some months ago

Where was he? She wondered as she gazed up at the teasing lamp

Since that unexpected meeting,

Dave had always been here to walk her to the bunker.

Julie was worried. This Friday was to be special.

It was the beginning of a rare long weekend

Was he injured at the front line?

Or could he be having second thoughts about her?

He had not mentioned whether he was due to depart for Egypt

Excepting that he knew time was close.

He had confided that much, so now she had to know

Her heart skipped a beat as she heard footsteps

Was she hearing things, or could it be her one true love?

Her face beamed when she saw the strong manly features of Dave

Emerge under their special lamp.

Tears welt in her eyes with delight

She threw her trusting arms around his neck.
Dear Peter

Hi Moo.

So far it sounds good to me.

But you are the poet, you tell me.

OK here goes again.

It does... You call me the poet, but I have to say you are doing a lot better than me in this one.


MaggieMoo and PeterJ.

It was the same sight almost every Friday afternoon

The girl in uniform cycled along the Thames

towards the bunker where her duties lay.

She left her cycle, lopsided against a large grey boulder

her heart sank as she approached a lit lamppost

Her trepidation increased because she knew this was the very lamppost

Where she met Dave some months ago

Where was he? She wondered as she gazed up at the teasing lamp

Since that unexpected meeting,

Dave had always been here to walk her to the bunker.

Julie was worried. This Friday was to be special.

It was the beginning of a rare long weekend

Was he injured at the front line?

Or could he be having second thoughts about her?

He had not mentioned whether he was due to depart for Egypt

Excepting that he knew time was close.

He had confided that much, so now she had to know

Her heart skipped a beat as she heard footsteps

Was she hearing things, or could it be her one true love?

Her face beamed when she saw the strong manly features of Dave

Emerge under their special lamp.

Tears welt in her eyes with delight

She threw her trusting arms around his neck.

Julie knew instinctively that this weekend would be bliss

Even though she knew it would be the last long weekend with Dave.

The frontline awaited his prescence,

but right now he was only fighting one war.

The war of passion.

and their forbidden love

Um... What about now.

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Rolleyes' />

Ah Mr Peter, I think you need to pay for my prescence. Hahaha. You know. Me being popular and all... Alright! So I am not popular, but if our poem, hits the streets. I split the royalties with you. Deal?

It has been known that poets don't make money until aftert their deceased... Sorry, looks like you and I, may never be paid for our services. Unless Glen willing to pay.... Pwease. .. Gwen...Pweety pwease.

Ciao for now my trusty friend.

<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='Smile' />

Dear Peter,

I do enjoy writing poetry with you... Maybe we can start a poetry thread. Hahaha,
Hi Peter,

May I say: "Moo's Poem Corner." What about "J and Moo's Poem Corner" Um, let's discuss it...

Your hat is on the high peg.

I'm not in your league.

Please accept: "Moo's Poem Corner". <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/Applause.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':clap:' />

Ok, you've twisted my arm... What about "Moo's Poetry Corner"? Agree?

This gives a chance for anybody to add their work.
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